Weekly Stony Brook Update

Stony Brook Update
Friday, November 15, 2024
A Message From Stony Brook
Dear Stony Brook Families,
We have had fun and busy week at Stony Brook. Last Friday was our Fall Festival. This was a time for the children to celebrate fall, give thanks, and help our community. Thank you to everyone who helped make this day possible. Photos are below. On Wednesday we had our November community meeting. The children were fantastic! Our whole school gathered to learn about Veterans' Day, celebrate our Students of the Month, and to hear from some third graders about what it means to follow our school rules. We also had lots of big smiles on picture re-take day.
Next week is another busy week as we have our last full week of school before the Thanksgiving holiday. We will be celebrating American Education Week. Thank you to all of our staff who make learning possible each day. To honor our staff, we will be having a spirit week. Each day's theme is listed below. Our school-wide glow party will take place on Friday. This party is the reward that our students earned for meeting our PTO fundraising goal last month. We will also have two safety drills next week and report cards will be available to parents in the afternoon on Tuesday, November 19th. Directions for accessing your child's report card below. Please reach out to your child's teacher with any questions regarding the report card or your child's progress.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Kelly Harper, Ed.D.
Stony Brook Highlights
Last week was our annual Fall Festival. Thank you to the PTO and everyone who volunteered their time and/or donations. Not only did the children enjoy the stations and classroom parties, but also helped our community by creating cards for a local nursing home.
On Wednesday all the students and staff came together in the gym for our November community meeting. During this meeting, we learned about Veterans' Day, sang patriotic songs, honored our October and November Students of the Month, and heard from some third grade role models what it means to follow our school rules.
Stony Brook loves to read. Congratulations to all students who completed our summer reading program.
Stony Brook Information
Report cards for the first trimester will be available in Skyward on the afternoon of Tuesday, November 19th. To access your child's report card, you will need to log into the Skyward website or app. Once you log into the website, you will need to click "Portfolio" on the left side of the screen. If you are using the app, you will need to click the three white lines in the top right corner then select "Portfolio" on the bottom right of the screen. It may take a few moments for the report card to download. If you are having trouble logging into Skyward, you can email familyaccess@cysd.k12.pa.us for help.
Please join us in celebrating American Education Week by participating in a spirit week. Each day's theme is listed below.
English Language Learners Night
The Central York School District English Language Development Department is hosting an informational Title III Night for ELL/ESL families. Join us on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at North Hills Elementary School from 6:00 - 7:30 PM to learn more about our programs, Skyward and Schoology, qualifying for services, graduation requirements and more!
From the SB PTO
Happy Friday SB Families!
Next Friday, November 22, we will celebrate our whole-school fundraiser reward Glow Party! Thank you so much to all of our SB families who helped our students earn their party! Sign up here to volunteer: https://www.timetosignup.com/ptostonybrook/sheet/1337009
Save the date for our December dine out night- December 30 at Chuck-E-Cheese in East York! More information and coupons will be sent home prior to winter break!
Please note that there is no December PTO meeting- we will see you in January!
If you plan to volunteer for any of our PTO events, you will need to register/renew your CYSD volunteer badge:https://www.cysd.k12.pa.us/our-district/human-resources/clearances
We encourage parents and caregivers to follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/stonybrookpto) as this is where you will get the most timely updates on volunteer opportunities, school events, and more.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Brittany Strine
Stony Brook PTO President
Stony Brook Calendar Reminders
11/19 - Report Cards Available in Skyward
11/26 - Early Dismissal 12:30PM
11/27-12/2 - No School
12/3 - School Resumes
Click on the documents below for more information about Stony Brook arrival and dismissal. If you are driving your child to school, you will stay in your car during drop off. Please have your child practice unbuckling the seat belt or car seat by themselves as parents stay in the car during drop off. If your child is in the walk zone, but you plan to drive your car to the school to pick up your child, your child is now parent pick up and you should follow the parent pick up procedures.
All kindergarten students are required to have an adult pick them up at the bus stop or walk zone. Kindergarten students will not be released from the bus or at the walk zone unless an adult is present to receive them. An adult must meet all kindergarten walkers at the designated crossing guard spot.
For any changes in dismissal, be very clear with your child if they are being picked up early or if they will be parent pick-up when they normally ride the school bus. Any changes in routines or dismissal plans should be communicated to your child's teacher via note or email prior to 9:00AM. If you need to make a change during the day, please call the main office. Our teachers often do not have time to check their email during the school day. The office staff also requests that if you need to change your child's dismissal plan after school has started for the day, please call prior to 2:00PM. It is difficult for our office to communicate to your child's teacher and ensure your child knows about a change if you call after 2:00PM. The school recognizes that sometimes emergencies happen and you need to make a sudden change, but this should be the exception rather than the rule. Thank you!
Families are encouraged to use the Skyward Family Access Center attendance function to alert the school that their child is absent. This can be done in the Skyward phone app or website. In the event a family cannot log the absence in Skyward, a doctor's note and/or phone call will be accepted as documentation of the absence. If you are unable to mark your child's attendance in Skyward, families should use the school's automated attendance line to alert the school that their child will be absent. This can be accessed 24-7 at (717)846-6789. This number is checked every morning for absences. Families should notify the school no later than 9:00AM on the day of an absence. If we do not receive a call reporting your child absent by 9:00AM, and there is no absence request in Skyward Family Access Center, an automated phone call will be generated via our phone system in order to confirm the whereabouts of your child.
Please note - families have five days by law from the date of a child's absence to report an absence to the district. This may be done in Skyward Family Access Center or by phone on the automated attendance line. Failure to do so will result in an absence being recorded as "unexcused".
All families should be aware that under Act 29, upon a student's accumulation of 6 unlawful or unexcused absences from school, the parent may be referred to Children & Youth Services. Should attendance not improve, the parent may be cited to the district magistrate and could be responsible for fines.
Please be sure to note the policy for educational trips. Approval forms must be obtained from the school office or online through the district website. The educational value and activities of the trip must be stated in detail to be eligible for approval. Thank you for your cooperation with this school policy. For your convenience, click here to download the educational trip form. A reminder that ALL trips MUST be submitted at least 2 WEEKS prior to the trip to be approved.
Get the jump on obtaining your parent volunteer approval for the 2024-2025 School Year. ALL parents planning to volunteer must re-apply prior to volunteering in our schools. Additionally, all volunteers must also meet with me during a meeting that will be advertised in the near future. Click here for our district-wide Parent Volunteer Manual that outlines how to begin the process of applying to volunteer or, if you are re-applying for another year. We are looking forward to having a record number of volunteers this year!