Hornet Herald
August 19th
Welcome Back!
Hello HHES Families,
We hope you all had a wonderful summer full of adventures. This is going to be an amazing year and we would like to officially welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year!
I know many of you are wondering who your child's teacher is going to be and we are working hard to get that information out to you all as soon as possible. There is a lot of behind the scenes action that needs to happen prior to releasing the class lists. Thank you for understanding.
We encourage you to follow our Facebook page to see what is going on around our campus.
We hope to see you all at our back to school night on August 25th from 5:00 - 6:00 pm!
Mr. Robertson & Mrs. Colpron
Lunch & Breakfast Change
We will be sending home free and reduced forms with your child at the start of school, if you are interested in filling one out. Please return the form to our front office or your child's classroom teacher.
If you want to add money to your child's account you can do this through Skyward Family Access, or you can bring money to our front office and we will add it to your child's account.
Thank you for helping us get our students to school on-time.
School ends daily at 2:15 pm, except for Wednesdays when it ends at 1:15.
Do you want to volunteer?
Please use the following link to submit your volunteer clearance for the 2022-23 year.
*Volunteers are subject to COVID guidelines that are outlined by the Department of Health.
Important Dates
August 22nd Our office is open!
August 25th Open House for 1st - 5th grade (5:00 - 6:00 pm)
August 31st First Day of School (Grades 1-5)
August 31st - September 2nd Parent meetings for TK & K students
September 5th Labor Day No School
September 6th First Day of School (TK & K)
Hockinson Heights Elementary
Website: https://hhes.hocksd.org/
Location: Hockinson Heights Elementary School, Northeast 164th Street, Brush Prairie, WA, USA
Phone: (360)448-6420
Facebook: facebook.com/HockinsonHES/