Royal Decree Family Newsletter
Welcome Back

September Family Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Sept. 2 - Labor Day: No School
Sept. 3 - DGS Parents Club Meeting (7:00-8:00 pm)
Sept. 6 -
- DGS Spirit Day/Popcorn at Lunch
- 2nd Grade Field Trip to Tanners
Sept. 13 - Progress Reports Issued
Sept. 20 - School Improvement Day - 1/2 Day Student Attendance(7:39-11:15 am)
Sept. 27 - DGS Scholastic Book Fair (2:45-6:00 pm)
Sept. 25 - Board of Education Meeting at DHS (6:00 pm)
September Staff Birthdays
Darren Rankin - Sept. 17
Addison Prina - Sept. 25
Look Ahead - Music Program Dates
- 4th Grade (6:00 pm)
- 5th Grade (7:00 pm)
February 18
- 2nd Grade (6:00 pm)
- 3rd Grade (7:00 pm)
April 29
- Kindergarten (6:00 pm)
- 1st Grade (6:45 pm)
Parent Teacher Communication
School Day
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 7:39 am - 2:45 pm
Wednesday - 7:39 am - 2:15 pm
Students can be dropped off starting at 7:25. There is no supervision of the students before this time. Students arriving after 7:39 will be marked as tardy. All tardies are considered unexcused unless the student is arriving late due to a medical/dental appointment.
On time attendance is important and necessary for learning. If your child will be absent due to an appointment or is ill, please notify the office by 8:00 am each day.
You can call the office or email your absence to: Mrs. Kamin lkamin@dunlapcusd.net and Mrs. Sullivan msullivan@dunlapcusd.net.
Attendance Policy Changes
Phones and Smart Watches
Birthday Treats
To promote a positive, safe, and healthy lifestyle and classroom learning community; birthday celebrations at school will not include treats or favors from home. Teachers will choose to celebrate students in their classroom in grade and age appropriate ways.
School Medication Authorization Form
Please remember we must have a School Medication Authorization Form signed by your doctor's office for ALL medications (even over the counter meds like Tylenol, cough drops, etc.) This is a State of Illinois guideline.
Required Health Forms
All kindergarteners and students new to the state of Illinois are required to have a dental, eye exam, physical and updated immunizations on file in our office.
All second grade students are required to have an updated dental form on file in the office.
Please be sure to turn these health forms into the office by Oct. 13.
DGS Staff Favorite Things
DGS has the most dedicated and caring staff. There have been many requests for information on how to treat the staff. Click here to access the DGS Staff Favorite Things.
Visitors and Volunteers
In an effort to maintain the safest environment possible for our children, security measures have been implemented in all buildings throughout the district. All school doors, including the front entrance, will be locked during school hours. Visitors to the school will need to press the buzzer located on the post to the right of the main entrance and wait to be let in by office staff. Upon entering the building, visitors will be asked to present a US government issued ID such as a driver’s license, which can either be scanned or manually entered into our electronic sign in system. Once entry is approved, a badge will be issued that identifies the visitor, the date, and the purpose of his/her visit. Upon exiting the school, visitors will be asked to give their visitors badge to the office staff when checking out. Any classroom visits should be pre-arranged and approved with the classroom teacher ahead of time. We hope our families understand and appreciate our efforts in maintaining a safe school environment.
School volunteers are important to the success of our school district. All volunteers that work with our students, participate in special school events as a volunteer during the school today, or that wish to attend field trips need to have a background check. This needs to only be completed one time during your time in Dunlap. To complete this process,
1. Go to https://www.dunlapcusd.net/employment
2. Click on "Job Openings"
3. Select "Volunteer" on the left hand side.
4. Complete the application for volunteering.
5. After you submit the application, you will be emailed a form from the district office. You must print this form and take it to Accurate Biometrics to be fingerprinted.
Lunch Times
Kindergarten 10:45 - 11:15
First Grade 10:55 - 11:25
Second Grade 11:30 - 12:00
Third Grade 11:35 -12:05
Fourth Grade 12:10 - 12:40
Fifth Grade 12:15 - 12:45
Welcome back to school, DGS Royals! If you are the parent or guardian of a DGS Royal,
you are automatically a member of the Parents Club. There are no dues to be a member.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend the Parents Club meetings the first
Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the DGS cafeteria. Our main purpose is to support the
educational needs of our students, teachers, and staff while fostering a sense of community
and pride.
Our first Parents Club meeting of the 2024-2025 school year in the DGS café at 7:00 pm on
Tuesday, September 3rd. All parents and legal guardians are welcome to attend!
Social Events: The Parents Club is proud to host free social events during the year,
including Donuts with Dudes, Muffins in the Morning. We offer our families lots of
opportunities to get to know one another inside and outside of the school environment. We
will send home information with your students on these events as the dates get closer.
Purchases: The Parents Club has used their funds raised the past few years to purchase a
Gaga Ball Pit, storage shed, safety mats for the gym stage, a laminator, a water bottle filling
water fountain, a gym mat cart, 50 Chromebooks and 2 carts for classroom use; 8 new
swings for the playground; a set of 25 headphones with microphones to use with the
Chromebooks; a Buddy Bench for the playground for students who need a friend to play
with at recess; a library shelf divider system; student planners for this year’s 3rd through 5th
graders, along with many other items that our students and teachers use on a daily basis.
One way we are able to do this is through our fundraisers! 100% of all dollars earned
through the Parents Club fundraisers are spent right here at DGS for the benefit of our
students and teachers. This year we have our annual Carnival on February 22, 2025 with
raffles, a silent auction, delicious food, and lots of fun games, entertainment, and prizes!
And our annual Royal Fun Run will be May 8th. There are also Scholastic book
fairs in the fall and spring, where we use our profits to provide every student at DGS with a
birthday book and to donate books to every classroom library.
Teachers and Staff Appreciation: The Parents Club expresses our appreciation to all the
teachers and staff of DGS throughout the school year. They do so much for our students
daily that we are happy to provide quarterly luncheons, coffee treats, and little surprises
throughout the year, including Teacher Appreciation Week in May.
Communication: So how do you keep track of all this information? You can find up to date
info on our website, which you can find under the “Parents Club” tab on the DGS website.
There you will be able to find a wealth of information, event dates and times, meeting agendas
and minutes, officer and committee chair contact info, volunteer opportunities, and much
more. Another great way to stay up to date on our Parents Club happenings is to like the
Dunlap Grade School Facebook page where we will post updates on all our events.
Getting Involved: Whether you have an hour a week or multiple hours a year, we have
something for everyone to get involved. E-mail me at dunlapparentsclub@gmail.com if you are interested in getting involved. I encourage each of you to attend our monthly meetings. They are a great opportunity to meet other families and to hear about what is happening at Dunlap Grade School. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, we would love to hear from you! Please contact us any time.
Book Fair: The PC will host the fall Book Fair the week of September 23rd-27th. With the Family Book Sale Event after school on Friday, September 27th in the DGS gymnasium from 2:45-6:00 pm. Throughout the week, we will have activities students can participate in to show their support for the fair.
- Start collecting coins to help the school raise money for our “All for Books” birthday awards program.
- Students will attend a book fair preview to see and hear about what’s new. Ask to see their book wish list!
Stay tuned for more information as the fair nears. The Parents Club Book Fair Committee is excited for you to come and check out all the amazing and affordable books.
DGS Spirit Wear: We currently do not have a Committee Chair for Spirit Wear. If you are interested in helping, please reach out!