Youth Services News
October 16, 2020
Join the Kids Reading Across RI Committee
Public librarians, school librarians and teachers who have experience with children in grades 3 - 6 are invited to join the Kids Reading Across RI (KRARI) Committee. KRARI comittee members will select the 2021 book, help develop and facilitate virtual events and activities, and create a discussion guide and related resources for KRARI book discussions.
Recommend Books to the KRARI Committee
Mock Newbery Updates
Children's Sensory Support Group Meeting
The Children's Sensory Support Group will hold their next virtual meeting on November 10 at 1pm. Join fellow youth services librarians to share best practices for sensory story times and inclusive library programs and services. We will be discussing community connections, sensory activity ideas, and programs/services beyond story time. Register at
Choose Your Own Adventure Read-Aloud Book Club
The club is for adventurers of all ages and works best with groups of 5-20 club members at each meeting. The club can run for 9 months or 9 weeks; a total of 9 books will be read throughout the course of the club.
The librarian or library staff member will select a Choose Your Own Adventure® book to read each session, and the adventurers decide which path the group should take. If the group can’t agree, roll a die!
After reading the book, continue to keep the children engaged by running an activity inspired by the book.
For more information about the book club visit
Publisher permission for virtual read-alouds can be found at
At Our Libraries
The Greenville Public Library and the East Smithfield Public Library recently teamed up to create a commercial promoting library card sign-up. The commercial was provided to the Smithfield public schools and was shared during the schools' open houses. Love the collaboration and the spotlight on the power of the library card! Thank you for sharing Babs, Carol, Patty, and Patricia!
Have something cool happening at your library? Email to be featured in an upcoming newsletter or share directly with YS colleagues by emailing the listserv riyac at listserve dot ri dot gov.
OLIS LibGuides
A COVID-19 page and a Virtual Training page have been added to both the Children's Services Roundtable (CSRT) LibGuide and the Young Adult Roundtable (YART) LibGuide. These pages are still under construction, but the COVID-19 pages will include information and resources on topics that arise during the weekly chats and the Virtual Training pages feature learning opportunities specific to youth services.
CSRT LibGuide -
YART LibGuide -
Also be sure to refer to and bookmark the COVID-19: Information for Rhode Island Libraries LibGuide -
This LibGuide contains reopening guidelines and other COVID-19 related information.
Location: 1 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9309
Twitter: @olisri