Hyatt Elementary School
Holiday Newsletter
November & December Events
- November 20th - Last day to donate cereal boxes for Eastern Michigan Foodbank
- November 21st - No school
- November 26th - School Resumes & last day to turn in Angel Tree forms
- Dec 3rd -7th - Sharing Tree Collection -Hyatt is collecting dish soap and Kleenex
- December 6th - LCS Faculty Follies: shows are at 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm
- December 8th - Breakfast with Santa - 8:30 am - 10:30 am
Troubadours Assembly
The Troubadours came to Hyatt to perform and teach the students about making good choices. Students enjoyed the instruments, music and storytelling.
Second Grade Bat Biology Assembly
Second grade students enjoyed a Bat Assembly and learned about nocturnal animals.
Cereal Box Drive - Last Day Tuesday, November 20th
Student council supported the Eastern Michigan Food Bank in collecting cereal boxes for students in need. Student council made fliers and posters to increase awareness of the cereal drive.
Winter Weather
Please be sure to send your child with coats, hats, snow pants, boots, mittens or gloves as the weather is getting much colder. When it is snowy, students without snow pants need to stay on sidewalks and the blacktop so they do not get too wet.
We use “Weather Underground” https://www.wunderground.com/ to determine if it is too cold for students to play outside for recess.
Principal Cheryl Thomas
Hyatt Elementary is dedicated to creating a positive school climate. Your opinion matters. Please take the parent survey to provide your feedback on our progress: https://fieldtest.pbisassessment.org/Anon/fYK20EHD300
Email: cthomas@lindenschools.org
Website: http://hyatt.lindenschools.org/
Location: 325 Stan Eaton Drive, Linden, MI, USA
Phone: 810-591-8180
Facebook: facebook.com/HyattPALS/