The Brendel Bulletin
Friday, January 24, 2025

Principal's Corner
Hi Brendel Families,
Happy Friday! Well this was a quick week with the snow days. I did want to give you information from the district in regards to possibly implementing a 2-hour delay in the future. Please see the link below.
In the event we were to use a 2 hour delay, students would not have breakfast at school because they would be entering when lunches start. They would still be able to make a lunch choice and have their normal lunch/recess time along with one special, either gym, music or tech.
Brendel 2 Hour Delay Times:
10:35 am - Students can enter the building
10:40 am - Day starts
3:50 pm - Day ends
If you have any questions, please reach out. I hope you have a nice weekend.
Mr. Engleman
Birthday Treats: The district has a healthy snack policy (linked below). We are no longer allowing sweet treats including cake and cupcakes. Please check with the office or your child's teacher before purchasing a birthday treat for your child.
Building Student Expectations: This year Brendel has created common student expectations along with consequences. Please see this link with more information.
-Mr. Engleman
Brendel Positive After-School Workshops (PAWS)
We are looking for individuals who would be interested in teaching a Positive After-school Workshop of their choosing. Some ideas for workshops that you may teach are dance, cheer, yoga, any sport, music, art, crafts, puzzles, cards, computers, legos, filming, games, reader’s theater, playground fun. If you have a different idea, go with it.
This year, we are opening up this opportunity for parents/guardians to raise money for field trips. The first session (one day per week) of the PAWs program will start in February; instructors are needed. In lieu of a payout, an account will be created for you to use earned funds towards your child(ren)’s field trips at Brendel. I have attached the details of the PAWS program, the coordinator's responsibilities, and the instructor's responsibilities for you to review.
If you would like to commit to teaching a workshop that will run four weeks in February, please fill out the following form by the end of the school day on Thursday, January 30th
I would like to send home the registration forms on Friday, January 31st. If your workshop doesn’t meet the minimum student requirement, it will not run.
Dear Families,
This week, our school community focused on the character strength of Perseverance. Perseverance means completing what you start despite obstacles. It means never giving up.
People who show perseverance keep trying, even when they face challenges. They stay focused on their goals and work hard, even when things don't go as planned. Those who persevere often achieve great things because they don't quit. They also learn a lot and get better at what they do.
Perseverance can also inspire others. When one person in a group keeps going despite setbacks, it can motivate the whole team to keep trying and reach their goals.
Information From the District Nurses
Head Lice Awareness
Here is some information for all parents to increase head lice awareness so that you may take steps at home to help prevent your child from becoming infested with head lice. Any time children come together detected head lice cases commonly increase. Direct, physical, head-to-head contact is the usual method of transmission. Lice do not jump or fly. They survive only for a short time away from the human head and have difficulty crawling or clinging to smooth surfaces.
At this time we ask that you routinely check your children's hair for the presence of lice and/or eggs (nits), as well as wash and dry hats and coats on high heat.
How to check for head lice
Head lice are best identified by inspecting the hair and scalp for live lice or nits (eggs attached to the hair shaft)
Carefully part the hair and examine the hair and scalp for nits or crawling lice.
Begin by inspecting the nape of the neck and the area behind the ears, then continue to inspect the rest of the head.
Most recently laid nits will be opaque, white, shiny, and located on a hair shaft within one-quarter inch of the scalp. Empty nit cases are more visible and are dull yellow in color.
Dandruff and scalp conditions such as psoriasis or eczema may easily be mistaken for nits. To differentiate between nits and other debris, remember that hair debris is easily detached or loosened from the hair shaft, and nits are firmly attached to the hair and are not easily removed.
If Lice are identified:
Check everyone in the household at the same time
Notify the School and close contacts
Special products to kill lice must be used
Manual removal of nits after treatment should be done daily for 10 days after infestation
Items that have been in contact with the head of the person with infestation in the 24-48 hours before treatment should be considered for cleaning.
Launder any personal items that could be infested with head lice. Items should be washed for at least 10 minutes in hot water and/or dried on high heat for at least 30 minutes. For items that cannot be washed, seal in a plastic bag and store for 14 days at room temperature or 24 hours in below freezing temperatures.
Vacuum items that should be vacuumed include bare mattresses, carpets, floors, stuffed animals, coat collars, hats, couches, chairs, and car upholstery.
Inspect hair brushes, combs, hair ties, and barrettes. For washable accessories, wash and dry (on high heat) for at least 30 minutes. Soak combs, brushes and barrettes in water hotter than 130 degree.
The best way to prevent transmission:
Teach children not to share combs, brushes, hats, caps, scarves, headgear
Teach children to hang coats - placing hats and scarves inside coat/jacket sleeves
Conduct regular head checks of your child
Several events will be happening in the next few months! Make sure to keep a look-out for information coming home!
If you’re interested in helping to pop popcorn on Friday mornings, please sign up at the link below. If the date you would like to volunteer is full, please come anyway. We can always use more hands!
Remember - all volunteer hours (PTO related or otherwise) are logged and converted into a discount toward your student’s 5th grade Mackinac trip!
- 1/31 Pink Out
- 2/5 Fourth Grade Field Trip
- 2/13 Half Day
- 2/14 No School
- 2/16 No School
- 2/20 Multicultural Night 5:30pm
- 2/24 Incoming Kindergarten Info Night 24/25 School Year 6:00p
- 3/3 Second Grade Concert 6:30pm
- 3/7 Half Day
Medication At School
Medication at School
Our goal is your child’s safety and your help is needed to achieve this goal! Students are not to carry medication without orders per district policy.
All medication authorizations must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. The order is good for one school year unless shorter time frame ordered by physician. Authorization forms must be completed for both prescription and non-prescription medications.
- Each medication needs its own authorization
- Refill of the medication is the responsibility of the parent/guardian
- Expired medication will not be administered
- Action plans for health conditions such as Diabetes, Seizures, and Allergies must be completed every school year
- Unused medication will be discarded unless picked up by the parent/guardian on or before the last day of school
- FOOD ALLERGIES: Dietary restriction form is available on the Food Services department webpage, foods can be substituted with a form on file, including gluten free options!
Additional information and forms can be found on the Grand Blanc Community Schools web-site, Health Resources.
Thank you,
Earn cash for our school by using the Box Tops app. It’s an easy way to make a difference. All you have to do is buy Box Tops participating products (like Cheerios!) and scan your grocery receipt. Box Tops are worth $.10 each and they add up fast! Twice a year, our school receives a check to help pay for whatever we need - equipment, supplies or experiences the kids love! Our goal is to earn $600 this school year - which will pay for one assembly!
Use this referral code HX8Z8Z5F when you sign up and you’ll get 40 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 09/07/2023, while supplies last! Download the Box Tops for Education app here: https://btfe.smart.link/c2jjdifkw?referral_code=HX8Z8Z5F
School Hours
Breakfast: 8:20 am
Doors open: 8:35 am
If you arrive after 8:40 please walk your child into the school to sign them in
Half Day: 8:40 - 12:17 pm