JCS Community Newsletter
March 8, 2024

Upcoming Dates
March 2024
- Women's History Month
- Youth Art Month
- National Nutrition Month
- Music in Our Schools Month
- Read Across America Week - March 2 - 6 (RAA Day is March 2nd)
- Maintenance Workers Appreciation Day - March 1
- International Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Day - March 8
- National School Social Worker Week - March 3 -9
- JCS Spring Break (March 11-15)
- Pi Day - March 14 (Falls during Spring Break)
April 2024
- Month of the Military Child
- Financial Literacy Month
- National Occupational Therapists Month
- Poetry Month
- School Librarian Appreciation Day - April 4
- National Assistant Principal Week - April 7 -14
- Paraprofessional Appreciation Day - April 3
- National Robotics Week - April 8-12
- Johnson City Public Schools Foundation SPELL-A-BRATION - April 11
- Register YOUR TEAM TODAY at www.jcschools.org/Foundation
- Earth Day - April 22
- National Volunteer Recognition Week - April 15 -19
- National Administrative Professional's Day - April 24
- Click here to view Printable Calendars 2023-2024 & 2024-2025
- Click here to view the Staff Holiday Schedule for the 2023-2024 School Year.
District Enrollment
On-line enrollment opens for Kindergarten and NEW students on April 1.
The in-zone transfer spaces available will be posted on April 1 through April 14 with the application window opening on April 15 and ending May 14.
All links will be available through www.jcschools.org/registration.
...Johnson City Schools has 158 boxes of Narcan available across our district. Each box contains two doses. Thankfully, we have never had to use this on a student, parent or visitor.
All elementary schools: One box with each nurse.
Indian Trail: Three individuals are trained.
Liberty Bell: Five individuals trained
Science Hill: There are a total of 118 staff members trained
Topper Academy: There are four individuals trained
Currently we have 36 total AEDs across the district....including one at Central Office and one at our maintenance department.
Each elementary school and Indian Trail currently have two AEDs.
There are four AEDs at Liberty Bell & SEVEN at Science Hill. We also have three at Kermit Tipton Stadium (field house, visitor concession and in the home press box). Additionally, we have one at Science Hill CTE and one at Topper Academy.
We have purchased two additional AEDs with funds from the safety grant. Athletics has requested an additional six. Those will be placed with the athletic trainers and one each for the baseball, softball and tennis complexes. We will also look at adding one at the Indian Trail Field House once it is completed.
This will give us a total of 42 AEDs across the district.
Information from Human Resources
Johnson City Schools is hiring Educare assistants, custodians, and instructional assistants. Current job postings can be viewed at www.jcschools.org/jobs.
Johnson City Transit is in need of bus drivers. Please visit this page for more information about open Bus Driver positions.
March 4 | Johnson City BOE Meeting
March Board Recognitions
All-State Orchestra
We recognized Science Hill Orchestra students who recently earned All-East honors. Those students include Peter Boone, Joshua Jung, Alexandra Maxson, Gabbie Odom, Isabella Permenter, Nathan Prunkard, Josiah Skitt and Joel Skitt.
All-State Orchestra
Science Hill Orchestra students Peter Boone and Josiah Skitt were recently named All-State. These students will be attending All State Band and Orchestra Clinic in Nashville in April at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center.
Spelling Bee Building-Level Winners
Johnson City Schools recently held their district-wide spelling bee. We want to take this time to recognize the building level winners from each school as well as our overall District champion.
Those students include:
Regan Rifenburg (5th, Cherokee)
Mason Gray (5th, Fairmont)
Mathis Chaney (5th, Lake Ridge)
Aiden Skinner (5th, Mountain View)
Jack Odum (5th, North Side)
Camden Buckles (5th, South Side)
Vincent Joseph (4th, Towne Acres)
Omkar Chaudhary (4th, Woodland)
Cara Haynes (8th, Indian Trail – Runner-Up)
Mehal Dubey (8th, Liberty Bell – Winner)
Reward Schools
Johnson City Schools recently learned several schools were named Reward Schools by the Tennessee Department of Education. This designation was based on performance indicators essential for student success, including student achievement, growth, attendance, support for English Language Learners and preparation for post-secondary success. Those schools include
Cherokee Elementary
Lake Ridge Elementary
North Side Elementary
South Side Elementary
Towne Acres Elementary
Woodland Elementary
Exemplary District
Johnson City Schools was recently named as one of 12 districts state-wide as an Exemplary District by the Tennessee Department of Education. Of those 12 districts, Johnson City Schools is the only district with an enrollment greater than 4,000 students to earn this achievement. Congratulations to all of our educators, staff, administrators, students and and families. This is a WONDERFUL accomplishment that should make everyone proud.
Next Board of Education Meeting
The next Johnson City Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday, April 1 starting at 6 p.m. inside the Board Room at Central Office (100 E. Maple Street). Board meetings can be viewed on the Johnson City Schools' YouTube channel.
In the News...
Prepare for an uproarious night of belly laughs and sidesplitting comedy as the Science Hill Showstoppers proudly present Ian McWethy's riotous masterpiece, Bad Auditions by Bad Actors! Get ready to witness a hilarious rollercoaster of disastrous auditions for Romeo and Juliet, where the only thing more unpredictable than the actors is the audience's fits of laughter.
Performances will be on Friday, March 22, and Saturday, March 23, at 7 p.m. in the Fine Arts Auditorium at Science Hill High School on 1509 John Exum Pkwy in Johnson City. Not only will the show be hysterical, but super affordable – tickets are only $5. All tickets are general seating, and tickets can be purchased at the box office by cash or check. Don't miss out on Bad Auditions by Bad Actors -- the actors may be bad, the auditions may be worse, but the audience will be guaranteed a night of pure comedic chaos that will leave them in stitches from start to finish.
Johnson City Schools one of 12 districts in Tennessee named Exemplary
Johnson City Schools is one of 12 districts in Tennessee to be named an Exemplary District by the Tennessee Department of Education. Of those 12, Johnson City Schools is the only district with an enrollment greater than 4,000 students to earn this achievement.
“This recognition is a testament to the unwavering commitment to education by our entire community, including our dedicated educators, staff, parents and students,” Johnson City Schools Superintendent Steve Barnett said. “I am also deeply grateful for the support provided by our Board of Education and City Commission, whose investment in our local public education system ensures that we can provide the highest quality learning experiences for all our students. Furthermore, this achievement reflects our community’s collective dedication to provide the best public education for our children, and we remain committed to being the best choice for all students across our community."
Johnson City Schools has seven schools named Reward Schools by TDOE
Johnson City Schools is proud to announce that seven schools were named among the 400 Reward Schools in Tennessee by the Tennessee Department of Education. Those schools included Cherokee Elementary, Lake Ridge Elementary, North Side Elementary, South Side Elementary, Towne Acres Elementary and Woodland Elementary.
“This honor reflects the dedication and hard work of our exceptional teachers, staff, principals, students, families and our Board of Education,” Johnson City Schools Superintendent Steve Barnett said. “Their unwavering commitment to academic excellence and student success is truly commendable. Together we celebrate this achievement and remain steadfast in our mission to provide the highest quality education for every student in our district."
Eight Toppers earn National Merit Finalist distinction
Science Hill High School is proud to announce that eight students have earned the honor of being named a National Merit Finalist. These students are a part of the 69th annual National Merit Scholarship Program and are among the more than 15,000 finalists nationwide. These students represent less than one percent of U.S. high school graduating seniors.
The students who earned this honor include Allen Feng (son of Minxia Lu and Wenlai Feng), Owen Hoover (son of Heather and Randy Hoover), Shiven Jain (son of Vinay and Rekha Jain), Amanda Noe (daughter of Renee and Chris Noe), Aarushi Raj (daughter of Shruti Chaudhary and Anurag Raj), Sophia Stone (daughter of Hongson Yang and William Stone), Dakota Ward (daughter of Lisa and Luther Ward), and Selena Wheeler (daughter of Yurong and Guy Wheeler).
Share your Good News!
Johnson City Schools loves celebrating the accomplishments of our students, staff, and community. If you know of any events, awards, programs, or other compelling stories involving the Johnson City Schools' community, please fill out this form or reach out to Collin Brooks at BrooksB@jcschools.org
Your Library is excited to host a poetry reading with Matthew Parsons, an eastern Kentucky-based writer and musician, on Saturday, March 16 at 3 p.m. in the Library’s Jones Meeting Center.
Parsons will read selections from his debut collection of poetry, Mountain Roosters, and play original songs. Mountain Roosters was published by Pine Row Press in January 2024, and will be for sale at the event.
The poet, singer-songwriter and farmer has spent his life in Appalachia. He grew up in southern West Virginia and east Tennessee, and now lives with his wife and kids in the farming community of Olive Hill, Kentucky.
Your Library’s Bilingual Storytime is a free program that consists of a story, conversation, and activities for ages 2-6 and their families. All the material is presented in English and Spanish. The program is led by native Spanish speaker and retired educator Mar Carter.
Bilingual Storytime meets twice a month on Tuesdays at 5 p.m. In March, we meet on March 19 and 26.
Registration open for Parks and Recreation spring youth sports
Registration is now open for the following spring youth sports offerings from Johnson City Parks and Recreation. Visit www.myjcparks.org to register.
Girls Machine Pitch Softball
$25/city resident | $30/non-city resident
Ages 6-8
Register Feb. 22-March 26 ($20 late fee if registered after March 26)
Practices begin March 30; games begin April 17
Girls Fast Pitch Softball
$25/city resident | $30/non-city resident
Ages 9-13
Register Feb. 22-March 26 ($20 late fee if registered after March 26)
Practices begin March 30; games begin April 17
Start Smart Tennis
$25/city resident | $30/non-city resident
Ages 4-6
Memorial Park Community Center, 510 Bert St.
Tuesdays, March 21-April 25 | 5:30-6:15 p.m.