Building Braves Early Learning
Winter 2025 Programs
Early Learning Programming Updates
Hello Early Learning Families! The last few months we have been busy enjoying a variety of fun programs with our Little Braves and families. We hosted our annual "Read Under the Lights" in October, enjoyed our Braves Full STEAM Ahead Book Club Series, Open Gym sessions, Braves Cooking Club, and a Holiday Book Club!
We are looking forward to all the different events this month as we celebrate the holiday season. We are offering another Braves Cooking Club session and helping the Paradise PTO with their Holiday Shop! We are also so excited for the The Factory's Annual Gingerbread House Extravaganza, Tree Lighting, and Holiday Gift Wrapping Party where we will have our free book table. Families are welcome to choose a new book for each child in their home! Last but not least, we will be hosting our annual "Holly Jolly Holiday Party" at The Factory Ministries Gym!
After the new year, our Early Learning Team will be providing a Winter Book Club Series, My Fabulous Five Senses Open Gym Series, a Valentine's Day Open Gym Party, and Kindergarten Transition events! On behalf of our Early Learning Team, we would like to wish you and your families a happy and healthy holiday season! We are looking forward to seeing you all in the new year!
For more information and to register for programs see below:
Braves Book Club
Braves Book Club Winter Series will start January 9th. This will be a 5 week club at our Brave Kids Learning Center. The goal of Braves Book Club is to provide our families with new books, activities, songs, fun family friendly recipes, child development information, and enjoy time with other Little Braves and their caregivers.
How will it work?
- You will sign up each child ages 1yr and older for the series through our online registration (note: space is limited so please make sure you only sign up for the dates you will be able to attend.)
- The club will meet for 5 Thursday mornings starting January 9th- February 6th from 10am-11am.
- Book Club will include story time, group craft, song time, and snacks. Each family will receive a copy of the week's book to take home.
My Fabulous Five Senses Open Gym
Located at the Together Community Center, this activity is open to any child of any school district. This is a play and learn program for our young learners and caregivers. The goal of this program is to provide a space for our Little Braves to play, run, sing, participate in group circle time, learn about the five senses, and enjoy a small snack. For our caregivers this is a time to enjoy play with your little ones, meet other caregivers, socialize, learn about child development, and connect and learn about the PV district and community resources.
My Fabulous Five Senses Open Gym will be held on Wednesdays, January 8th-February 5th, 10am-11am.
Note: Pre-registration is not required but you will be asked to complete a Brave Kids Learning Center Program Waiver.
Valentine's Day Open Gym Party
Join us on Wednesday, February 12th from 10am-11am for a special Valentine's Day Party. We will have games, crafts, activities, books, gym toys and snacks! Located at the Together Community Center, this activity is open to any child of any school district.
Note: Pre-registration is not required but you will be asked to complete a Brave Kids Learning Center Program Waiver.
Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Kindergarten Transition Events
Kindergarten Registration Begins: Week of January 27th
Kick Off to Kindergarten: February 3rd, 5:30pm-7:30pm
STEM Connections: Thursdays, March 6th- March 27th, 5:30pm-7pm. Registration required.
Kindergarten Transition Nights: More details and registration coming soon.
Note: Please follow the links below to sign up:
Kindergarten Transition
Is your child entering Kindergarten next year? PV's Early Learning Team offers a variety of resources and activities for our learners and families during this transition year. To stay up to date and have all the information please sign up to be added to our Kindergarten 2025/2026 email list by registering your child for a Kindergarten Readiness Kit!
Home Visiting Program
Pequea Valley School District's Early Learning Program in collaboration with Community Action Partnership is now enrolling for our Home Visiting Program implementing the Parents as Teachers Curriculum.
Parents as Teachers is an evidence-based home visiting model that promotes early development, learning and health of children by supporting and engaging parents and caregivers. Each session will include a parent child activity, child development information, and focus on the overall family well-being.
Welcome Baby Brave Kits
Imagination Library
Braves Book Box- Little Free Library
Pre-K Programs
Support Early Learning at Pequea Valley
Building Braves
Email: lisa_eckert@pequeavalley.org
Website: pequeavalley.org
Location: 3246 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise, PA, USA
Phone: 717-314-2517
Facebook: facebook.com/PVBuildingBraves
Twitter: @PVLiteracy