Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Mullewa
Newsletter - Term 3 - Week 5 12th August 2024
Prayer for Assumption of Mary
Feast Day – August 15th
Father in heaven,
all creation rightly gives you praise,
for all life and all holiness come from you.
In the plan of your wisdom
she who bore the Christ in her womb
was raised body and soul in glory to be with him in heaven.
May we follow her example in reflecting your holiness
and join in her hymn of endless love and praise.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
OLMC Important Dates
Term 3 2024
Monday 15th July Pupil Free Day
Monday 19th August Catholic Leave Day / Pupil Free Day
Saturday 24th August Mullewa Show
Friday 30th August OLMC Athletics Carnival
Saturday 31st August P&F Busy Bee
Saturday 31st August Cake Stall 9.30am -11.30am
6th September Inter-School Athletics
Thursday 12th September First Eucharist
Saturday 14th September OLMC Church Centenary
Friday 20th September Final Day of Term 3
Term 4
Monday 7th October Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 8th October Students Return for Term 4
Friday 6th December Final Day of Term 4 for Students
From the Principal’s Desk
Dear Parents,
I am very pleased to be back on deck after taking leave to have recent knee replacement surgery. The school was left in good hands with our visiting Acting Principal, Mr Damien O’Malley from St Lawrence’s school in Bluff Point and then a week led by Mr Jesse Yock from St Columbas’ School in South Perth. Both thoroughly enjoyed their time at OLMC and spoke highly of the students and the supportive staff and I thank them for their willingness to travel to Mullewa and for looking after the school so well in my absence.
At the end of Term 3, we farewelled Mrs Tanya Moffat as she left to spend to spend time travelling with her husband. Her presence in and around the school will be greatly missed, especially by the Kindy/Pre-Primary students who loved their Thursdays and the storytelling sessions she was so talented at. Mrs Moffat will be back to assist us with relief teaching toward the end of the year.
We also recently farewelled Mrs Rachel Steele on maternity leave as she awaits the birth of her baby. The students prepared some lovely written messages and spoke beautifully of their gratitude for all she had done for them as their classroom teacher over the years. We thank Rachel for her hard work and commitment to the students’ learning and wellbeing. Rachel was an integral part of our full-time teaching staff and we will miss the many roles she undertook across the school. We are fairly hopeful we will see her back at some stage in the next few years and wish her and her family all the very best. The Year 1/2 class is currently being covered internally by Mrs Caroline Pace and Mrs Heille-Marie VanWyk and we thank them for their care in ensuring a seamless transition has occurred for the students.
We have had a busy first four weeks of the term; students and staff have been working hard and enjoying a number of different events. Our school grounds are looking wonderful with the beautiful rains we’ve had; our citrus trees are forming fruit and the children have been enjoying picking strawberry guava from the tree in the Kindy/Pre-Primary yard. The Year 4/5/6 boys have been tending diligently to their crops of wheat, barley, oats, lupins and canola at the front gate and these are a source of interest to the many tourists walking the Monsignor Hawes trail.
God Bless,
Jill Hollands
School News
Mass Rock
All staff and students from PP-Yr 6 enjoyed our annual pilgrimage to Mass Rock to celebrate Mass at the rock altar with Father Robert in the tradition of Monsignor Hawes. All participated reverently, enjoying the peace and calm of the bush. Mass was followed by much walking and playing in the bush and there were many happy smiles on the faces of the children. Back at school we all enjoyed a sausage sizzle for lunch and an afternoon of quiet activities as part of our NAIDOC celebrations. We couldn’t continue this type of tradition without the commitment of our staff and I thank them sincerely as many of them worked an additional day to ensure the students had a wonderful day.
Newman College Students
Next week, we look forward to welcoming the Year 11 students from Newman College in Perth who are travelling to Mullewa to work in the community on our busiest week of the year. The Year 4/5/6 students will spend time working with them on tidying the graves and grounds at the Mullewa Pioneer Cemetery, a tradition that has been going for over 15 years.
Happy Accidents
At the end of Term 3, the Year 4/5/6 students participated in a series of visual art lessons on "Happy Accidents", led by visiting artist, Mrs Helen Ansell. The pieces of art produced were framed and currently hang in an exhibition down at the Mullewa Community Resource Centre. The students were invited down to view their work on show and enjoy a lovely afternoon tea. The Year 4/5/6 students are currently working on capturing photographic shots of OLMC Church from interesting and unique angles. Their work will form a photographic display for the 100 year celebrations of the church taking place on Saturday, 14th September. All families are welcome to attend the celebrations.
Our Year 4/5/6 students were recently presented with their new Ministry badges blessed by Father Robert during a lovely ceremony in which they presented speeches they had prepared on the work they will be undertaking as part of their roles. Thank you to those parents and grandparents who were able to attend.
Poetry Awards
A very special congratulations to our Year 6 student, Flynn for his second placing in an important poetry competition he entered based on the Round House in Fremantle, and to Asher in Year 5 who has been nominated for the Randolph Stowe writing competition in Geraldton. A big thank you to Mrs Caroline Pace for the time she put into encouraging both students in the craft of poetry writing, with such splendid results.
Peter Cheong
Author/Illustrator Peter Cheong visited to talk to the 4/5/6 students about his work. He shared his journey as a writer and worked with the students on creating simple plots using a character, an animal and a feeling. Everyone was very interested in his talk. We bought two of his new novels.
Communication Ministry
This year we planted 5 different crop variants. At the end of term 2 we planted wheat, oats, barley, canola and lupins. We haven't had to water them with the hose yet as we have been getting a lot of rain. We have been fertilising our crop, a few have been going a bit brown, mostly the oats and wheat but everything else has been going well. The wheat has been growing heads and the canola has started to flower.
Flynn - Communication Ministry
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
Photo by Father Robert O'Bryan
P&F News
Quiz/Games Night
Unfortunately due to other commitments and the busy nature of term 3 we will not be having our annual games night. We will be having it in term 1 of 2025 so please keep an eye out for our advertising and pleas of help.
There will be no tuckshop this term but please let Rebecca Dreghorn know if you are able to help out in term 4.
Athletics Carnival
The P&F will be supplying a sausage sizzle for students a the OLMC sports carnival. We will need volunteers help cook and hand out the food.
Cake Stall
We will be holding a P&F cake stall on Saturday 31st August at the front of Helen Ansell's art gallery. A letter will be sent home outlining what we require. It would be good to have as many people as possible to bake and come and support us on the day.
Busy Bee
There will also be a busy bee on 31st August. We realise this is probably a bit much to ask having two events on the one day and also the day after the sports carnival but this is the only day that we can fit it in.
Anthony Dreghorn
Happy Birthday 🎂
Lunch Box Options
Healthy Lunchboxes | Crunch&Sip® (crunchandsip.com.au)
Healthy lunch box examples – Healthy Lunch Box
Absentee Notes
Medical Reminders
To ensure your child’s wellbeing, the school requires that parents provide up-to-date medical information in regard to any allergies or medical conditions. If your child is allergic to bee stings, nuts, shellfish, eggs etc. and may suffer an allergic reaction, it is paramount that the school is informed. Your doctor will need to provide an anaphylaxis document with instructions that the school will follow. If your child suffers from asthma, a plan is also required for staff to follow in the event of an asthma attack. Anaphylaxis documents and asthma plans are to be presented to the office with medication to ensure that in an event of a medical incident, your child can be treated effectively. Any other medical information that may be relevant must also be presented in written form to the office. This information will remain confidential within the staff-teaching environment.
Office Reminders
Parish Reminders
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish – Mass is celebrated every Sunday commencing at 8:30am. Everyone is welcome to attend.
For further details and information on any Mass services please feel free to contact Fr Robert O’Bryan PP on 9961 1181 or 0457 980852
Other News
School Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Wednesday, 31st January to Thursday 28th March
Term 2: Tuesday, 16th April to Friday, 28th June
Term 3: Tuesday, 16th July to Friday, 20th September
Term 4: Tuesday, 8th October to Friday, 6th December