The Grizzly News
July 26, 2024
Be Here. Be You. Belong!
Principal Message
Dear Meadow Point Families,
This past week we had our first Voices of Color (VoC) meeting. Our conversation was positive, supportive, and hopeful. Thank you to all who were present. We look forward to having more of you join us for our community meetings. Next month we have a School Accountability Committee (SAC) meeting on October 24th from 5:00-6:00pm. We are inviting all of our families to join as we will be sharing our School Performance Framework, state rating, school goal, and future goals/plans for our students. This meeting will be hybrid to allow for you to participate in person or virtually based on your needs.
Voices of Color (VoC)- Please welcome Melia Yelverton as our new Chair, and Sandra Carrillo as our new CO-Chair. Thank you to both for your dedication and partnership.
OCTOBER COUNT day is here! The state reporting process for public education is on Tuesday October 1st, please ensure you're student is in attendance and punctual that day. Please help us by having your student here that day. October Count is tied to the funding we receive based on student enrollment, this has a significant impact on the resources we get allocated to support our students. Every student counts and funds are allocated per student Thank you for your partnership.
Extended Absences- Our hope is to have your student in attendance and on time everyday in order to meet their individual needs and ensure they are part of the daily rigorous learning. In the event that you need to have your student absence for extended period of time please reach out to me to communicate their extended absence.
Breakfast - Please remind your student to go straight to the cafeteria when they get to school if they are eating breakfast. Some students will often wait until the bell rings which then makes them late to class. Thank you for your support with this.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application:
All students in Cherry Creek School District will have access to free healthy, nutritious school meals beginning in the 2023-24 school year thanks to the Health School Meals for All program approved by Colorado voters. Our District is very excited to participate in the program! Here is some additional information and a few important reminders about what this means for our schools and families.
If you have questions about completing this form, please contact Indira Rojas Narvaez at 720-886-7172 or
In Partnership,
Gabriela Zuno, Principal
Did you know!
- Our students have been learning about Hispanic Heritage month, ask them what their learning has been thus far.
- Our teachers use Talking Points to communicate with the families in their classrooms, if you haven't done so download the app to begin dialogue with your child's teacher.
- Every morning I do morning announcements and share different information including an interesting fact.
- At Meadow Point over 40% of our students identify as Hispanic and 23% of our staff identifies as Hispanic.
- We use a Restorative Justice approach to support students with behaviors. Our students are here to learn and sometimes will make mistakes, it is shared responsibility (staff and parents) to support our students from a learning standpoint.
- We are teaching our students to have grit and perseverance. Sometimes things will get hard and that's ok, because that's when most learning happens.
- Safety - Red Bags: Read more about our district-wide Red Bag program. - click HERE
Upcoming Events
● September 15 - October 15 - Hispanic Heritage Month
● Saturday, September 28 - STEAM-A-Palooza at CCIC (8000 S Chambers Rd, Centennial, CO 80112)
● Tuesday, October 1st - PIN (Parent Information Network) 9:15am - flyer below
● Saturday, October 5 - Veterans and Military Appreciation (see flyer unde the District Events section of the newsletter)
● Tuesday, October 8- PTCO Skate City (6:00-8:00pm)
● Tuesday, October 8 - PIN (Parent Information Network) 6:45pm - flyer below
● Thursday, October 24 -SAC (School Accountability Committee) 5:00-6:00pm
PTCO Information
On behalf of PTCO, thank you so much for your generous donations to our Grizzly Run for Funds and for helping us celebrate at the Fun Run last week. As a community, we were able to fundraise even above our goal for a total of $17,500. We can't wait to put these dollars to work for our students. Join us on November 13th at 5:30pm for the PTCO meeting where we will vote on how to spend these dollars between grants and specific playground projects. Thanks again!
District Events
Join us for STEAM-a-Palooza, a FREE district-wide event, on Saturday, September 28th, 2024 at the Cherry Creek Innovation Campus. Choose between Morning (9am-12pm) or Afternoon (1pm-4pm) sessions filled with hands-on learning, exploring and fun!
Veterans and Military Appreciation
We appreciate and honor our veterans and military.
Other Announcements
Looking for free groceries and a hot meal? Please drive up to the church and they will serve you with a box of groceries and hot meals. If you need diapers or personal products, ask a volunteer when you pull up. Every 1st and 3rd Thursday from 4-6pm
Eastern Hills Community Church
25511 E. Smoky Hill Rd, Aurora, CO US 80016
Please contact them at 303-699-1470 or for questions.
Support Meadow Point
Help Support Meadow Point Elementary While You Shop!
King Soopers
A portion of money spent comes right back to our school, and it couldn’t be easier!
To use the King Soopers or City Market Community Rewards Program:
*Visit and log into your King Soopers account. Search for Meadow Point Elementary PTCO under Community Rewards and click enroll.
*New users will need to create an account which requires some basic informaon, a valid email address and a loyalty card.
*If you do not yet have a King Soopers loyalty card, they are available at the customer service desk at any King Soopers.
REMEMBER, purchases will not count for our organizaon unless you register your loyalty card. You must swipe your registered King Soopers loyalty card or use the phone number that is related to your loyalty card when shopping for each purchase to count.
2024-2025 School Year Calendar
Connect with the Meadow Point Office Team
Meadow Point Elementary School
Main Line: 720-886-8600
Attendance Line: 720-886-8695
Jessica Darmstedter, Nurse:
Joei Sayers, Administrative Health Liaison:
Emily Prascher, Family Liaison:
Debbie Fribbs, Office Manager:
Trudy Koopman, Registrar:
Lindsay Folker, Assistant Principal:
Gabriela Zuno, Principal:
Location: 17901 East Grand Avenue, Aurora, CO, USA