Weekly Update 4th Grade
September 16- September 20, 2024
We are excited about this school year!!
We strive to create an environment that helps our students to meet their highest potential.
Please read our newsletter each week to get important updates and reminders.
Upcoming Events
This week:
9/17: Fire Safety Village Field Trip
9/19: Fall Picture Day
9/20: In house field trip (Botanical Gardens)
Next Week:
9/23-9/27: Fall Break- No school all week
Coming up next month:
10/11: Coffee with the Principal 8:30-9:30am
10/14-10/18: Conference week/Early Release
10/14-10/18: Book Fair
It is Hispanic Heritage Month
Have fun celebrating this week of September 16- September 20!!!
Last Week in 4th Grade
The students continued to learn about:
Math: Students began their new unit on Patterns:
- Learned about shape and number patterns
- Learned about factors and multiples
ELA: Wit and Wisdom Module 1: A Great Heart
- Continued to learn about what it means to have a great heart literally ( having a healthy heart)
- Continued to learn about main idea and key details
- Continued to learn about the capitalization rules
Social Studies: Declaration of Independence
- Began to learn about the events that lead up to the writing of the Declaration of Independence.
This Week in 4th Grade
Here is what the students will be learning this week:
Math: Students will continue their new unit on Patterns:
- Learning about shape and number patterns
- Learning about factors and multiples
- Learning about prime and composite numbers
ELA: Wit and Wisdom Module 1: A Great Heart
- Continue to learn about figurative language
- Learn about main idea and key details of informational texts
- Learning about text features
- Learning how to summarize informational text
Social Studies: Bill of Rights
- Begin to learn about the Bill of Rights
How to Help at Home
*Please make sure that your child completes their nightly homework which includes math and reading.
*Please have your child practice their multiplication facts every day!
*Please make sure that your child is reading every day for at least 20 minutes.
Uniform Reminder
All students are expected to be in uniform. Fridays "Spirit Days" are the only days students should be out of uniform, on these days, students are still expected to wear Marietta/Park Street gear and be weather and school appropriate.
Reminder that all students should be wearing tennis shoes every day.
Transportation and Attendance Reminders
Arrival / Dismissal
Change of Transportation
If there is a change in transportation arrangements, we require notice from the parent before allowing students to be transported by anyone other than a parent. You may send in a note with your child or email parkstreet@marietta-city.org with the details of the change. We do not allow students to walk or to ride home with unauthorized people.
At dismissal time bus riders will be put on the school bus unless a parent is present for pick-up, or the parent has notified the school office of another arrangement.
Students are not permitted to change buses to ride home with friends without a note from their parent. Please make arrangements for your child before he/she comes to school. If you must make a change during the day, notify the school office staff before 2:30 p.m.
Pick-up by Car in the Afternoon
Anyone picking up a child must have his/her Panther Car Tag. If you do not have a Panther Car Tag, you may get one at Sneak-A-Peek or by coming to the front office.
Please do not park across the street and have your child designated as a “walker”.
This is extremely dangerous, and teachers on duty will stop children crossing the street
unescorted by a parent or adult. If you need to come into the building, please park in a parking space.
Tardy Drop-Off
When a student arrives late (after 8:30), an adult must sign the student in at the office.
Early Pick-Up
Please limit early pick-up of children to emergencies and appointments. If a child is out for any portion of the school day, the missed time is recorded as a tardy. A note sent in the morning will help us to have your child ready. To avoid interruptions to instruction, no student
will be released between 2:45 and 3:15. Parents will be asked to wait for the dismissal bell. Come to the office to check out a student. Please be prepared to present photo identification upon request. No student will be released to an unknown or unauthorized person.
Late Pick-Up
Students waiting to be picked up will be supervised until 3:30. After 3:30 they may be sent to the After School Program if they are pre-registered ($10 fee). Regular after school charges will apply. Many parents sign up for the program so their children can attend in case of emergency.
When your child is absent, please remember to send in a note explaining the reason why your child was not at school.
* If you child has 3 or more unexcused absences, you will receive a phone call from your child's teacher.
*If after 5 unexcused absences, you will receive an official notice from the school.