RHS Weekly Newsletter
January 17, 2025
New This Week
Weekly RHS Newsletter
Each week, our students share what's going on at RHS. Please take a few minutes to learn more: RHS Newsletter - 1.17.25
Possible Snow/Cold Days
It seems all anyone could talk about this week was the possibility of a snow/cold day next week. As of today's weather forecast, it is unlikely there will be a snow/cold day next week. However, in case that changes, and seeing how next week is exam week, we have made a plan in the event of a snow/cold day.
Our normal protocol in the event of a snow day is to NOT change our red/white schedule. The reason we do this is that there are many events (meetings, field trips, speaker visits, etc.) that are intentionally scheduled on a red or white day. However, since next week is exam week and at the end of the semester, we can make an exception to that rule.
If we have a snow day next week, we would simply "push back" the remainder of the exam schedule. This will ensure students take exams in the same order you are preparing them for and teachers have half days the last two days of the semester for grading. Below is our current exam schedule and a few possible scenarios.
*Please note that a snow day next week WILL CHANGE when we have half days
Students, you should NOT expect a snow/cold day next week and be sure you are prepared for your exams. If a snow/cold day happens, then it will be a happy surprise.
RHS Travel Club Trip
Are you looking for an exciting travel opportunity in 2026? The RHS Travel Club is sponsoring a summer trip to France, Italy, and Spain. There will be an informational meeting on January 15th for anyone who would like more information. Scan the QR code on the attached flyer for details. This trip would be especially educationally enriching for students who may be in Spanish, International Business, Architecture, or History courses at RHS.
Flyer RHS Italy France & Spain 2026.pdf
Dual Enrollment
If you are considering Dual Enrollment, be sure to look over the Post Secondary Eligibility Letter to make sure you qualify.
Romeo Theatre Company Presents:
The Mousetrap
Do you like classic murder mysteries? Nobody does them better than Agatha Christie!
Performances are:
Thursday, January 23 @ 7pm
Friday, January 24 @ 7pm
Saturday, January 25 @ 7pm
Sunday, January 26 @ 2pm
Tickets can be purchased at the door and also online. RTC Tickets
We are excited to announce that Student Council is bringing back Snow-Co! This dance will kickoff Romeo High School's Charity Week.
- Dance will be on Saturday, February 1st from 6pm-9pm at Romeo High School
- Students must arrive by 7pm
- Tickets will be $15 each
- Sold during all lunches January 27th-January 31st
- Tickets will also be available for purchase at the door
- Attire is Semi-Formal
- Seniors in good standing may bring a non-RHS guest
- You must complete and turn in the guest pass by the end of the school day on Thursday, January 30th
- Romeo High School Guest Pass: Snow-Co 2025
Counselors' Corner
2025-2026 FAFSA Form - UPDATE
The 2025-26 FAFSA is open. All current seniors planning to attend college should be working with their parents/guardians to complete this online application. The FAFSA form connects students to various forms of Federal and State financial aid programs. FAFSA is required for most State of Michigan financial aid programs, including the Michigan Achievement Scholarship. For example, students who complete the FAFSA will have access to free community college tuition through Michigan’s Community College Guarantee, which has no income criteria. Students can complete the FAFSA at StudentAid.gov. For additional information about the FAFSA, please visit our FAFSA resources page. The state of Michigan also offers helpful online presentations that families may register for.
Local Scholarships for Juniors and Seniors
Romeo juniors and seniors have the opportunity to apply for scholarships through the Four County Community Foundation. All Four County Scholarships are submitted through their website. Four County Scholarships will be posted on December 1, 2024. Online applications must be submitted by March 1, 2025. It is recommended that students begin their online applications early in the scholarship window. Most of the posted scholarships are for seniors. There is one Four County scholarship available for juniors. RHS seniors also have the opportunity to apply for scholarships through the Sandbox Foundation. The Sandbox Foundation application window is January 1 2025-March 1, 2025. All local scholarship information can also be found on our website. Additional local scholarships for seniors will be posted in mid-February.
High school students and families interested in learning more about the Michigan Achievement Scholarship are encouraged to attend an informational webinar provided by MI Student Aid.
Participants will learn about:
- The NEW Community College Guarantee
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship eligibility requirements
- Michigan Achievement Scholarship award amounts
- Important action items for students and families
- Additional resources and program information
All sessions are free of charge and open to the public. Space is limited so register ASAP.
School Policies & Procedures
We want to provide a quick reminder of our policies and procedures. These are inplace to keep our students and faculty safe.
- Students are not allowed to go to their vehicles during the day
- Students are not allowed to order outside food for lunch delivery
- If students are called out during the day and return, they need to bring back a doctor's note
- Cell phones are required to be put in the classroom phone holders
- Many teachers use the cell phone holder as a way to take attendance. A student could be marked tardy if their phone is not in the holder when the teacher takes attendance.
Upcoming Events
1/20: No School - MLK Jr. Day
1/20-1/24: Semester 1 Exams
1/23 & 1/24: Half Days
1/23-1/26: Theater Production: The Mousetrap
2/1: Snow-Co Dance
2/3-2/7: Charity Week
Class of 2025
Graduation Items
All seniors need to pay their graduation fee and/or order their cap and gown for commencement. If you're unsure if you/your student has completed these items, please contact Mrs. Scheuer at christine.scheuer@romeok12.org.
- Link to pay graduation fee - This fee provides the student with 2 tickets for the graduation ceremony and helps to pay for graduation itself. Students that do not pay this fee will not receive any tickets to graduation nor be able to purchase additional tickets.
- Link to cap and gown payment - Please order your cap and gown from Jostens before the price increases. The only required item is the Cap, Gown, Tassel Unit.
SANP 2025
The Seniors of Romeo Community High School Class of 2025 will be graduating on Thursday, June 5th, 2025. In Romeo, the tradition has been that the proud parents of the graduates plan the Senior All Night Party. For years, this event has provided the seniors with an opportunity to celebrate with their classmates in a safe, alcohol-free environment, as it may be the last time many of them will see each other together as a group. This year's Senior All Night Party will be held on Sunday, June 1st at the Dave and Buster’s in Utica.
The Senior All Night Party committee is currently selling Class of 2025 Lawn signs for $25. The signs are available for pick up at 26 and Van Dyke. Please email Romeo2025SANP@gmail.com to coordinate a pickup. All proceeds go to the Senior All Night Party.
The Senior All Night Party committee is currently asking for donations for the event. All donations are tax deductible. If you have a business that may be interested in sponsoring or donating gift cards for prizes, please email us at Romeo2025SANP@gmail.com. All donations are greatly appreciated.