Medical Lake School District News
~ Every Student, Every Day ~
Message from Kim
Medical Lake School District- YES WE CAN!
We are excited to share that the State of the District video is now available. This video provides a comprehensive overview of our first year of progress toward achieving the key performance indicators outlined in the Medical Lake School District's Strategic Plan and Promises.
In the video, you'll discover:
- Celebrations of our significant accomplishments and milestones.
- Insights into our journey towards fulfilling our promises to our students, staff, and community.
- Next steps for the upcoming school year as we continue to move forward with our theme, "Yes We Can!"
We encourage you to take a few minutes to watch the video by clicking the link above and learn more about how our district is making a positive impact on our students' lives.
Impact Aid and Your Child's Education
Medical Lake School District receives federal funding through the Impact Aid program to offset the loss of property tax revenue due to the presence of Fairchild Air Force Base. This funding makes up approximately 8% ($2.7 million) of our district's annual budget, supporting essential educational programs and services for every child in our district.
To ensure we continue receiving this vital funding, it's crucial that families complete the federal aid card that will be distributed to all households on October 1st.
If you would like to learn more about Impact Aid and what it funds in Medical Lake, please see the images below or feel free to contact me at (509) 565-3125. Thank you for your support!
Completing the Impact Aid Card
It takes just a few minutes to complete the Impact Aid card. We do need one for each student as the funding is based on the total student count. Funding is provided in a few basic categories:
- Those who live on base and work on base (Uniformed Services or Civilian employee).
- Those who live off base and work on base (Uniformed Services or Civilian employee).
In order for us to be sure that we count every eligible student, the federal government requires that we receive a signed card for every student in our district, whether you meet the specifically funded categories or not. We periodically are audited by the United States Departments of Education and/or Defense to ensure the accuracy of the data we provide.
Cards will be coming home with students on Tuesday, October 1st. We really appreciate your assistance in this matter.
Enrollment Options at MLSD
Did you know that the Medical Lake School District has alternative learning options? Connect+ is available for students and families seeking a learning experience outside the traditional school setting. It is open to students K-12. If interested in learning more about Connect+ please click the link below and complete a brief informational form. We look forward to hearing from you.
MLSD Wellness Center Laundry Facility
What is the Medical Lake School District Wellness Center Laundry Facility?
- Through braided funding, most of which was provided through a Homeless Student Stability Education Program Grant, MLSD now offers a self-service laundry facility at the Wellness Center for students, families, and community members.
- All laundry supplies, including detergents, fabric softener, dryer sheets, hangers, and stain remover, are provided.
- Access to an iron and ironing board is available.
Who may access the laundry facility?
- Priority for the laundry facility is given to students, families, and community members currently experiencing homelessness.
How do I access the MLSD Wellness Center Laundry Facility?
- Access to the laundry facility is by appointment.
- Simply call MLSD’s main office, at (509) 565-3100, and ask to schedule a time.
- When you arrive at the MLSD Wellness Center (317 N. Broad Street, Medical Lake, WA 99022), a staff member will greet you and show you to the laundry center.
Child Find Screening
Are you worried about your child’s development? The purpose of a Child Find Screening is to identify issues that may affect your child’s learning, growth, and development and to help parents identify their child’s strengths and weaknesses. For more information see Medical Lake's step by step brochure. If your child qualifies they are eligible for developmental preschool. For more information call Rachel Lawson, Coordinator at 509-565-3145
Medical Lake School District Board of Directors
- Dr. Wendy Williams-Gilbert ~ School Board President and Legislative Representative
- Laura Parsons ~ School Board Vice President and District 10 Representative
- Ron Cooper ~ School Board Director and WIAA Representative
- Alexis Alexander ~ School Board Director
- Gerri Johnson ~ School Board Director