Washington Warriors
Quarterly Parent Newsletter
A Message From The Principal
It is incredible to think that we are already a quarter into the 2024-2025 school year. There have been many exciting developments at Washington School so far this year. We have been showcasing all the remarkable achievements of our students and teachers on the Washington School Facebook page. If you haven't already, please follow and like the page to ensure you don't miss anything.
Lindsey Pickham
📆 Upcoming Events and Dates to Remember
- Oct 28, 29, & 30th in the Washington School Gym. 5:30-7:00 pm ~ Boys Basketball Tryouts
- (Physicals need to be done prior to try-outs)
- November 1st ~ Awards Assembly
- (4th grade 1:15 PM) (5th grade 2:15 PM).
- November 4th & 5th ~ No School
- November 11th ~ Veterans Day Assembly
- (Wear Red, White, & Blue)
- November 19th ~ Mobile Dentist
- November 27th - December 1 ~ Thanksgiving Break
- December 5th ~ Field Trip
- December 21st - January 6th ~ Winter Break
1st Quarter Awards Assembly
4th Grade Awards Assembly
Friday, Nov 1, 2024, 01:15 PM
5th Grade Awards Assembly
Friday, Nov 1, 2024, 02:15 PM
Red Ribbon Week
Veterans Day
Veterans Day Assembly
The Junior High is putting on a Veterans Day Assembly on Monday, November 11th. Washington students will be attending that assembly at the Junior high.
🙌 Things To Talk With Your Student About
Recently, we've experienced several issues in the lunchroom, including food-throwing, interference with other students' trays, and disrespect towards staff when asked to quiet down. Please take the time to discuss these lunchroom expectations with your child:
- Raise your hand for assistance.
- Wait for your table to be called to dispose of your tray.
- Return directly to your table after dumping your tray and sit in your assigned seat.
- Absolutely no throwing of food.
- Do not touch other students' food.
- Use polite manners when interacting with both students and staff.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain a respectful and peaceful lunchroom environment.
2nd Quarter Incentive and Punch Cards
Each quarter, students have the chance to earn exciting incentives as a reward for their outstanding behavior! These incentives often include grade-specific or school-wide celebrations. In the past, we've organized events such as breakfast and bingo, glow dances, and field trips to the park. To participate in the incentive, students receive a 'Golden Ticket' which allows for three 'strikes.' As long as students don't accumulate three strikes by the end of the quarter, they are eligible to join the incentive event.
A strike or punch is issued on the Golden Ticket if a student receives an office referral, a bus referral, or displays physical aggression towards others. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to reach out to your child's teacher.
Upcoming Sucker Sales
Washington Staff will be selling suckers starting in early November. Suckers will be available for purchase before school for $1.00. The proceeds will go to funding prizes and other incentives for students.
Halloween Expectations
With Halloween coming up next Thursday, I wanted to send home school-wide expectations regarding students wearing costumes to school. Students will NOT be allowed to wear costumes to school. We encourage students to wear Orange and Black on Halloween.
Help Us Restock the School Store
Will you help us restock the Washington Elementary School Store?!
Click on the link below to access items on our WishList!
Thank you for your support!!
The Weather is Changing
The weather is getting colder. Please make sure your student is dressed for the colder temperatures. If your student is in need of a coat, hat, or gloves, please reach out to your child's teacher or the office. We have donations that can be provided to students in need.
Field Trip to ISU Women's Basketball Game
On December 5th, Washington School students will have the opportunity to travel to Illinois State University to attend a Women's Basketball Game. The bus will leave at 10:00 AM and will return at 2:30 PM. Students will be provided a school sack lunch or students can bring a lunch from home. More information will be sent home soon.
Parent Chaperones
Parents who are interested in chaperoning will need to contact me, Lindsey Pickham (pickhamlin@pontiac429.org) via email. There is a process that parents will need to complete in order to be allowed to chaperone. This will include a background check. We will only be allowing 5 parent chaperones.
Your Amazing Students
Social Media and Your Child's Mental Health
How can you Protect and Check in on your child's Mental Health?
1. Set reasonable limits for screen time.
2. Know what accounts your child has, and monitor who they are talking to.
* Be aware of the apps that your students have and who they are talking to.
3. Talk about what is not okay to be said on social media.