Franklin Middle School
Weekly Update

Franklin Middle School
Week at a Glance
Monday March 10th:
- Swim Practice @ Wayne Memorial HS 5-6:30pm
Tuesday March 11th:
- March 11th: Tri-City Swim Meet @ Wayne Memorial HS 4:30pm
- School safety drill practice (tornado drill)
- Tri-City Swim meet @ Wayne Memorial HS 4:30pm
Wednesday March 12th:
- No scheduled events
Thursday March 13th:
- Swim Pizza Party @ WMHS 5-6:30pm
- Winter Sports Pizza party 2:45-3:30pm
- Instrumental Collage Concert @ Wayne Memorial HS 7pm
Friday March 14th:
- 6th grade EMU Theater Presentation
On the Horizon
- March 20-8th Grade field trip to Junior Achievement Finance Park
- March 24-28th: Spring Recess - No School
- March 31st: Girl's Soccer Tryouts
- April 2nd: Mobile Dentist
- April 4: Half Day (Middle School, morning session only)
- April 18: No School (Good Friday, PreK-12)
- April 30: No School (District Professional Development, PreK-1
- May 22nd : 8th Grade trip to Cedar Point
- May 23-26: No School (Memorial Day Recess, PreK-12)
- May 28th: Tigers game field trip 6th-8th grade
- May 29th: 8th Grade Farewell Dance (Under the Star theme)
- June 10: Half Day (K-12, morning session only)
- June 11: Half Day (K-12, morning session only)/ 8th grade breakfast and clap out – Last Day of School
Course Selection Guide
This past week our counselors visited the 6th and 7th grade classrooms to review the course selection guide with students. Students selected their electives for next year. Our high school counselors visited 8th grade students to walk them through course selections for next school year. Please click the link to see the course selection guide.
Appropriate use of Social Media
It has come to our attention that some students are creating and engaging with TikTok and Instagram pages containing inappropriate content. These pages include material that can be considered cyberbullying, which is unacceptable and goes against our school’s values and policies.
We want to remind all students and families that participation in these pages whether by creating, following, commenting, or posting can have serious consequences. Any student found to be associated with these pages may face disciplinary action in accordance with the Franklin School Code of Conduct.
To ensure a safe and respectful online environment, we strongly recommend the following:
Students should not follow, comment on, or engage with any inappropriate social media pages.
If your student is currently following or posting on any of these pages, they must disconnect immediately.
Families are encouraged to have conversations with their children about responsible social media use and the impact of cyberbullying.
We appreciate your support in reinforcing these expectations at home. If you have any concerns or need assistance, please contact the school administration.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Parent/Guardian Perception Survey - Please Read
Annual District-Wide Collage Concert
Come on down to Stockmeyer Auditorium at Wayne Memorial High School on Thursday, March 13th at 7:00 pm for our district wide instrumental music collage concert. This will feature the top instrumental ensembles from each middle school and high school, including our own Concert Band and Concert Strings classes. The concert is free to attend and there will be concessions available for purchase in the lobby.
Ms. Khraizat's Black History Month Wax Museum
Students in Ms. Khraizat's class create a live wax museum in recognition of Black History Month.
School of Choice Application
The School of Choice application period for the 2025-2026 school year is open from February 24 – March 21, 2025. This allows families to apply for their child to attend any school outside of their designated attendance area within the district.
If you or someone you know is interested in applying, please complete the application by the deadline.
Yearbook Orders
Yearbook ordering has begun! To order a yearbook, please click here to access ordering or scan the QR code in the image below.
8th grade Information
Parents if you were unable to attend the meeting, attached is the information. Please contact Shayla Weston at Westons@wwcsd.net if you have any questions.
Franklin Sports and Clubs
Attached is a list of our clubs and sports that we offer at Franklin.
Cellphone and Other Policies
Please see the attached document for an overview of some keys policies pertaining to cellphones, headphones, earbuds, hats, hoodies and backpacks. We will review these policies with students during our grade level assemblies.
Bus Cancellations
If your child’s bus is canceled, please make sure to inform the school by calling the attendance line or speaking with our counseling secretary Ms. Braswell. Let them know that the absence is due to a bus cancellation. The secretary will mark your child’s attendance with a “B” for bus cancellation, which will not count against them for truancy purposes.
Contact Information
Franklin Middle School
Email: pringled@wwcsd.net
Website: https://www.wwcsd.net/schools/middle-schools/franklin-middle-school/
Location: 33555 Annapolis Street, Wayne, MI, USA
Phone: 7344192400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Franklins-Finest-Franklin-Middle-School/100068667279357/