Magee Parent Newsletter 02/2025

Important Dates
Important Dates
2/3-2/7: Progress Report Grading Window
2/4: Magee/Tucson Korean Students Desert Museum field trip
2/6: 7th Grade CogAT (University High School) Testing
2/6: Tucson-Korean Partnership closing ceremonies
2/7: Boys/Girls Soccer vs Naylor (@Magee 4:30)
2/11: Boys/Girls Soccer vs Gridley (@Magee 4:30)
2/11: Family Math Night at the soccer game
2/12: Spring Picture Day -- Lifetouch
2/13 - 2/18: AZELLA Testing (ELD students)
2/13 - 2/15: Parent Teacher Conferences 12:30-3:30
2/19: Benchmark Assemblies
2/20 - 2/21: Rodeo Break
2/25: Q3 ELA Benchmark (Testing Schedule)
2/25: Family and Community Engagement Meeting 3:15 PM
2/27: Q3 Math Benchmark (Testing Schedule)
2/27: Band Concert (@ Magee 6PM)
3/4: GATE Field Trip - Pima County Courthouse, Old Presidio
3/4: Honor Band Concert @ Catalina HS
3/5: All Staff Mandatory AASA training (part one of two)
PROGRESS 3 Grading Window
Parents: Progress Reports will be posted to your ParentVue on Monday, February 10th
Parent Teacher Conferences
Reminder Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up on February 13th and 14th.
This year's conferences will be a whole group session in the cafeteria as in the fall. Times will be 12:30-3:30. Parents will have the opportunity to visit all their child's teachers on those days. No appointments are needed. Please arrive with enough time to see all your child's teachers.
Dates: Thursday, February 13th and Friday, February 14th
Times: 12:30-3:30
Location: Magee Cafeteria
Please reinforce with your students that they ARE REQUIRED to have their ID's in their computers. They will be required for many things during the semester. We are moving to an scanning ID system in the front office when students are late. They will need their ID for that. Students who ride the bus also need their ID's.
Thank you for your help in checking if they have their ID's. Please continue to do a Preparedness check with your students. Binder, computer in case with charger and ID. Coming prepared makes for a successful student!!
Student Engagement
Did you know that most Magee teachers have been trained with specific techniques to keep our instruction engaging? This is perfect for the middle school aged student.
Kagan's FREE Articles - Research & Rationale - Research proves effectiveness of Kagan Structures.
Advisory Period
Please see the advisory schedule for third quarter.
Advisory time happens for 80 minutes each week. Students split the time between Character Strong (TUSD's Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program) and math practice through the website IXL.
Benchmark Results
Would you like the benchmark results for your child? Just email Mr. Muecke or Ms. Vargas and we will send you their scores. The benchmark test is administered every quarter and assesses what students have learned that quarter. The next benchmark test will cover Quarter 3 and is scheduled for February 25th and 27th.
Martin Muecke- Principal
Jessica Vargas - Curriculum Service Provider
Magee Teens Make Healthy Choices
Magee 7th and 8th graders in AVID get the opportunity to learn about healthy life choices throughout the fall and spring. This January, we’re introducing a new module called Spark to Serve, focusing on community service and volunteering. Students will learn about service and participate in activities to give back. Thanks to Mr. Rodriguez’s collaboration with the student council, we’ve started a food drive running from Jan 6-31. The Food Drive has been extended. Please share with your students to have them help with this important activity.
TKAP Tucson Korean Ambassador Program
The Magee Community is hosting about 20 students from Korea as part of a cultural exchange. The Korean students are immersed in the daily schedule of Magee students and are staying with host families. Magee has a Tucson Korean Ambassador Program (TKAP) that teaches participating Magee students about Korea and it's culture.
21st Century After School Program
Please encourage parents to sign their student up for our after school program...especially the tutoring portion! We have many students that could benefit from the extra support!
TUSD-Magee Bond Updates
Did you know Magee is slated for campus improvements? This is all part of the TUSD bond that was passed by voters last year. For a list of projects, please see the link below.
Magee PTSA
We are always looking for new members. Please join and support our PTSA by using the QR code below.
Student Council/PBIS
Magee Spirit Day
EVERY Friday we will show our school spirit by wearing anything RED, WHITE and BLUE!!!
Soccer Schedule
The soccer schedule is out!! Please see the linked schedule below.
Counselor Corner 🌟
Glow Up Girls
One of our lovely parents is wanting to lead a girls workshop with me. We will have a diverse group of 6th-8th grade girls who will meet 4-6x at the end of the day. Days will vary! This group wil focus on confidence, self-esteem, self-respect, inner critic, self-compassion, body image, imposter syndrome, personal growth, reslience, assertiveness and self-empowerment. Names and dates will be announced but please let me know or our MTSS team if you would like to refer a student for this. First group will be January 24 during 7th period.