CTE Connection February 2025
Indian Trail Middle School
SHHS CTE Open House: Be Sure to Attend!
Classroom Spotlights
Digital Media at ITMS: Homework Club AV Students Create Digital Newspaper
Careers at ITMS: Hands-on Experiences
Below are photos documenting all of the amazing hands-on culminating experiences ITMS students had at the end of last semester! Sixth grade students made pudding; 7th graders created Rice Krispie Treats; and 8th graders baked sugar cookies. In addition, classes had a day of career games as well as group building projects, with some creating a mini-golf course.
6th grade Boys Making Pudding
6th grade Girls Cooking
6th grade Girls Working as a Team
7th graders Making Rice Krispie Treats
7th grade Girls at the Stove
7th grade Boys Cooking
8th grader Making Sugar Cookies
8th graders Creating as a Team
8th graders Cooking
Building a Mini Golf Course
Playing Careers Games
Group Building Activities
My Career Plan
Students can also begin to develop their academic plan for high school and their career and education goals in the My Career Plan option on the side-bar menu. They can click on the various tabs to write their career goal, select their education goals, and enter clubs, extracurricular activities, and test scores and certifications. By selecting the blue oval in the top right corner, which says
View Career Plan, the student can view a 3-page PDF document that contains a summary of all their assessment results, starred careers, schools, and scholarships, and the classes they have selected to consider for high school. This document can be printed and/or downloaded to save.The program has been placed in our SSO Portal, and all teachers and students are automatically rostered, meaning no usernames or passwords are required. Take the time to explore this tool today!
How To Log In To Major Clarity:
1. Go to the SSO Portal
2. Click on the MajorClarity Icon
3. Navigate through the sidebar menu. Feel free to explore...you can't mess up!
To view Tutorial Videos on all the menu options in Major Clarity, go to https://sciencehill.jcschools.org/counselors/major-clarity
Look in this section of the newsletter each month for more info on Major Clarity in the future.
My Career Plan from the Sidebar Menu
My Career Plan Display Page
Students can enter their career goal, education goal, clubs and extracurriculars, and test scores on this page.
View Career Plan
Students may click on the Blue Oval in the top right corner to "View Career Plan."
Career Plan PDF
Selecting "View Career Plan" uploads a 3-page PDF document of the student's work within Major Clarity, which can be printed out and/or downloaded for saving.
Rising 9th graders: High School 4-year Plan Meetings
Current 8th graders/rising 9th graders and their parents/guardians will soon be asked to schedule an appointment on one of the below dates to attend High School 4-year Plan meetings at SHHS. If a student has completed preliminary academic planning in Major Clarity, the student can access their plan by following the steps above for the Career Plan. A printout of the PDF will be in their student files at SHHS for the meeting.
Be looking for information that will be forthcoming. The dates are as follows:
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Monday, March 10, 2025
Thursday, March 13, 2025
February Focus: Careers in Arts, A/V Tech and Communications Cluster
Career Paths in Graphic Design include etchers and engravers, desktop publishers, and art directors. Journalism and writing careers could include poets, lyricists, creative writers and travel guides.
SHHS CTE Open House
You are invited to the SHHS CTE Open House on February 27, 2025, from 3:30-6:30! Feel free to drop in, enjoy delicious hors d'oeuvres created by the Culinary Arts department, and walk through the various CTE program exhibits to see students' handiwork on display, visit the classrooms, and meet current teachers and students.
Thursday, Feb 27, 2025, 03:30 PM
SHHS CTE Building
Dr. Jill Winiger, CTE Career Coach, K-12
Email: winigerj@jcschools.org
Location: 718 Morningside Drive
Phone: 423-232-2192
Twitter: @winigerjill