Building and District Updates
Fairfield Community School District | December 2024
Happy Holidays! December is here!!
Dear Fairfield Community School District Family,
As we officially wrap up the first trimester there is some very exciting news that needs to be shared! Our attendance rates in all four buildings were very impressive. As a district, our attendance percentage was just over 95%! Here are the numbers for all four buildings:
High School- 93.6% Middle School- 96.1% Pence- 95.5% Washington- 95.5%
Thank you for prioritizing your child's connectedness to school. This will allow for growth in all facets of the programming we offer.
We also wanted to make sure all MS and HS families are aware that report cards won't be sent home via the mail. Access to final grades can be found in Infinite Campus. If you need any support looking for those, please reach out to the building directly.
In this monthly update you will learn more about the following:
- Planning Ahead
- What's Happening in Our Buildings?
- Bond Updates
- Communication Outlets (Winter weather is here)
- Superintendent's Message: Thank you!
If you don't like reading, click on the video below.
Planning Ahead
If we have a weather related late start on a Friday, we will NOT be dismissing early that afternoon.
Building Newsletters
What's happening in our buildings? Click on your child's building below.
Each month we will link the building level newsletter on the district wide communication. As feedback comes in, we will make adjustments as needed. Thanks!
BOND Updates
While disappointing, our board has been discussing options moving forward with facility planning. We had over 4,000 votes in favor of the bond, but fell just short of the 60% needed. We recently held a work session sharing thoughts around next steps. If you would like to watch that, please click HERE. That portion of the meeting starts at the 56 minute mark. As more details are flushed out we will be sure to share them with you.
Communication Outlets
We have a variety of ways to stay connected with all things FCSD. Please check out these options connected the district as a whole, and like or follow them!
Superintendent's Message:
Thank you!
As we get ready to finish the 2024 calendar year, I would be remiss if I didn't say thank you!
Thank you for all of the hard work you put in as parents.
Thank you for welcoming my family to this community with open arms.
Thank you for showing us grace when we fall short of your expectations.
Thank you for helping us solve issues when they are presented.
Thank you for being Trojans through and through and wearing your Black and Orange with pride.
As our community continues to navigate change in the future I look forward to partnering with you in this process. Enjoy the next couple of weeks, and please enjoy your holiday break!
-Mr. Wigle