Monitor Elementary School
April 2024
Message from Principals
April is here and the fourth quarter has begun! Report cards will be sent home on Monday, April 1st. We will celebrate our students at our third quarter awards assemblies on Friday, April 5th. We look forward to recognizing our students for their hard work during the third nine weeks! Our first, second, third, and fifth graders will all take field trip this month and our first graders will also have their music program in April. We will have a testing pep rally on Friday, April 19th, and our 3rd-5th graders will take the remaining ATLAS summative tests {reading, math, and science} the week of April 22nd. Thursday, April 25th will be the last day of Mallard University, and we will have a Spring Fling Family Dance on Friday, April 26th. We are so thankful for our students and families and look forward to another great month at Monitor!
Mrs. Andi Acuff, Principal
Mrs. Cassie Marquette, Assistant Principal
Important Dates in April
Here are some important dates for the month of April:
- Monday, April 1st: Report Cards Go Home
- Monday, April 1st: Mobile Dental Clinic
- Thursday, April 4th: 5th Grade Field Trip
- Friday, April 5th: 3rd Quarter Awards Assemblies
- K-2nd Grade @ 2:00pm
- 3rd-5th Grade @ 8:15am
- Monday, April 8th: 3rd Grade Field Trip
- Monday, April 8th: Mobile Food Pantry @ 2:00pm
- Wednesday, April 17th: 2nd Grade Field Trip
- Thursday, April 18th: 1st Grade Music Program @ 6:00pm
- Friday, April 19th: Testing Pep Rally
- Monday, April 22nd: 3rd-5th Grade ATLAS Reading Test
- Tuesday, April 23rd: 3rd-5th Grade ATLAS Math Test
- Thursday, April 25th: 3rd-5th Grade ATLAS Science Test
- Thursday, April 25th: Last Day of Mallard University
- Friday, April 26th: Spring Fling Family Dance @ 6:00pm
- Monday, April 29th: 1st Grade Field Trip {Leslie & Mason}
- Tuesday, April 30th: 1st Grade Field Trip {Swann & Oliver}
2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year opened on Monday, March 4th. You can visit to register your child. We look forward to meeting our future mallards!
Mobile Food Pantry
Our next mobile food pantry will be Monday, April 8th from 2:00pm-3:30pm. Please pick up food in the front of the building and then join car rider line if you need to pick up a student. If you would like to help distribute food to families, please contact Sierra Engelmann at (479) 750-8749 or We hope to see you then!
ATLAS Testing
ATLAS has replaced ACT Aspire as our end of year state assessment for 3rd-5th grade students. Reading, Math, and Science tests will be given the week of April 22nd. New this year, these tests are untimed and the writing, math, and science tests can be read aloud to all students. Please encourage your child to do his or her best! We can’t wait for our mallards to show all they know!
Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher appreciation week is May 6th-10th, and we look forward to spoiling our teachers all week! If you would like to contribute to helping make this a special week for our teachers, you can send donations via Venmo to @MonitorBoosterClub with a note that says "Teacher Appreciation Week" so we know how to direct the funds. We appreciate your support in helping us show our teachers how much we appreciate them!
Monitor Career Day
2024-2025 School Year Calendar
Our school board has approved the calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. Please see the calendar below so you can make arrangements for this summer and the beginning of next school year.
Student Attendance
Attendance at school is important for successful academic progress. Regular attendance it also required by Arkansas State Law 6-18-221. It is important for students to be at school each day and on time. Our goal at Monitor Elementary is to have all students miss no more than five days each semester. We do understand that children get sick periodically, however students should be at school unless they have a fever, have been vomiting, or have diarrhea. In addition, every effort should be made to schedule appointments outside school hours or on non-school days. Please call the school office at (479) 750-8749 or reach out to your child's teacher if your student will not be at school.