Deretchin Digest
January 2025 Edition
A Note From Mrs. Oliver
Happy New Year! I hope you have had a fantastic break! We are looking forward to our students returning tomorrow as we begin the second semester of the 2024-2025 school year. I am very proud of our students and staff and all they accomplished the first half of the school year, and I look forward to many more great things happening in 2025.
Thank you for all of your help and support with our activities during the busy month of December. Our staff members and families definitely went above and beyond to create wonderful memories for our students.
Thank you for your continued support, and I hope 2025 is a wonderful year for everyone!
Tina Oliver
Upcoming on the Deretchin Calendar
January 6- Staff Work Day
January 7- Students return to school
January 10- Fall Pictures Retakes and Homeroom Class Pictures
January 11- Western Art Show, The Jett Center
January 13-17- Scholastic Book Fair
January 14- Report cards sent home, Late Night Scholastic Book Fair, 4:00-6:00
January 20- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day-Holiday
January 22- Coffee with the Counselors, 9:00-10:00, in cafeteria
January 28- PTO Executive Board Meeting, 1:30
January 30- 100th Day of School, General PTO Meeting, 8:30 in cafeteria
January 31- Spotlight on Integrity, 9:15 in cafeteria
Counselor's Corner
1/8/25 Character Club 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
1/16/25 Digital Citizenship & Online Safety Presented by: Parent ProTech
(Register here) (Join Webinar Here)
6:30 PM-7:30 PM
This presentation equips parents to guide their children in digital citizenship and online safety, focusing on privacy settings, responsible online behavior, and recognizing potential risks.
1/22/25 Coffee with the Counselors 9:00 AM in the cafeteria
Topic: Effective Communication When Emotions are High
1/31/25 Spotlight Ceremony “Integrity” 9:15 AM in the cafeteria
2/6/25 Healthy Relationships Presented by the Montgomery County Women’s Center
(Register here) (Join Webinar Here)
6:30 PM-7:30 PM
This presentation helps parents understand how to support their children in building healthy relationships, focusing on communication, respect, and boundaries.
Pre-K & ECSE News
Kindergarten News
First Grade News
Dear Families,
Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and is ready for a fantastic start to 2025. Here’s a glimpse of what we’ll be learning in January:
This month, we’ll be diving into the fascinating world of weather! We will explore different types of weather, how weather changes, and what tools we use to measure it. Our little scientists will love observing and learning all about the skies!
In math, we’ll focus on telling time on both analog and digital clocks. We’ll also work on solving word problems and understanding place value, helping students develop a strong foundation in math concepts.
Language Arts:
We will study informational texts and explore non-fiction materials, discovering how these texts give us important facts and details. In writing, students will create their own “All About” informational books, practicing how to write clear, informative content.
Social Studies:
In social studies, we will set New Year's goals and resolutions, encouraging students to think about their personal growth for the year ahead. We’ll also learn about the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., discussing his contributions to equality and justice.
We are excited to work together as a class this month. Thank you for your continued support, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
The First Grade Team
Second Grade News
As we return to school after the winter break, we hope your family had a restful and enjoyable holiday season. Transitioning back to the classroom can take some time, but we’re excited to welcome the students back and support them as they re-engage with their learning.
In math, we will begin our unit about measurement. We will focus on length by measuring with nonstandard units, yards, feet, etc. We will compare the different sizes and how many units we will need to measure. We will end the unit by focusing on how to find the area. We will finish the month off by circling back to geometry. We are going to dive deeper into 2D and 3D shapes by naming their attributes, composing and decomposing, etc. In science, we will be focusing on the sun and objects in the sky. We will end the month looking at how water and wind move soil and rock. In social studies, we will focus on landforms and natural resources for the whole month. In reading, students will start a figurative language unit. Students will also begin a poetry unit where they will learn how to read and write poems. Students will be able to identify vowel team syllable patterns in words and practice using them in their spellings. In grammar, students will review articles, adjectives, and contractions.
Third Grade News
Happy 2025!
Math - We are in the beginning of our Fraction unit. Students will be able to identify and represent fractions. They will also be learning how to compare for equivalent fractions. Such a fun unit! Please continue working on their multiplication facts. We will begin testing over these soon!
Science - We are so excited to be starting our space unit. This will cover the relationship between the sun, earth and moon; order of the planets and details about the sun.
Social Studies - We will continue learning about the history of our country. Before the break we learned about the explorations to the new continent. We will continue with the move westward. We will review that and move into social reform, some people today that made big impacts on our country.
Language Arts - We will start our Argumentative Unit! In this unit, students will learn about the differences between facts and opinions in texts. Students will be able to identify the claim in reading and write persuasive pieces in writing.Fourth Grade News
In math, we are starting the new semester off by reviewing how to solve long division problems. We will then work our way through learning how to interpret the remainder in a division problem. We will finish part 1 of our multiplication and division unit by creating strip diagrams and equations and division area models. Once we conclude this unit, we will jump into our measurement unit. We will be calculating area and perimeter of squares and rectangles, finding elapsed time, identifying relative sizes of measurement units within the customary and metric systems, solving problems that deal with measurements of mass and weight using addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.
In science, we will differentiate between weather and climate. We will also identify and explain advantages and disadvantages of using Earth's renewable and nonrenewable natural resources such as wind, water, sunlight, plants, animals, coal, oil, and natural gas and explain the critical role of energy resources and how conservation, disposal, and recycling of natural resources impact the environment and modern life.
In social studies, we will identify Texas' role in the Mexican War of Independence and the war's
impact on the development of Texas. We will also identify the accomplishments and explain the economic motivations and impact of significant empresarios, including Stephen F. Austin and Martín deLeón, on the settlement of Texas. We will also begin to analyze the causes, major events, and effects of the Texas Revolution, including the Battle of the Alamo, the Texas Declaration of Independence, the Runaway Scrape, and the Battle of San Jacinto.
We will begin our Historical Fiction unit in reading. Our new read aloud will be Number the Stars by Lois Lowry. Students will be asked to see connections between the story plot timeline and the timeline of world events happening during that time period. Students will notice how characters’ actions, behaviors, and motivations are affected and shaped by those world events.
Fiction writing will be our focus in writing. Students will write narratives utilizing a specific structure to highlight their characters, a character’s conflict, whether internal or external, and a solution to that conflict. Students will pay attention to the setting that they choose and how that setting adds depth to the plot.
Grammar and Phonics will resume as students continue to work on skills that strengthen their reading and writing.
Students will continue working on simplifying numerical expressions by following the order of operations. The second half of January we will be multiplying and dividing fractions. In our advanced class, students will continue classifying 2D shapes and begin solving for perimeter, area and volume.
Science/Social Studies
As we start the New Year, we start our new unit of study! We will be starting our earth unit of study! We will begin with reviewing the water cycle, weather and climate. We will then dive into the slow changes and fast changes that change the Earth’s surface using wind, water and ice.
In social studies, we will continue our journey in American history by learning about the Louisiana purchase and how it doubled the size of the United States! We will also look at the causes and effects of the War of 1812.
Language Arts
Happy New Year! This month, we will focus on the elements of fiction for both reading and writing. Not only will we introduce various forms of fiction, students will also be writing their very own fiction story!
Sixth Grade Scoop
As always, there’s so much happening in sixth grade! We are excited to jump back into learning and look forward to all the wonderful things planned for the final semester. It’s hard to believe this is their last semester as Deretchin Dragons!
In science, we’ll be diving into our earth science unit, focusing on what influences Earth’s seasons, solstices, and equinox. This unit promises to be both engaging and fun, with plenty of hands-on activities that we’re confident the students will love!
In social studies, we’re continuing our exploration of countries around the world. Our journey through Europe will highlight the region’s geographic features and delve into its rich history, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the continent.
In math, we’re continuing a unit on proportionality, where students will learn how to compare sale prices and determine the best deals in stores. After completing this unit, we’ll shift our focus back to algebra to explore two-step equations. Our level students will be continuing to solve one-step equations and inequalities.
In language arts, we’re excited to start a new novel unit this month, focusing on historical fiction. We’ll read powerful stories that exemplify courage, perseverance, and resilience.
Thank you for your continued support throughout the first semester. We are looking forward to an exciting and successful second semester!
Music News
We have several exciting events coming up in the music department in 2025!
In grades PreK-4, we are adding to our songs and games to reinforce steady beat and note reading skills. 1st graders will focus on quarter note, eighth note and rest. Pre-K and kindergarteners will sing songs and play games to identify different voices and high and low sounds. 2nd grade will focus on five melody sounds- so, la, mi, re and do - while 3rd and 4th grades are adding fa and low sol. They will also work with the rhythms quarter note, eighth note, rest, half notes and sixteenth notes. 4th grade students will continue to work on reading note names and how to count rhythms on numbered beats. 2nd Grade will also begin work on their Musical, “Arf!” 3rd graders are continuing work on their musical, “Off Their Rockers,” and are excited to perform on February 6, 2025.
Hello again from the Band Directors! We are so proud of how both bands performed at their Winter Concert! Beginning the first week of January, 6th Grade Band will start preparing for the McCullough Benchmark The McCullough Benchmark will be on February 21 & 22. All 6th Grade Band students are required to take the Band Benchmark. More details will be communicated soon! 5th graders are working on increasing their range and learning more techniques on their instruments!
The orchestra concert, in which both 5th and 6th graders played, went very well! We are especially proud of the 5th graders, since that was their first time performing for an audience. Coming up at the end of February will be the benchmark for the 6th graders, and materials for that will be distributed shortly after we return from the winter break. As a reminder, the CISD 6th Grade Honor Orchestra concert will take place in the McCullough JH auditorium later this month. Congratulations to the students who qualified for the Honor Orchestra.
Mrs. Childs was so proud of the 5th/6th General Music students who went “caroling” and played Christmas songs for classes throughout the school. They had a great 1st semester working on their recorder, ukulele, piano and vocal skills and will begin to combine some of these skills to play as ensembles in class.
She was so proud of the choirs’ performances in December. They sang beautifully. Both the 4th grade and Intermediate choirs are starting music for spring concerts and festivals. The 4th grade choir is excited to invite 3rd graders to join their choir. 6th Grade Choir students continue to work on music for the CISD Intermediate Honor Choir Auditions on Friday, January 31, 2025.
Melody Childs-Music/Choir
Michelle Gastler-Music/Band
Avery Chambers-Music/Orchestra
Andrew Wilson- Music/Band
PE News
Happy New Year!
We hope everyone had a fabulous holiday and is ready for more fitness and fun! As we move into the month of January we will begin our bowling unit, along with a variety of hockey type games. Scooter hockey and Beachball hockey are always so much fun and really work the muscles! We will also be introducing Pillo Polo, which is a field hockey style game played outside. All of our activities will continue to promote participation, cooperation, and teamwork!
Please remember that safe, comfortable athletic style shoes are very important for your child to wear when they attend P.E. class. Flip flops, open-toed shoes, Crocs, boots, shoes with high heels, and slippers are not safe shoes. Please make sure that students come prepared with appropriate footwear so they can be successful in our class.
Coach C (Mary Chernitsky), Coach Parra (Tammy Parra), Coach Langthorp (Riley Langthorp) and Coach Wolf (Gavin Schindewolf)
Library News
Library News!!
We have our next book fair coming up quickly. It will be January 10-17. If you’re able to volunteer, here is the Sign-up Genius: http://tiny.conroeisd.net/V8LgA .
Our special after school Book Fair event is Tuesday, January 14 from 4-6. If you visit, you can enter your family’s name for a chance to get a collection of books.
As always, I’d love to have you volunteer in the library. Here’s the Signup Genius for that: http://tiny.conroeisd.net/txAWw.
PK-3rd grade families the author’s visit with Tammi Sauer has been rescheduled. She is now scheduled to visit Wednesday, January 22. If you’d like, you can purchase the books, send them with your child, and then have her sign the books when she visits.
If you have any questions feel free to email me at CMattern@conroeisd.net.
Happy Reading,
Cristofer W. Mattern
Library Media Specialist
PTO News
PTO News
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a restful break and is ready to crush the second half of the school year.
Coming up this week - our Spirit Night is 1/9 at Original Chop Shop! Dine out and do good - 20% of the sales will come back to Deretchin.
We are also very excited about the Deretchin Rodeo and Spring Carnival coming up next month on 2/28! Tickets will go on sale online on 2/4. Join us at this month's PTO meeting on 1/30 for more information or check out our January PTO Newsletter here: https://deretchin.membershiptoolkit.com/newsletter/03929-20250102184547-002653700-818879775
Happy New Year!
Michele Nicol
President, Deretchin PTOEmail: president@deretchinpto.org
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.