Summit Lakes Weekly Bulletin
October 20th, 2024
A Message from Dr. Mitchell
Good afternoon Falcon families,
We are looking forward to the opportunity to meet with families either in-person or virtually during fall conferences next Wednesday (10/23) and Thursday (10/24). The window for fall conference scheduling will close Monday, October 21 at 3:30pm. In the event you are needing to make a change to your scheduled conference after the window has closed, we will need you to contact the teacher directly via his or her school email address.
If you have not yet scheduled your conference, below are the instructions to help make that possible:
1. Click this link to login to PowerSchool on a web browser (not mobile app)–
2. Click “conference scheduling” on the left side
3. Select 2024 Middle School Fall Conferences
4. Schedule your desired conferences. For your convenience, you will have the choice between a
virtual timeslot or an in-person timeslot. (Teachers will email virtual/Google Meet codes and instructions the week of conferences).
5. Please be sure to select the specific teacher(s) you are wanting to meet with.
Please use the “Next Selection/Previous Selection” buttons to ensure you enroll for EACH individual teacher you wish to meet with. Click “Finish” when you have completed your selections.
Directions for attending Fall In-Person Conferences:
Arrive at Summit Lakes prior to your conference (check in at the front office if you need a map or room number)
Visit the teacher’s classroom (if the door is closed, please wait while the teacher finishes the conference in-progress)
Directions for logging into Fall Virtual Conferences:
If you do not have a personal Google account, you may also use your child's Google account to access the meeting. As a reminder, your child's username and password for their LSR7 Google account can be found by clicking the Student Credentials tab in the PowerSchool parent portal. We suggest having your child's username (their full email address including the @lsr7.net) and password ready in preparation for the virtual parent/teacher conference should you need it.
Thank you for all you do to support your middle school child and SLMS - we appreciate you!
David Mitchell, Ed.D.
Principal, SLMS
Clubs/Activities- All Grades
- Archery: New Archer Clinic - 11/4 & 11/6 (all new archers required to attend both days). First team practice Monday 11/11 - 7:00PM. Registration due by 10/25 https://my.cheddarup.com/me/titanfalconarchery-706
- Book Club: The next book club meeting will be Monday, October 28 at 7:35 am! The book will be Greetings from Witness Protection - stop by and pick it up today!
- Chess Club: Tuesday October 22nd - 7:30AM
- D&D Club: Thursday October 31st - 3:30 - 4:30PM - Applications form https://forms.gle/fv4oBJThZykTrHwR9
- Falconbots: Monday October 21st and Tuesday October 22nd - 3:30pm.
- Falcon Smart: Thursday November 14th at 7:30AM
- First Priority: Thursday October 31st - 7:35AM - Meet in Ms. Scieszinski's room #624
- GSA: Monday October 28th - 7:40AM in Ms. Whyte's room. - NO MEETING 10/21
- LSTA: Wednesday October 30th - 7:45AM
- Peer Mentors: Thursday November 21st - 7:35AM
- The Little Mermaid Jr: Little Mermaid cast, please make sure to check your rehearsal calendar each week in Schoology and note any updates that are highlighted in yellow. People are missing rehearsals because you aren't checking your calendar. 3 Strikes and you are removed from the show.
Seal of Biliteracy Pathway Award
Dear eighth grade students and parents/guardians:
You can learn another language and earn a Pathway Award in eighth grade! The following is information regarding our middle school Seal of Biliteracy Pathway Awards. These awards were established to encourage language learning from kindergarten through middle school as students work towards biliteracy and earning the Seal of Biliteracy in high school.
The Pathway Awards recognize students in eighth grade who are seeking out second language acquisition and cultural opportunities at home, school, and/or in the community. This includes English Language Learners as well as native English speakers who are learning another language.
For more information, click the links below:
APPLICATION: Students should go HERE to apply for the award. Deadline is November 1.
The application link and all of the information to share is provided in THESE SLIDES. See Mrs. Stevens with any questions.
Winter Sports Meetings
Monday, October 21 during Advisory students are invited to attend our Winter Sports meetings. Wrestling is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys and girls. Basketball is open to 7th and 8th grade boys and girls. Swim & Dive is open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. These meetings are for general info for students only! Tickets will be passed out at lunch to all students interested in attending these meetings.
Scholar Bowl Try-Outs
6th Grade- Monday, November 11th 3:20pm-5:00pm
7th-8th Grade- Tuesday, November 12 3:20pm-5:00pm
Reminder regarding students in grades K-8 attending after hours district events
Dear SLMS Families,
As the fall sports season begins I want to remind our families that all LSR7 students in grades K-8 are to be accompanied by an adult while attending district evening activities. This includes middle school athletic competitions, both indoors and out, which begin at 4:00pm. Below are additional details that have been shared with me by the LSW administration:
All stadium concourses must remain clear for the duration of the pre-game and in-game activities. Patrons should be able to walk to their seats, restrooms, concession stands, and merchandise tables as needed. If you are not walking to one of these areas then we ask that you and anyone you are with find a seat in our bleachers. We will have extra seating available in an overflow bleacher area located on the South end of the track (home side only). Students/patrons will be asked to leave the stadium complex if there is continued standing in our concourse areas.
All middle school-aged or younger students must have an adult who is in charge of them at the game at all times. Middle school students and younger who do not have an adult in charge of them will be turned away at the gate or asked to call a ride and leave the game. The best practice would be for these students to sit with the adult they came with during the game.
No backpacks are allowed in the stadium, and backpack storage will not be available. Therefore, any backpacks should be stored in cars or left at home prior to coming to the game. Those wearing backpacks will be turned away at the gate.
All Lee’s Summit West fans and patrons must remain on the stadium's home side throughout the event.
All students wanting to attend the game must arrive and purchase their tickets prior to the end of halftime. Any student/patron wanting to gain entrance after halftime ends will be turned away. To clarify further, no tickets will be sold in the 3rd and 4th quarters.
Our home football games generally conclude around 9:30 pm. All students should have rides and be picked up no more than 30 minutes after the game's conclusion. Our staff work a very long day on Fridays and want to get home to their families, so students/patrons exiting promptly is very much appreciated. Violating this policy could result in losing the privilege of attending our home games.
SLMS will provide Falcon Fan Days during our fall, winter, and spring sports seasons. Falcon Fan Days are an exception and allow students with signed permission slips to stay after school and attend our home contests without their parent/guardian in attendance. Students participating in Falcon Fan Days will have some supervised time after school followed by attending the contest and sit in our designated student section. We limit the FFD section to the first 150 responses. Students who are signed up will receive a ticket for a hotdog + water/pop or water/pop + candy at our PTA concession stand. Students are always encouraged to attend our athletic events to support their fellow falcons with a parent or guardian.
24-25 Falcon Fan Day Dates:
Volleyball - 9/16
Cross Country - 9/30
Football - 10/8
Wrestling - 11/20
Girls Basketball - 12/5
Boys Basketball - 1/14
Track - 4/22
We are proud of the many outstanding and successful extracurricular activities that our students participate in and we want families and students to be able to support and enjoy these events safely.
Thank you for your support with this expectation. We appreciate your partnership.
SLMS Administration
Homework and Testing Center
At SLMS students are expected to complete all assignments on time and submit on the date they are due. Homework is given as practice to assure that students are building the necessary skills to master course objectives. We believe that meaningful work should be completed prior to taking any assessment. Our goal is to ensure that all students are reaching the desired grade-level standards that have been established for each course.
Students will have a set amount of passes for missing/incomplete homework per subject. When all passes have been used for that subject area, students will be assigned a before or after-school Homework Center. This is an opportunity to complete missing homework and get help from teachers. Students should report to the LMC with missing assignments to work on when assigned to the Homework Center.
Homework Center Hours: - Located in RM 510
AM: Monday - Thursday (7:30-8:10)
AM: Friday (8:30-9:10)
PM: Monday (3:20-4:20)
In the case that your student is absent during a test in a class, they will be given the opportunity to take the test in the Testing Center. This is a proctored environment to provide the student with an ideal testing environment.
Testing Center Hours:
AM: Monday - Thursday (7:30-8:10)
Wednesday - Rm 520
Tuesday/Thursday - Rm 613
AM: Friday (8:30-9:10) - Rm 511
A Message from The Health Room
End of Day Transportation
- If you need to communicate a transportation change with a student, we ask that you notify the main office prior to 3:00pm. This allows us time to reach your student with the message, as students begin dismissing at 3:13pm.
- It is difficult to check students out between 3:00pm-3:15pm, as many activities occur during Advisory at the end of the day, and students are often moving between locations in the building. In order to ensure that you are not waiting, or late to appointments - please pick up your student prior to 3:00pm if you need to leave before 3:15pm.
- If you need a one-day bus pass for your student to ride home with a friend on a different bus - we need written permission from both families prior to 1:30pm the day of in order to arrange this with transportation. Written permission can be emailed to courtney.mitchell@lsr7.net.
Apply To Be An LSR7 Bus Driver
LSR7 is now hiring school bus drivers. No experience needed, and the opportunity includes paid training, full benefits and pay starting at $20.03 - $28.05 per hour based on experience. Have a vested interest in supporting students?
Apply to be one of our district's greatest assets.
Call 816-986-4287 for more information.
Summit Lakes Middle School
Email: firstname.lastname@lsr7.net
Website: slms.lsr7.org
Location: 3500 Southwest Windemere Drive, Lee's Summit, MO, USA
Phone: 816-986-1375
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/summitlakes
Twitter: @SLMSFalcons