PCES Pirate Log
February 3rd - February 7th
It is time to put the pieces together and win the game!
This time of year our instruction is very crucial. We must ensure that we are presenting grade-level material each and every day. We as Pirate Teachers believe that students excel when curriculum is challenging and progressive, and we have proven over the past two years that students excel when held to clearly defined high ex[ectations...keep them moving forward.
You are strong enough to get through this. Don't rest in the middle, we can rest at the end!
Get In The GAME,
Caridad Wins!!
We need every teacher to enter points each week!
Standards Mastery/Growth Monitoring....now what?
We give assessments so that we can determine mastery of standards and inform the next steps for instruction. As this Standards Mastery/Growth Monitoring window comes to an end, what are we doing with the data? Simply admiring the data will not change student outcomes. We must act.
Standards Mastery:
As you review your Standards Mastery Results (Class and Student) Reports, ask yourself the following
- How did students perform on the assessment?
- Which skills within the standard are students struggling with the most?
- What are the common misconceptions and what resources can I use to remediate them? (The blue Resources section of the Standards Mastery Results Class Report can help you answer these questions.)
- What were individual students’ responses to the assessment? What do I need to do differently to get each student to mastery of the standard?
Growth Monitoring:
As you review your Growth Monitoring Results Report, ask yourself the following question: How do I evaluate projected end-of-year growth and prioritize students for additional support to accelerate growth between Diagnostics? What data should you focus on to answer this question? I am glad you asked…use the following:
- Annual Typical Growth Likelihood and Annual Stretch Growth Likelihood
- Projected Student Growth
- Which students are likely to meet growth measures, including On (Mid/Late) or Above Grade Level placement?
- Which students need support to accelerate growth? For these students, plan teacher-led instruction (utilize the Tools for Instruction and other resources that are evidence-based and align to the grade-level standards) and ensure that online instruction is maximized (minutes and pass rate).
- Prioritize support for students who are Somewhat Unlikely to meet their growth measures AND be On or Above Grade Level. Then consider the needs of students who are Likely to meet growth measures but Somewhat Unlikely to be On or Above Grade Level.
Week at a Glance
Yearbook Deadline
The deadline for the yearbook to be completed is quickly approaching. Put pictures in Google Drive TODAY!
Pride Point
I want to give a big Shout out to Mrs. Sellier for going above and beyond
What do our walls say about us?
2020 Census is Coming
Week Agenda
Monday, Feb 3, 2020
- Tier 2 meetings this week
Tuesday, Feb 4, 2020
- Regular Schedule
Wednesday, Feb 5, 2020
- Progress Reports Go Home
Thursday, Feb 6, 2020
- Lesson Plans Due
- Family Night 4:30 -6:30
Friday, Feb 7, 2020
- House Lunch
*See Google Calendar for more details
Coming Soon
Feb 21: Kindergarten Mardi Gras Parade
Feb 24 - Feb 26: Student Mardi Gras Holiday
Feb 26: Pirate Academy
You are our best recruiters, please spread the word!
Things I REad This Week on Twitter
Committed to Excellence
Haleigh Cuevas, Principal
Email: hcuevas@pc.k12.ms.us
Website: www.pc.k12.ms.us
Location: 270 West Second Street, Pass Christian, MS, USA
Phone: (228)452-5200
Facebook: facebook.com/pcespirates
Twitter: @PCES_Pirates