OVA Connector
Otsego Virtual Academy September 6, 2024
We hope you had a great three weeks of school!
👋 Dear OVA Families,
Here are the 5 important news items you need for this week!
- Each week, your two way communication with your mentor is the way we track attendance. The attendance week begins on Wednesday and ends on Tuesday. Each week you will need to have two back and forth communications with your mentor or teacher. You will be marked absent for the week if you do not complete at least two two-way communications.
- All K-8 students will receive a new mentor beginning Wednesday, September 11. You will receive an email with the information from Ms. McEvoy.
- Homecoming is Friday, September 13. There is a parade followed by the home varsity football game. The marching band will also be performing prior to the game.
- Be sure to keep up weekly in your classes. While attendance is important, so is completing your work in Edgenuity!
- You can keep up to date on things happening all over the district by reading the newsletters to the different schools in the district. There is a button at the bottom of the page that will take you to all the newsletters in the district.
Study hard & dream big!
Save the date
September 9 School Pictures for OVA Students at OHS 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
September 14 Homecoming Parade 5:45 PM
September 14 Homecoming Game 7:00 PM
September 30-October 4 Purple Week Activities
October 18 No School
October 21 No School
K-8 Grade Mentor Teacher Announcement
Ms. McEvoy will be the K-8 Mentor Teacher beginning on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Mrs. Maxwell has been filling in until them. Please look for communication from Ms. McEvoy next week. We are excited to have Ms. McEvoy join our team.
Orientation Slides for the Online Learning Platform for Parents and Students
Below are links to slideshows to help you navigate the online learning platform. If this program is new to you, please look through these slides (and save them for future reference) to help you and your child get started with his/her learning. Please note that the elementary slideshow is different than middle and high school.
For K-12 Grade Students
- For anything in an online course you have questions about, please contact the online teacher of the course.
- For questions about two-way communication or how to log-into courses, please contact your OVA mentor teacher.
- For problems with your OPS email address or your Chromebook, please contact our director of technology, Michelle Triemstra, at mtriemstra@otsegops.org.
- If you are a high school student and have questions about your credits for graduation, dual enrollment or tech center, AP exams, or post-high school information please contact your school counselor. See picture for information on who your counselor is.
- For any other questions, you may contact the OVA coordinator, Ms. Maxwell, at tmaxwell@otsegops.org.
Two-Way Communication is Every Wednesday Through Tuesday
What is two-way communication and how does it work at OVA?
Every OVA student is assigned a mentor teacher. Every Wednesday, the mentor teacher will reach out to the students they are working with with a short assignment. Students are expected to communicate back with their teacher or mentor. Each week, each student must respond to at least two communications with their teacher or mentor. The week starts on Wednesday and ends on Tuesday. This is a requirement and how attendance is taken at OVA. Attendance plays an important role in the success of the student in the OVA program. Please be sure to communicate with your teacher and/or mentor teacher.
School Pictures for OVA Students
Monday, September 9 11:00 AM-12:30 PM at Otsego High School
K-12 grade students at OVA are welcome to come to Otsego High School on Monday, September 9 from 11-12:30 for school pictures. You will get your picture taken that day and will receive an email when your photo is ready. At that point, you may login and purchase pictures through an online store. Please let us know if you have any questions on the process.
The link below will take you to all the newsletters of schools in the district
Part of Otsego Public Schools
Offering full-time and part-time virtual learning
Email: tmaxwell@otsegops.org
Website: https://www.otsegops.org/apps/pages/OtsegoVirtualAcademy
Location: 501 Grant Street Otsego, MI USA
Phone: (269) 694-7980