ENG101 Urban Legends & Myths Guide
Villa Maria College Library
Search for Books, eBooks, Print Journals and DVDs
Books in the standard collection may be borrowed for three weeks. Books placed on reserve by your professor will have a shorter loan period. Books not available from the library can be borrowed through AcademicSHARE or Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Contact the library for help. To find items held by Villa and other libraries, try WorldCat.
Don't forget your Villa Maria College ID card to check out books!
Find the ebooks you need by searching either the library catalog, Alexandria, or by searching directly in our ebook collection from EBSCO.
The complete list of databases available can be found on our website.
Articles not available in full text can be requested through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Contact the library for help with ILL.
Off-campus access to most online databases requires a username and password. Drop by the library to get this information.
Online Databases
Subject databases
Multidisciplinary databases
Check the library's website for a full listing of databases.
Newspaper databases
Online Historical Newspapers
The full run of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle newspaper from 1841 to 1955 has been digitized and made available by the Brooklyn Public Library's local history division. Other Brooklyn-related periodicals are also available.
Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
This Library of Congress collection includes historic newspaper pages from 1836-1922. The US Newspaper Directory can also be used to find information about American newspapers published from 1690 to the present (yes, 1690!).
Despite the look of the website, Fulton History has one of the largest digitized collections of American newspapers. Available dates range from the 1800s to the early 2000s.
Online resources
Snopes.com Online urban legends and debunking site
Monsters and Myths of Upstate New York
Ghost stories of Western New York (UB Spectrum)
Most Haunted Places in Western New York
Search Tip
site: Use this command to limit your search results to a particular site or to a domain
Example 1: site:villa.edu will limit your search exclusively to Villa Maria College's site
Example 2: site:.edu will limit your search to sites ending in .edu (educational institutions)
- Use this command to exclude items from your results
Example 1: jaguar speed -car will give you results about the animal NOT the car
Example 2: pandas -site:wikipedia.org will give you results about pandas but NOT from Wikipedia
Evaluation of Online Resources
- When? Publication date, post date, updates
- Related to your topic, Intended audience
- Who created it? Are they qualified to write on the topic?
- Where does the information come from? Evidence? Reviewed? Unbiased?
- What is the purpose of the resource? Inform, teach, sell, entertain or persuade? Is it fact, opinion or propaganda?
Evaluating information is an essential step in quality research.
Remember, your assignment says NO WIKIPEDIA!
Additional Writing and Citation Resources
Guidelines for formatting your paper, in-text citations and your works cited page using MLA.
Citation generators can make formatting your citations a lot easier. Don't forget: you still need to review your citations for accuracy and formatting!
Villanova University's Writing Center's guide covers the steps to writing a college paper from getting started to polishing tips.
Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Citation help for both APA and MLA, research help, general and subject-specific writing as well as ESL are addressed here.
The University of Chicago's collegiate writing guide is a resource for bringing your writing to the college level.
Writing Resources from Hamilton College
Guides for writing essays in many different subject areas, personal statements, labs, journals, as well as citation and grammar help.
Smitty Abel-Smith
Email: sabelsmith@villa.edu
Website: http://www.villa.edu/academics/library/
Location: 240 Pine Ridge Road, Buffalo, NY 14225
Phone: (716) 961-1864