Middle School East
Boyertown Area School District - Home of the Bears
Week In Review and A Look Ahead
August 23, 2024
Notes from the Principal
Hello MSE Students and Families!
Thank you to our parents/guardians who joined us for 6th grade Back to School Night on Wednesday, as well as the many students who showed up during our Open Houses! Our 7th/8th Grade Back to School Night will be on Sept 5th, starting at 6:30PM. Special thanks goes out to our 8th Grade Bear Ambassadors and the help they have provided to our new students thus far. Good luck to all of our students on the first day of school, Monday, August 26!
-On the first day of school, students will be taking a walk to our emergency reunification location at New Ridge Fellowship Church.
-On the second day of school, we will have pictures, health screenings, and class meetings.
-We are off on Friday, August 30 (the Office will be open) and Monday, September 2 (the Office will be closed) for Labor Day.
Transportation Reminder
It is recommended that you continue to monitor Infinite Campus throughout the weekend for any busing changes. Extra time should be given on the first few days while the busing routes normalize. Please be out early and give extra time for the buses to pick-up and drop-off the first few days. There is major construction occurring in the town of Boyertown near BASH, Boyertown Elementary, and Middle School West. This construction project may have a domino effect on all schools potentially causing some routes to drop-off later than normal.
Car Line
Please adhere to all signage, traffic patterns, and times for those families who are using personal vehicles to transport students. Full information can be found HERE. What is most important is that our pick-up times in the afternoon are followed. Those cars for 7th and 8th graders that arrive early will cause the pile-up and prevent our 6th graders from being picked-up and clearing the car loop. Pick up times are as follows:
6th Grade- 2:30
7th Grade- 2:35
8th Grade- 2:40
Families with students in multiple grades should plan to leave with the youngest member of the family.
New Science Curriculum
The Pennsylvania Department of Education has initiated a change in the standards that pertain to science and technology education that is to be fully implemented by the 2025-2026 school year. Science, technology & engineering, environmental literacy, and sustainability, referred to as the STEELS standards, are the revised standards which direct the instruction and learning of our students. In response to this shift, BASD has been working for over a year to prepare and establish our instructional programming and design for this change and will be implementing the STEELS standards in our grades 6-8 sciences classes this year. Adoption of a new curriculum was approved by the BASD Board of School Directors in the spring, and our teachers will begin implementing lessons, activities, and experiences that align and prepare our students for success with the STEELS standards. Students will notice an increase in critical thinking, experimentation, and collaborative work. They will collaborate with their peers to solve problems and defend their solutions with evidence gained from their investigations. Students may notice a reduction in direct instruction and note taking along with an increase of hands on and experiential instruction. We are excited to see this development implemented in our classrooms and enhancement to our students’ learning experiences.
High School Sporting Events
Tonight kicks off the 2024 football season with our first home game against Upper Perk. We hope to see many out and about supporting our players, cheerleaders, and marching band. Middle school students MUST be accompanied by an adult guardian to enter the stadium. Those students without an adult who will stay with them and supervise will not be allowed entry. Tickets must be purchased on-line and can be done HERE.
Upcoming Events
Click HERE for quick access to our Student Handbook/Code of Conduct
School Counselor Contact Information
MSE School Counselors Contact Information (counselors will return to school August 7):
Mrs. Charlee Malfaro (Class of 2029/Grade 8 School Counselor)
Phone #: 610-473-3987
Mrs. Beth Shive (Class of 2030/Grade 7 School Counselor)
Phone #: 610-473-3990
Mrs. Allison Thomson (Class of 2031/Grade 6 School Counselor)
Phone #: 610-473-3991
Community Bulletin Board
BASD hosts an online Community Bulletin Board. The electronic bulletin board features district and community activities, events, clubs, resources, and more. The board is updated regularly and
is an excellent source of information regarding things happening throughout our community and beyond. Be sure to check it out regularly!
Many of the clipart images used throughout this newsletter were purchased through canstockphoto.com before the company went out of business.
This picture is a modified version of our BASD logo.
The BASD logo is protected under copyright law.
This is the official BASD bear logo. This logo is protected under copyright law.
Canva is also used in the creation of this newsletter.
Any additional applicable copyright information for items used throughout this newsletter
will be provided on a use-by-use basis.
Middle School East
2020 Big Road
Gilbertsville, PA 19525
(610) 754-9550