Community Update Week of Oct 14th
Sharing information for the Wootton High School community.
Message from Mr. Nelson
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. At Wootton, we strive to create a school that is free of bullying behavior so we can create a school that is accepting and supportive of everyone. By promoting kindness, inclusivity, and respect, we can contribute to creating a school where everyone feels valued and respected. Together, we have the power to make bullying a thing of the past and build a better, more compassionate world.
On Monday, the principals of each high school in Rockville were invited to the City Council building to receive a proclamation. It was in support of Bullying Prevention Month. Learn more about bullying and prevention here.
Be well,
Calendar Reminders
MON, OCTOBER 14 Underclass Picture Make-Ups
THU, OCTOBER 17 Pep Rally Schedule
FRI, OCTOBER 18 Professional Day; no school for students
On Wednesday, October 16, 2024, Wootton High School will be administering the PSAT/NMSQT exam to all 10th graders and registered 11th graders in the morning. In the afternoon, we will come together as a school to Tie Dye spirit shirts for Homecoming. There will be no instruction on this day. Below, please find important information regarding the October 16th activities.
Bell Schedule
PSAT - 7:45-11:15
Lunch - 11:15-12:00
Tie Dye Event - 12:00-2:30
IF you are taking the PSATs (10th grade and registered 11th grade):
- Please bring your FULLY charged MCPS issued device for testing.
- Please be on time to school.
- Testing Room assignments can be found HERE.
IF you are a SENIOR (12th grade):
- Senior breakfast will be in the cafeteria starting at 9:30 am.
IF you are NOT taking the PSATs:
- The auditorium will be made available for students to use as a study hall until the bell rings for lunch.
ALL Students:
- Buses will run on a regular bus schedule.
- After lunch, students will report to Period 1 for attendance. They will then engage in Tie-Dyeing a previously purchased spirit shirt or participate in a wellness activity such as a movie, crafts, playing cards, board games, indoor sports, lawn games, and a study hall.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Labbe at Stephanie_C_Labbe@mcpsmd.org.
GloCo Tickets
Gloco tickets are $10. They can be bought on SchoolCashOnline
GloCo is an amazing event. Don't miss out and buy your ticket now.
News from the Media Center
Join the Library Advisory Committee in our first activity - You've Been BOO'D, October 9th- 23rd! Students read at least 2 books from our curated titles, complete a quick reflection about each book and earn your BOO! Your reflection will also be entered in a drawing for a gift card for a tasty meal. Find information on the Media Center's canvas page or stop by the media center!
Seal of Biliteracy
Juniors and Seniors - If you speak a language other than English at home OR if you are enrolled in a level 4 or higher language class, then you are eligible to test for the Seal of Biliteracy on November 13. The Seal of Biliteracy is an official designation earned at graduation that recognizes and rewards students who are proficient in English and one or more other languages. For more information on test eligibility and registration, please review this Seal of Biliteracy document or contact Dr. Fetterman with any questions.
Jumpstart to College Program
Ms. Rachel Patton, our Montgomery College Dual Enrollment Academic Coordinator, will be visiting on Wednesday, October 23, to answer questions about the Dual Enrollment – Jumpstart to College program. She will be joining Mr. David Ma, our Montgomery College rep, in a presentation. The presentation and Q&A session will be held at the Career Center from 9:15-10:00am. Registration for MC spring semester will start on October 28. Please see Ms. Yong in Room 103-D or contact her by email at Sook-Yi_Yong@mcpsmd.org if you have any questions about the Jumpstart to College program.
Senior Breakfast - Class of 2025
Class of 2025 parents,
Thank you to those that have generously signed up to donate food or volunteer your time for our senior breakfast on October 16! We still need some additional items including cases of water, fruit, cream cheese and more. If you are able to bring anything or volunteer your time, please sign up here.
If you're bringing food or other items, please try to bring it to the cafeteria between 9 and 9:30 the morning of the breakfast. If you need to arrange another time to drop off, please contact Mrs. McCarthy at Victoria_a_mccarthy@mcpsmd.org Thank you for your support!
Digital Citizenship Week
Digital Citizenship Week is widely recognized as a time to promote discussions and activities about the importance of using technology in a responsible, safe, and ethical manner. To equip more individuals with knowledge of how digital citizenship positively impacts our entire community, this year students can earn SSL hours by watching Digital Citizenship videos and submitting a reflection using with this form, bit.ly/DIGCITWEEK2024, thanks to the collaboration of MCPS School Library Programs and MCPS Student Service Learning Office!
Come to the Wootton Cluster Fall Festival
Wootton Daily Announcements
Wootton College and Career Center
College Visits
- Emmanuel College - Ian Sonia - College & Career Center - 10/14/24 9:15 AM
- Centre College - Eric Matherly - College & Career Center - 10/14/24 11:30 AM
- Long Island University - Post - Gary Sautner - College & Career Center - 10/15/24 7:45 AM
- Wilson College - Raylee Gibbons - College & Career Center - 10/15/24 11:30 AM
- Stevenson University - Carl Behm - College & Career Center - 10/15/24 1:00 PM
- NYU Shanghai - Ayham Adawi - College & Career Center - 10/15/24 1:45 PM
- Indiana University-Bloomington - Abby Billings - College & Career Center - 10/16/24 11:30 AM
- Moravian University - Tim Wait - College & Career Center - 10/16/24 1:45 PM
- University of Southern California - Nancy Ohia - College & Career Center - 10/16/24 2:35 PM
- Mercer University - Ashley Stephens - College & Career Center - 10/17/24 9:15 AM
- South Dakota School of Mines and Technology - Jerry Jarding - College & Career Center - 10/17/24 10:05 AM
- Hobart and William Smith - Hannah Rolfe - College & Career Center - 10/17/24 11:30 AM
- Simmons University - Kate Innes - College & Career Center - 10/17/24 2:35 PM
MCPS Information
Mental Health Awareness Week
The Office of School Support and Improvement and the Montgomery County School Psychologists’ Association will co-host the 2024 Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW), from October 21–26, 2024. The Mental Health Resource Fair will be held on Saturday, October 26, 2024, from 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. at Seneca Valley High School,19401 Crystal Rock Drive, Germantown, Maryland 20874. The event is open to students, families, and staff and will include Montgomery County Public Schools and community partners sharing information about mental health and wellness; as well as a student-lead forum focusing on issues impacting Montgomery County youth. Students may earn student service learning hours for participation in the Resource Fair. The MHAW website includes more specific details.
2025-2026 School Year Calendar Input
MCPS is seeking input about the 2025–2026 school year calendar! Please take a moment to complete the MCPS School Calendar Feedback Survey. Your input will be used to select the first and last day of school, as well as other important dates for the coming school year.
Join the Gender Equity and Sexual Misconduct (GESM) Taskforce
The GESM taskforce focuses on promoting gender equity, raising awareness about sexual misconduct, and creating a safer, more inclusive environment for all students in Montgomery County.
Here’s a link to the form where interested students can sign up: https://forms.gle/vTpNwbcrENFPs8nHA
Attendance Is Important!
Regular daily attendance is expected. It is critical to a child's academic success. Parent/caregiver support of regular daily attendance is essential. Parents/caregivers should provide a note within 3 days stating the reason for absence. This will ensure the absence is marked excused. Students who were absent from school have the responsibility to request make-up work from their teacher.