Peter Noyes Friday Flyers
Week Ending November 10th
Upcoming Events
November 10......No School in observance of Veteran's Day
November 15.....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM (Parent Conferences)
November 22.....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM
November 23-24....No School (Thanksgiving Recess)
December 13....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM
December 25 - January 1....No School (Winter Recess)
January 10.....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM
January 15......No School (MLK Day)
January 24.....No School (Professional Development Day)
January 31.....Early Release Day Dismissal 11:45 AM
From The Food Pantry:
Dear Families,
You have been doing a great job sending donations in previous Food Pantry collections and we’re incredibly grateful for all your help and support. This month is historically one of the most important collections for the Food Pantry, as it helps to replenish their inventory as we enter the holiday season.
We have the most creative teachers and for this Food Drive week all 3rd grade classes will be WORKING TOGETHER! They have planned an amazing week with special activities. The theme is “FLAUNT YOUR FEATHERS”. They have made a giant turkey and students who bring in a food pantry item will receive a feather to add to the turkey. The feathers are color coded according to grade levels/groups. Here are the groups:
Red - PreK, K, 1
Orange - 2, 3
Yellow - 4, 5
Brown - Staff
On Friday, students are encouraged to wear their feather color. The group with the most feathers will get an extra special surprise!
The list on the flyer contains the items the Food Pantry is specifically requesting and of course all donations of non-perishable food (and other items of personal hygiene, baby, food storage, etc) are welcome and encouraged, although please ensure the food is not open or expired.
Thank you in advance for all your support next week! Noyes families, let’s continue spreading love and kindness.
Peter Noyes Elementary School
Email: kristin_moffat@sudbury.k12.ma.us
Website: http://bit.ly/PeterNoyes
Location: 280 Old Sudbury Road, Sudbury, MA, USA
Phone: 978-443-1085
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peter.noyes.3
Twitter: @NoyesSchool