Your Weekly Oriole News
Thursday, February 8th
Your Weekly Oriole News - May 9, 2024
More Details Below In Newsletter
May 6 -17 - Students will be taking AP Exams - Scheduling Information Here
May 6 -10 - Staff and Teacher Appreciation Week - See inside
May 6 -10 Youth Apprentice Week - Interested in working and earning credits?
May 11 - Junior Senior Prom
May 15th - Senior Scholarship Breakfast - RSVP DUE - Students please use form from Mr. Schmidt
May 16th - FACEBOOK LIVE 5 P.M. - COMMUNITY SURVEY Q & A with Superintendent Jeff Walters
May 16 -17 - Cheerleading Tryouts
May 19 - Aviation Club Open House
May 22 - Day of Service- Our Community Volunteer Day!
May 23 - FACEBOOK LIVE 5 P.M. - COMMUNITY SURVEY Q & A with Superintendent Jeff Walters
May 24 - Senior Scholarship Breakfast 7:45 a.m. - Students must RSVP
May 30 - Auditions for Fall Musical Urinetown
May 29 - Graduation Rehearsal (Mandatory for Seniors) at 2 p.m.
- Six tickets per senior will be handed out after Rehearsal
- Seniors pick up your cap and gowns in Student Service ASAP
Tassels are available in the Student Service Office for $15 if you already have a cap and gown.
If you are in need of a cap and gown, there are only 12 left to purchase. Please call Tonya Neil at 262-670-3200 Ext. 4400
- Senior families - please pay all fees in your Skyward account in order for your student(s) to participate in graduation.
- Immunization Records - Must be picked up in the Health room before graduation.
June 2 - Graduation in the Field House at 10:30 a.m. - Doors Open at 9:30 a.m.
- HUHS will be LIVE Streaming Graduation free of charge so all families world-wide can enjoy! Subscribe to the HUHS YouTube Channel HERE
Footwear- Please keep in mind you will be walking upstairs and across the stage and back down the stairs.
The school will remain open for approximately 45 minutes to 1 an hour for pictures following the ceremony.
In 2022, Hartford Union High School (HUHS) area voters rejected a referendum to update facilities. We acknowledge and respect the community’s decision. Now, we must refine our plans to better reflect the priorities of our taxpayers.
To help accomplish this goal, the District formed the Citizens Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC). This group (made up of parents, staff, and community members) studied a facility assessment and feedback gathered from stakeholder interviews which identified more than $180 million in potential projects. We recognize completing all of these projects at one time is not realistic.
We need your feedback to determine which projects, if any, should be part of the first phase of a long-term facility improvement plan. The CFAC will use this input to finalize their recommendation to the School Board. To keep all feedback confidential, survey responses are collected by School Perceptions, an independent research firm.
Your survey should be in your mailbox soon. Thank you for giving us your valuable time and input.
Superintendent Jeff Walters will give a brief presentation on the 2024-2025 Budget and the recent Community Survey. He'll then open it up for any of your questions during two Facebook Live Sessions on May 16th and May 23rd at 5 p.m. Please tune-in to our Facebook feed and tell a friend. These are critical conversations and we want to make sure everyone is informed. Thank you for caring about HUHS and our students!
Superintendent Jeff Walters and School Board President Tracy Hennes honored Rotary Students of the Month Sydney Harris and Diana Schallock during the School Board Meeting on May 6th.
One of our Herb Kohl Excellence Scholarship Award winners Isabelle Haeft and Herb Kohl Educator Fellow Kim Yohn were also congratulated for their outstanding achievements.
Rotary Student of the Month Sydney Harris
Rotary Student of the Month Diana Schallock
Herb Kohl Excellence Scholarship Award - Isabelle Haeft
As many of you know, because of the State funding shortfall, many school districts in Wisconsin are facing a budget deficit. HUHS is no different. Please learn more by reading Superintendent Jeff Walter's May Report - Download Below