August BOY 2024
May 2024

Message from Mrs. Langston
Welcome to Second Grade! I look forward to our first day of school together tomorrow. I have just a few reminders for our first week of school.
1. You will find our Encore rotation below. Tomorrow is Day 1 and we will have PE, so send your kiddos in tennis shoes.
2. Please send your child with a non-disposable water bottle. It is fine for it to be empty, we can fill it with water at school.
3. Each afternoon we will have a quick snack time, so please send a snack your child will enjoy each day.
4. Home Practice Bags and Green Communication Folders will come home tomorrow. The suggestions for Home Practice are on the back of the Green Communication folder. Please give me this first week of school to observe and accurately assess your child's reading and math ability. If the books and math practice are too easy or difficult, please work with your child on establishing a good 20 minute home practice routine each night.
The first day of school, Monday, August 26th is Day 1.
About My Education
I went to Appalachian State University and received a degree in Elementary Education. I received my National Board Certification in 2007. I also have my AIG Certification from Wilkes County Schools. Due to the nature of Mr. Langston's profession, I have taught in seven counties throughout western North Carolina. WES is my ninth school and the school I call "home". Wilkesboro is a wonderful place to be a part of a school family.
About My Family
I have been married for 31 years to Mr. Craig Langston. He was a pastor for 25 years until he retired and is now a financial planner. We love to ride along the Blueridge Parkway, travel the world, and try new restaurants. I have four children, Elizabeth, Parker, Caroline, and Rebecca. Caroline and Rebecca started their second year of college this year, so my home is an empty nest. We all enjoy traveling and spending time hiking in the mountains, going to the beach, or sitting on our back deck watching a sunset. My favorite thing to do is spend time with my family and raising my four children is my most outstanding achievement.
Mrs. Langston is here to help you!
The best time to reach me on the phone is from 9:50-10:40 or 3:30-4:00.
Email: langstonk@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Website: wes.wilkescountyschools.org
Location: 1248 School Street, Wilkesboro, NC, USA
Phone: 336-838-4261