Deer Canyon Echoes
October 18, 2024
To Do ✅
- Purchase a DCES Yearbook — 10% off until Oct. 31.
- Help plan a lunchtime or recess activity in recognition of Dia de los Muertos on Nov. 1. Email melmeniawy@powayusd.com.
- Order DCES Spirit Wear.
Save the Date
- 10/21 to 10/25 - Red Ribbon Week
- 10/21 - School Site Council Meeting #2 @ 7:45 am on Zoom or in Room 14
- 10/25 - Monster Mash @ 5 pm
- 10/30 - DCPSO Meeting @ 4 pm
- 10/31 - Halloween Parade @ 9 am
- 11/1 - FUNky Friday @ 8:50 am, Coffee with the Principal @ 9:15 am
- 11/1 to 11/5 - Candy Buy Back Fundraiser with Sunray Pediatric Dentistry
11/11 - Veterans Day (no school)
11/15 - Family Picnic
11/18 and 11/19 - DC Dining @ CPK (all day)
11/25 to 11/29 - Fall break (no school or ESS)
Principal's Message 📚
Good evening, Deer Canyon Families!
I hope you're getting geared up for a fun-filled, festive Halloween season! We have tons of fun ahead, and I look very forward to the joy and silliness that the celebrations will bring!
This Week:
Deer Canyon recognized Digital Citizenship Week by viewing a brief video by yours truly on Monday morning; engaging in discussions and lessons around healthy, safe relationships with technology; and viewing a video created by DC Leader Safety Team members.
At 10:17 am yesterday, we joined millions of Californians in The Great California ShakeOut (the state’s largest earthquake drill ever)! Major earthquakes may happen anywhere we live, work, or travel. The ShakeOut is our chance to practice how to protect ourselves, and for everyone to become prepared. The goal is to prevent a major earthquake from becoming a catastrophe for us, our school, and our community. Our students and staff did a tremendous job safely participating in this drill!
Next Week at DCES:
Next week is Red Ribbon Week at DCES. Please see Mr. Higgins’ announcement below for more information. *Wear RED on Monday!
On Monday, October 21, at 7:45 am, our School Site Council will meet on Zoom & in Room 14 to review progress on our School Plan for Student Achievement, as well as vote in a Chairperson and DAC representative.
Our Mt. Carmel HS Student Ambassadors will be on campus for a playdate on Wednesday at lunch.
Monster Mash is on Friday, Oct 25 at 5 pm. I look forward to seeing everyone there and enjoying this special, festive event with my own family, as well!
We're looking for parent volunteers to help organize and implement a small lunch or recess craft on Friday, Nov. 1, in recognition of Dia de los Muertos. Please contact melmeniawy@powayusd.com if you're interested in helping plan or supervise!
Halloween Reminders:
Our Halloween Parade is on Thursday, Oct. 31, at 9 am, and students are encouraged to wear or bring a costume (see costume conditions below).
Families can watch our students parade across the front of school; please stand on the grassy knoll in the front of school, so students can wave to their fans! The parade route will travel through the hallways, out the MPR, down the sidewalk in front of school, and back in through the Kindergarten/PreK gate. As always, there is no parking in the drop-off zone as we need unobstructed views of our students!
Costume reminders:
Props that resemble a weapon are NOT permitted (pirate hooks, swords, fake guns, knives, etc.).
Students may wear face paint or masks during the parade, but masks are not permitted during the remainder of the school day for safety, comfort, and student identification purposes.
Some of our younger children on campus may be frightened by very scary or gory costumes; please refrain from wearing “bloody” clothes, masks, etc.
Get creative! Can’t wait to see our students’ interests shine through in their costumes.
Exceptional Family Resource Center
The Parent Ambassadors of PUSD Special Education Department, in partnership with EFRC (Exceptional Family Resource Center), would like to share these valuable community resources with you. Please see linked Community Resource Update flier for details.
Please be sure to bookmark the Deer Canyon school calendar and follow us on Instagram (@DeerCanyonPUSD) for event information, reminders, and celebrations!
Have a wonderful weekend, Deer Canyon!
Katie Bendix
Important Crosswalk Information
It is with tremendous gratitude that Deer Canyon and Mesa Verde thank our communities for their patience and grace as we work through the increase in pedestrian and bicycle traffic due to the changes in our busing. We want to ensure that pedestrians and drivers have clear expectations for traffic flow and the role of the PUSD crossing guard, Mr. Ali.
As we move forward, here are some expectations for our pedestrians and our drivers. Please take some time to review these and share with your student(s), and be prepared for these new expectations and processes to begin on Monday, October 21, 2024.
What can you expect as a driver?
The crossing guard is not employed to direct or control traffic, but rather to assist pedestrians in crossing the intersection safely. Please do not look to the crossing guard for direction on when you should proceed through the intersection; rather, be aware of when the crossing guard is assisting pedestrians through the crosswalk.
The crossing guard is not permitted to carry a stop sign.
Drivers should adhere to all traffic signage and markings. Do not load or unload along a red curb.
When the crossing guard is on the sidewalk, please proceed through the four way intersection cautiously as you normally would.
When the crossing guard is in the crosswalk, please pause as pedestrians cross. When the crossing guard exits the crosswalk, proceed with caution as you normally would. The crossing guard should be in the intersection for about a minute or less.
The crossing guard will hold up a red safety flag and blow the whistle once when entering the crosswalk, signaling it is okay for pedestrians to cross.
The crossing guard will lower the red safety flag and blow the whistle twice to signal pedestrians NOT to cross.
What can you expect as a pedestrian?
When it is time for pedestrians to cross the intersection, the crossing guard will blow the whistle once and hold up a red safety flag. You are permitted to cross ONLY when the red safety flag is in the air.
When pedestrians are no longer permitted to cross, the crossing guard will blow the whistle twice and lower the red safety flag. If the flag is lowered, you are not permitted to cross. If the crossing guard is still in the intersection but has lowered the red safety flag, do NOT cross; instead, wait until the crossing guard instructs pedestrians to cross.
The crossing guard will only direct pedestrians crossing to or from the corner of the street they are stationed at. Pedestrians using the other two crosswalks should cross safely as traffic allows and will NOT receive direction from the crossing guard of when to cross or not.
In the morning, the crossing guard will be stationed at the SE corner of Entreken and Russet Leaf and will only direct pedestrians using the two crosswalks coming to or from that corner.
In the afternoon during Mesa Verde dismissal, the crossing guard will be stationed at the SW corner of Entreken and Russet Leaf and will only direct pedestrians using the two crosswalks coming to or from that corner.
In the afternoon during Deer Canyon dismissal, the crossing guard will be stationed at the NE corner of Entreken and Russet Leaf and will only direct pedestrians using the two crosswalks coming to or from that corner.
What can you expect as a bicycle, e-bike, scooter rider?
When approaching the intersection, please use caution and pull to the side.
Riders must fully stop at the intersection stop signs, placing one foot on the ground.
Riders must be on the street and not on the sidewalk.
Riders should cross WITH vehicles cautiously. If the rider would prefer to cross with the pedestrians, they should dismount from their bike or scooter and act as walking pedestrians.
Please ensure riders and any passengers are wearing properly secured helmets.
Please always exercise caution when moving through the four way intersection. Safety first, always.
With thanks,
Katie Bendix (Principal DCES) and Kellie Moore (Principal MVMS)
Caught You Being Kind
I'm excited to share with you the names of students who were Caught Being Kind this week!
Through our Caught Being Kind program, students recognized by a staff member for exemplifying any of the six pillars of character—trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, or citizenship—are announced over the loudspeaker each Monday morning. These students then come to the office for an in-person message from me, and we take a group photo together! First-time Caught Being Kind students receive a small prize, which is distributed by their teacher.
- Katie Bendix, Principal
Ben, Brooklyn
Kayla, Ella, Caleb, Rowan
1st Grade
Advik, Lok Yan, Mei, Lucas H., Kaia, Carly, Grayson, Mia
2nd Grade
Thomas, Dylan, Brennan, Trey
3rd Grade
4th Grade
Rin, Nora, Helen, Ivy, Callan, Aiko
5th Grade
Ellie, Dean
Counselor's Corner 🦉
Please join us next week in celebrating National Red Ribbon Week, when we come together as a school and pledge to stay drug free. This year’s theme is "Life is A Movie, Film Drug Free."
We are kicking it off with a POSTER CONTEST. We’re asking students at every grade level to create a poster that promotes drug-free living. One winning poster will be chosen from each grade. Here are the details:
- The poster may be of any medium or size.
Please include this year’s theme: Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free!
Posters may not contain specific brand names.
Please make sure students include their name, grade and teacher’s name on
the BACK of the poster.Posters must be turned in to the front office by 8:40 am on Monday, Oct. 21.
Winners will be announced by Ms. Bendix on Thursday, Oct. 24.
Each winner will receive a prize and their poster will be displayed near the front gates.
All posters submitted will be displayed around the campus during Red Ribbon Week.
The poster project is a fun family activity and a great opportunity for parents to discuss making healthy choices and saying no to drugs with their kids! Please encourage your students to participate in the daily activities.
Our schedule of events:
Monday, 10/21: 'Red'dy to Live in a Drug Free World" - Everyone dress in red!
Students will receive Red Ribbons upon arrival. If they have a poster contest entry, they will submit it at the table provided.
Tuesday, 10/22: "A Bright Future Without Drugs" - Wear college or career-related clothing.
Wednesday, 10/23: "Sock it to Drugs!" - Wear crazy or mismatched socks. Meet the Mt. Carmel High School Ambassadors at lunch.
Thursday, 10/24: "Pledge to Stay Drug Free" - Sign our Red Ribbon Week Banner at lunch or recess. Winners of the poster contest will be announced for each grade level.
Friday, 10/25: "Team Up Against Drugs" - Wear your favorite team jersey.
Thank you in advance for your partnership in spreading this very important message to our students and community.
This past week at Deer Canyon our DC Leader Positivity and Inspire Teams met again to discuss Red Ribbon Week activities and their future duties, which will begin on Monday. The Positivity Team will continue their previous responsibilities, like helping with the game cart, gate greeters, running club, and Spirit Day promotion. The Inspire Team will focus more on providing character building activities and presentations. The Beautification Team also met to discuss how we will run our recycling program.
In our friendship groups, we’ve introduced ourselves and shared the qualities we look for in a friend. We talked about how we will work together as a team and then drafted an agreement of the rules we chose to follow while in our group, as so everyone feels safe, respected and willing to share. These grade-level groups will be meeting every week through November. If you received a permission slip, and would like your student to continue, please return it to me, his or her teacher, or the front office.
PUSD’s Caring Connections Parent Education website has new and exciting courses being offered this Fall. Each term they have different parenting education courses. We recommend periodically checking the website for the new courses offered to parents, families, and our school community. Click HERE to view the CCC Parent Education Fall Courses.
Updates from the PSO 📬
Order Your DCES Yearbook
Hold tight to those Deer Canyon memories made this year!
Order Deer Canyon yearbooks now and take advantage of 10% off if ordered by Oct. 31. You'll get two free custom pages (deadline for custom pages is April 30). If you have any questions, please contact Yearbook co-chairs Donna Cordero & Razan Lin at yearbook@deercanyonpso.org.
To purchase a yearbook:
1. DOWNLOAD the Treering App or go to https://auth.treering.com/
2. LOG IN or SIGN UP using School Code 1015490278194159
3. CLICK "Explore (or "Purchase") Yearbooks" and select your child's name at the top.
4. SELECT soft or hard cover in the drop down.
5. CUSTOMIZE your two free pages by April 30, 2025.
Save the Date: Candy Buyback Fundraiser
Nov. 1 to Nov. 5, courtesy of Sunray Pediatric Dentistry
Calling All Vendors! Join Our Festive Holiday Bazaar
Are you a home or small business owner, artisan, or creator looking to spread holiday cheer while showcasing your products? We invite YOU to be a part of our Annual Holiday Bazaar! This is a fantastic opportunity to share your unique items with holiday shoppers in a fun, festive
- Date: Friday, Dec. 13, 2024
- Location: Deer Canyon MPR
- Time: 5:30 to 8 pm
How to Apply:
Fill out our vendor application form by Nov. 15 to secure your spot!
For more information, please contact Maha El Meniawy at maha.elmeniawy@gmail.com.
Let's make this holiday season magical together. Spaces are limited—apply today!
Upcoming Events 📆
Monster Mash Update
There was an error in the Monster Mash flyer in last week’s Echoes showing an entry fee of $5. There is no entry fee this year because we have Food Trucks available for purchase!
We're looking forward to seeing all the costumes and creativity this year. Prize categories:
- Overall best
- Funniest
- Best couple
- Scariest
- Most original
- Best group
Please see the sign-up sheet here for parent volunteers needed to make this event happen.
Reach out to Melissa Doctor with any questions: 760-518-3757.
DC Dining - Nov. 18 & Nov. 19 @ CPK
Join us for DC Dining at California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) on November 18 & 19!
We are so excited to invite our Deer Canyon family to join us at CPK (11602 Carmel Mountain Road, San Diego, CA, 92128) on November 18 & 19 for a fundraising event, where 20% of all event sales will be donated to our PSO to help support our school.
You can order on the app or at CPK.com (enter coupon code BACK20%) or show the attached flyer.
This year, we revived our esteemed DC Dining Trophy. Join us in congratulating this month's winner on Funky Friday!
If you would like to win the trophy for your child's class, please fill out this simple form (also on the attached flyer) so that we know you attended the CPK fundraiser on November 18 & 19. https://forms.gle/KPB5frsAnr1a7Gmd9
Also, we have other DC Dining events on the horizon, including Chipotle on Dec. 16. More information to come soon!
Reminders 🎯
Get Your DCES Spirit Wear
Our Spirit Wear shop is open and taking orders. Choose from tie-dye (perfect for FUNky Fridays), cartoon (fun for lower grade students — and adults!), school logo, hoodies (perfect for cold weather), zip-up jackets and more. Orders are placed online and can be delivered to school for free or you can pick up at Big Frog (next to Stater Bros).
Place your Spirit Wear order here.
If you have any questions, please contact Razan Lin vpprograms@deercanyonpso.org