Week 35 MIT Update
🗳️ MIT Parent Chair Ballot, ⚽PE Updates, and More!

Week 35 MIT Updates
In This Issue
📅 Upcoming Dates
🥪 This Week's Menu
🗳️ MIT Parent Chair Ballot
🎨 Art Walk & Silent Auction
🌱 Garden Club
⚽ PE Updates
❓ Poll of the week
⭐ More From MIT
📅 Upcoming Dates
5/24, 5PM 🗳️ MIT Board Election Ballot Closes
5/30, 5:30PM 🏫 5th Grade Middle School Meeting
5/30, 6-8PM 🎨Art Walk & Silent Auction
5/31 & 6/21 🌱Weeding Parties at School
6/4, 9:40AM-12PM 🦺 Primary Pedestrian Safety Walking Fieldtrip
6/11, 9:40-11:10AM 🤾♀️ Primary Field Day
6/11, 1:30-3PM 🏸 Intermediate Field Day
🥪 This Week's Menu
Week of May 20 - 24
Breakfast: Sausage Pancake on a Stick
Lunch: Cheesy Breadsticks w/ Marinara Sauce
Breakfast: Cini Mini
Lunch: Chicken Drumstick w/ Pasta Salad
Breakfast: Berry Smoothie w/ Graham Crackers
Lunch: Spaghetti w/ Breadstick
Breakfast: French Toast Sticks
Lunch: Cheesy Quesadilla
🗳️ MIT Parent Chair Ballot - VOTE HERE!
🎨 Art Walk & Silent Auction Fundraiser - May 30, 6-8PM
Volunteers Needed!
Many volunteers still needed!
Work with Lynn to coordinate pickup & drop off
🌱 Garden Club
Weeding Parties
⚽ PE Updates
Madrona K-8’s elementary students have been working hard, improving their skills and teamwork, and learning tons in PE class
- Kindergarten students are racing towards first grade and every day with them is a ball.
- Primary students just wrapped up a bowling unit where they bowled at the “Barnes Bowling Alley” and learned the basics of bowling.
- Intermediate students just completed our annual bike unit where we learned proper helmet fit, street signs, rules of the road, and pedestrian safety. Big thanks to Cascade Bicycling Club for providing us with the bikes!
Volunteers Needed!
Walk with us June 4, 9:40AM-12PM
- Primary Pedestrian Safety Walking Field Trip
- 1 mile walk around neighborhood
Help with field days June 11 (June 17 backup)
- Elementary Field Day 9:40-11:10AM
- Primary Field Day 1:30-3PM
❓ Poll of the Week
Would you rather...
⭐ More from MIT
Have Suggestions?
Take this quick & easy poll to help us improve your MIT weekly newsletter
- What do you like
- What could improve
- Suggest a theme
- Suggest a poll
- Any other feedback or suggestions
Email Submission
Do you have an article you’d like included in our weekly email? Please email your blurb to Molly & Beth at MITParentChair@gmail.com by Saturday at noon to be included the following week. Please include if you’d like the article to run for multiple weeks. More process improvements are coming soon!
Volunteer Paperwork
All volunteers must be cleared by Edmonds School District before volunteering in any capacity at Madrona. Complete your paperwork now! Please allow up to two weeks for notification from the district about clearance. All volunteers must have either an ID badge or sticker from the office visible while on campus.
Unsure if your volunteer status is still good? Please contact the Educational Services Center communications@edmonds.wednet.edu
Interpretation for families is available through the school district for MIT events.
To request ASL interpretation, email aslrequests@edmonds.wednet.edu
To request other language interpretation, call or email Kelly Carlson at carlsonka@edmonds.wednet.edu | 425-431-2900
* Families that need interpretation must register in advance: We need 7 days to schedule interpreters for events.
* Familias que necesitan interpretación deben registrarse con anticipación: Necesitamos 7 días para programar intérpretes para los eventos.
*통역이 필요한 가족들은 미리 등록을 해야 합니다: 행사를 위한 통역관을 준비하는데3일이필요합니다.
* Các gia đình cần thông dịch phải đăng ký trước: Chúng tôi cần 7 ngày để sắp xếp thông dịch viên cho các sự kiện.
* Семьи, которые нуждаются в переводчике должны зарегистрироваться заранее: нам необходимо 7 дополнительных дня, чтобы заказать переводчика для мероприятия.
بالنسبة للعائلات التي بحاجة إلى مترجم يجب عليهم أن يسجلوا مسبقاً: نحن بحاجة إلى 7 أيام لتأمين جدول مواعيد للمترجمين لهذه الأحداث*
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