Elementary Instructional Updates
Newsletter Issue 5 ~ May/June 2024/Vol.1
Message from Chief Academic Officer Dr. Frances Baez
As we gear up to celebrate the achievements of our Class of 2024 graduates, let's draw inspiration from the upcoming 2024 Olympics, symbolizing not just physical prowess but also mental strength, determination, perseverance, and global unity. Let's seize this opportunity and share the Olympics' rich history with our students, and foster cultural awareness.
Amidst standardized testing season, I extend my heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering dedication and commitment to our students' growth and success. Exciting summer learning opportunities await in 2024; let's encourage student participation to maximize their growth.
Reflecting on our recent Districtwide Arts Festival's success, with over 19,000 attendees, the festival emerged as a testament to the immense talent and creativity thriving within our schools and community. Congratulations to our students, teachers, school leaders, and support staff for orchestrating such a magnificent event, where exploration and learning flourished in abundance.
At the beginning of this month, many of our schools embraced the spirit of Cinco de Mayo, commemorating the Battle of Puebla in 1862 and its significance through engaging activities in dance, art, music, and food!
This past week we also acknowledged Teacher Appreciation Week and honored our teachers for the hard work, dedication, and profound impact they have on the lives of our students and the future of our society. You all are appreciated.
Let's continue championing excellence and collaboration, inspiring and empowering future generations.
Dr. Frances Baez, Chief Academic Officer
Division of Instruction
Contact Information
Website: https://www.lausd.org/instruction
Telephone: 213-241-4822
Follow us on social media!
- X- @LAUSD_Achieve
- Instagram- @instructionla
- FB- LASchools DOI
Inspirational Quote
"Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace."
~ Confucius
Instructional Updates and Resources
Arts Festival Highlights
The ARTSFestival had over 19,235 attendees. Over 2,500 students performed, and more than 850 student part pieces were on display in the pop-up art gallery. More than 100 arts partners and teachers provided workshops and booths. Four-hundred and thirty-five employees and volunteers supported this event. Thank you for everyone's participation and attendance in making this the even tof the year!
Summer School 2024
Summer School Staffing Application (SSSA)
- The Summer School Staffing Application (SSSA) window remains open for administrators and classified staff.
- The Summer School Staffing Application (SSSA) window will reopen on May 22 for teachers and counselors who are interested in working for the Summer School UTK-8 Program, High School Summer Term, or Extended School Year (ESY) from June 20–July 19, 2024.
- Candidates may apply using their single sign-on. To access the SSSA platform from outside of an LAUSD internet connection, the following is required:
- Log in to the GLOBALPROTECT site at https://gp.lausd.net/global-protect/portal/portal.esp
- Enter your single sign-on information
- Under the “Application URL” dropdown, enter: summer.lausd.net
- Click on “GO”
- You will then be directed to log on to the SSSA platform with your single sign-on information
- Contact information:
- For questions about the UTK-8 program, contact Ana Estevez, Director, at ana.estevez@lausd.net.
- For questions about the High School Summer Term program, contact Betsy Castillo, Director, at bac9874@lausd.net.
- For questions about ESY, contact Ra’Daniel McCoy, Administrative Coordinator, at esy@lausd.net.
- For questions about Early Education, contact Raul Moreno, Principal, at rmore13@lausd.net.
- For questions about Virtual Enrichment, contact Vernail Skaggs, Program and Policy Advisor, at vernail.skaggs@lausd.net.
Summer Professional Development for Teachers 2024
The Division of Instruction is excited to bring you the 2024 edition of the Summer Professional Development for Teachers! Based on last year's feedback every day will include a planning session with colleagues and two choice breakout sessions. Visit our website at www.lausd.org/summerpd for more information.
We look forward to seeing you and engaging in:
Integrating writing across all content areas
Exploring generative artificial intelligence tools to differentiate learning
Deepening skills to support students in developing viable arguments
Discovering innovative strategies to engage students in real-world application and reasoning in all content areas
Register today on MyPLN! Go to https://bit.ly/SummerPD4T.
Spelling Bee Update
The Scripps Bee Week is scheduled for May 26 - June 1, 2024 in National Harbor, Maryland. Encourage your students to tune in for an enriching and educational experience. Many of our students participated in our local spelling bee events and this may encourage them to participate in future competitions.
Welcome New Community Schools ~ Cohort 5
Congratulations to the educators, families, and students of the 8 newly designated Community Schools:
24th St. ES
Charnock ES
Cheremoya ES
Coliseum ES
Hancock Park ES
Lexington PC
Public Service at Diego Rivera Learning Complex (9-12)
Woodland Hills Academy (6-8)
The fifth cohort adds eight (8) more schools to the LAUSD initiative for a total of 63 schools. Cohort 6 will be selected in the fall. If your school is potentially interested and would like additional information, please contact Cora Watkins, Director, at cwatkins@lausd.net or visit our website.
Students to be assessed by June 5, 2024
Link to IOC: InterofficeCorrespondence
Link to IOC: InterofficeCorrespondence
The purpose of this IOC is to provide updated guidance on the administration of DIBELS, mClass Lectura, and i-Ready Math Diagnostic during the EOY assessment window for students in UTK.
For more information, contact Maricela Sanchez, Elementary Executive Director, msanch27@lausd.net.
Kindergarten Continuance and Retention Policy
Kindergarten Continuance (including Kindergarten Retention) Reference Guide 6756.1 provides guidance regarding kindergarten retention, the required completion of the Kindergarten Continuance Form (Attachment A-1), and how to access the school's retention warning report in the Focus dashboard. Kindergarten students who have previously attended TK or ETK, are not eligible for retention. The date signed by the parent on the continuance form, must be before the first day of classes for the student. Please ensure necessary forms have been submitted according to the policy. For questions, contact Dr. Elizabeth Bernal, Administrator, Elementary Instruction at elizabeth.bernal@lausd.net.
Find Amazing Resources in Your May Discovery Education Newsletter!
This month's newsletter is bursting with resources! Celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Space Day, Malcolm X Day, Memorial Day & more! Find ready-to-use lessons, grade-specific ideas, and exciting virtual experiences. Happy Teaching!
For additional information, please contact Sarah Johangiry at SJohangiry@discoveryed.com.
Expanded Teacher Access to the AMS
We have expanded your access to the Assessment Management System (AMS). This upgrade empowers you to create and customize assessments tailored to your students. You can design assessments that align perfectly with your teaching goals. Visit our website to learn how to get started.
Equitable School Performance Office and Data Champion Initiative (ESPO-DCI) May Newsletter
This month, the ESPO-DCI team will host WC 2.0 training sessions to equip our Data Champions. Learn platform navigation, data gathering for Strategic Plan goals, and celebrate Champion success stories in a special symposium! Click here for more details.
For additional information, contact Laura Londono, Data Specialist ESPO-DI, at llopez18@lausd.net.
Supporting Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycles through Schoology
Strengthen your continuous improvement journey with Schoology! We understand the importance of the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle in driving effective learning, and Schoology offers a wealth of resources to support each stage. For additional information, contact Leigh Ann Orr, Coordinator, at leighann.orr@lausd.net.
LAUSD Students and Employees Can Access Digital Books for Free!
Dive into a treasure trove of reading delights with the LAUSD Learning Library on Sora. With over 306,000 ebooks, 37,000 audiobooks, and 280 magazines at your fingertips, there's something for everyone. Whether you are craving romance, delving into history, or exploring social-emotional learning (SEL), the LAUSD Learning Library on Sora has got you covered.
Books are available for checkout 24/7 through the app or on Schoology. Embark on your reading adventure anytime, anywhere!
Access Sora via the waffle in Schoology PLS_Job_Aid_Sora.docx or https://soraapp.com/library/lausd.
- Watch this video to understand how to use Sora! Click this link for the Spanish SORA video.
Tutoring Services and Resources
On Demand Homework Help Available Now
On Demand Homework Help is available to all students in LAUSD! Students can access a live tutor with Paper.co through Schoology. Teachers may request a 30-minute virtual training slot by registering here or get support by visiting their website.
For more information, please contact Jessica Insco, Elementary Coordinator, at jessica.insco@lausd.net.
Paper.co Tutoring Professional Development Sign-up
Paper.co representatives are excited to discuss how to enhance the implementation of your school’s on-demand tutoring program.
They provide students with 24/7 access to expert tutors across various subjects, empowering them to get help whenever needed. Additionally, Paper.co supports your staff by offering valuable student learning and achievement insights. Please select your preferred time and date to schedule a session through this Google Form.
High-Dose Tutoring Transportation Request
Tutoring designees may request transportation for students enrolled in high-dose tutoring through MiSiS. Please allow 5-10 working days for transportation to confirm the request. Click on this link for more information.
Home-Based Virtual Tutoring Now Available
Please share with parents that Home-Based Virtual Tutoring is now available for eligible students, for English Language Arts and mathematics. Visit the Tutoring Services website for more information. Parents can log on to the Student Enrollment Portal and select Enrichment & Other Programs to check eligibility and sign up eligible children for tutoring support at home. For more information, please visit the Tutoring Services website.
Professional Development
95 Percent Phonics Lesson Library Training- All TK-12 Resource Specialist Teachers
This training is for all TK-12 Resource Specialist Teachers. Participants will learn strategies to support struggling readers and learn how the 95% Group’s PLL addresses the study of the sound structure of words in an explicit and systematic manner.
- Dates: June 3, 2024 and June 4, 2024
- Time: 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
- Location: Beaudry
- Register: MyPLN, Keyword: ED4ALL
For more information click on the flyer or contact Joyce Radcliffe, Specialist, at joyce.radcliffe@lausd.net.
Mindful Practices Linked to Improving Reading and Fluency
Did you know mindful practices are linked to improving reading fluency? The SEL Unit would like to remind you that all schools (TK-12) have access to Inner Explorer, an audio-guided mindfulness platform designed to support mental health and well-being in schools. Explore these resources to help increase mindful practices in your school community. Click here for additional resources.
Unlock the power of SEL: Resources to spark student growth and classroom well-being!
Dive into our diverse SEL curricula and discover a wealth of activities, strategies, and frameworks designed to:
- Increase growth across all learners: Our resources cater to various grade levels and learning styles, ensuring every student benefits from the power of SEL.
- Boost social-emotional competencies: Build student confidence, communication skills, and resilience with targeted activities for self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
Remember, with the right SEL resources and strategies, you can unlock a world of possibilities for your students. For additional information, visit the website or contact Debra Schneider-Jelin, SEL Coordinator, at dschneid@lausd.net.
Expanded Learning Opportunity: Computer Science and Esports for Good Clubs
Get ready to establish "Computer Science for Good Clubs" (grades UTK-5 and 6-8) and/or "Esports Clubs" (grades 3-12) for enhanced student experiences beyond regular hours. Let's enrich learning before and after school, on weekends, and during winter and summer breaks. For additional information, click here or contact Allison Jonas, Coordinator, at Allison.Jonas@lausd.net.
Amazon Future Engineer and BootUP
Is your school a Title 1 elementary school that would like to implement computer science education? Join the Amazon Future Engineer + BootUp Elementary Computer Science program. For additional information, click here or contact Allison Jonas, Coordinator, at Allison.Jonas@lausd.net.
AI 101 for Teachers
Discover the groundbreaking world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its transformative potential in education with code.org’s foundational online learning series for teachers and unleash the potential of AI in education! Join code.org for a free online series to demystify artificial intelligence, learn responsible integration, tackle bias, and revolutionize student learning outcomes.
For additional information, contact Allison Jonas, Coordinator, at Allison.Jonas@Lausd.net.
Introducing Course Templates!
This fall, elementary Schoology courses will contain a Getting Started folder. Discover a folder full of resources such as step-by-step guides, support materials and so much more. Your Grade Setup screen will also be pre-configured with the recommended settings so you can begin using your gradebook right away. Get ready to have valuable resources at your fingertips! Visit our website for more updates on this new feature to the LMS. For additional information, contact Antonio Hernandez, Change Management Coordinator, at antonio.hernandez@lausd.net.
Upcoming Schoology User Role Access Data Clean-up
Attention all users! We're making improvements to user role access to the Learning Management System (LMS) Schoology. On July 26, 2024, the Personalized Learning Systems (PLS) department will conduct a user-role data clean-up to ensure employees are aligned with only their school building and appropriate job roles to optimize system efficiency. Visit the What’s New in the LMS page for complete details. For additional information, contact Antonio Hernandez, Change Management Coordinator, at antonio.hernandez@lausd.net.
ITI Professional Learning Opportunities
Are you ready to level up your skills and embrace the future of education? The 2023-2024 ITI Professional Learning Catalog is now open for registration on MyPLN. Get ready to dive into cutting-edge topics like artificial intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity Education, Digital Citizenship, ISTE Student Standards Suite, and computer science. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your teaching toolkit and empower your students!
For additional information, contact Allison Jonas, Coordinator, at Allison.Jonas@Lausd.net.
Unlock the magic of computer science for ALL students with the Amazon Future Engineer + BootUp Program
Title 1 elementary schools, take advantage of this opportunity! Implement FREE computer science education for the 2024-2025 school year. Click here for more information and to apply. For questions, contact Allison Jonas, Coordinator, at Allison.Jonas@Lausd.net.
CKLA Initial Training and Ongoing Training
The Elementary Literacy team is pleased to announce the availability of CKLA Training Opportunities for schools newly implementing CKLA in 2024-2025.
- Ongoing training sessions are also available for Year 2 and Year 3 schools. See flyer.
Registration is currently available through MyPLN for May/June Sessions.
Additional sessions in July and August will be available for registration soon.
For additional information, contact Susan Spillane, Elementary Literacy Coordinator, at sspillan@lausd.net.
Planning for Illustrative Math (IM) Centers
Explore how IM centers support a standards based instructional program by planning engaging activities that focus on grade level content.
Click on the flyer to access the schedule and registration information. The final session is Saturday, May 18, 2024.
For additional information, contact Helen Kim, Elementary Math Coordinator, at helen.x.kim@lausd.net.
Grant and Award Opportunities
California School Boards Association (CSBA) Golden Bell Awards
The California School Boards Association (CSBA) Golden Bell Awards application window opened April 1, 2024, and closes on June 28, 2024.
CSBA promotes excellence in education and school board governance by recognizing outstanding programs and governance practices of school boards throughout California.
Click here to visit their website and learn more about the application process.
California Grant Watch Website
The California Grant Watch website lists grants for public school teachers for the improvement of education, innovative teaching strategies, and professional development opportunities.
Grant Writing Modules
The Division of Instruction has three online modules focused on Grant Writing. Each module is between 8-15 minutes in length. Module 1: A Grant Writing Guide; Module 2: Grant Application Process; Module 3: Key Components of a Grant Proposal. To access the modules, go to MyPLN, under the learning dropdown menu, select Search LAUSD Catalog, and enter keyword Grants in the Global Search. Click on the module you wish to view.
Observances and Commemorative Events
Click on the links below for activities and resources.
Asian Pacific Islanders American Heritage Month
Asian Pacific Islanders American Heritage
Federal Asian Pacific American Council
Better Hearing & Speech Month
American Speech-Language-Hearing Assoc
Foster and Kinship Care Awareness Month
National Foster Parent Association
Labor History Month
Celebrating Los Angeles School Police During National Police Week (May 12-18)
Los Angeles Unified School Police
National Law Enforcement Officers
California Peace Offices’ Memorial Foundation
Classified School Employee Week (May 19-25)
Classified School Employees of the Year
Mother’s Day (May 14)
The History of Mother's Day - Almanac
Memorial Day (May 27)
Immigrant Heritage Month
Flag Day (June 14)
Juneteenth (June 19)
Father’s Day (June 16)