Mustang Memo
A Newsletter for Saint Ann School Families
September 2, 2024
Happy Labor Day!
In the Catholic tradition, work is more than a way to make a living; it is a form of continued participation in God’s creative action. Today, we thank the faculty and staff of St. Ann's and all SAS families who share their God given gifts in their work to support their families and communities.
Resources for reflection on Labor Day:
- USCCB Labor Day Statement: https://www.usccb.org/resources/labor-day-statement-2024
- USCCB Prayer for Labor Day: https://www.usccb.org/prayers/prayer-labor-day
- Catholic Social Teaching Video on Dignity of Work & Rights of Workers: https://youtu.be/G2G8jGOva7Y?list=PLpTzvCOJa7DD2S8DA5oXwyGCz6QS-BgMk
Table of Contents
- Spiritual Reflection
- Back to School Info
- Home & School Association Notes
- Student Life Notes
- Mark Your Calendars!
Our Spiritual Theme
Our Spiritual Theme: We Walk by Faith
August & September Focus: We Walk by Faith... in Wisdom
Spiritual Reflection by Miss Sheila O'Callaghan
As I start to write the reflection, I am drawn to the beautiful, reverent keynote address given by Fr. Brian Lewis at the annual Spirituality Day for the faculty of the Catholic schools in our diocese.
You can find Father Lewis’s address in the Dialog (https://thedialog.org/featured/father-brian-lewis-tells-educators-they-must-walk-by-faith-at-diocese-of-wilmingtons-annual-spirituality-day/). He encourages the teachers to walk by faith and with their patron saints. The patron saint of the diocese of Wilmington is St. Francis de Sales. He loved children and encourages them to be considerate and respectful.
In St. Ann School you’ll find a bulletin board with many wonderful virtues for our students emulate. We encourage our students to walk by faith by reading about the saints and following their good advice and example. We thank Fr. Lewis, and Bishop Koenig, for encouraging all of us to walk by faith and know we are not alone. Jesus is always there for us and the saints who stayed faithful to Jesus.
Please pray for the sick of our parish, especially Fr. Mink and Mrs. Harris. Our Armed Forces need our prayers. Please pray for them.
School Lunch Service Begins This Week!
Cafe Napoli is St. Ann's partner in providing a full-service school lunch program. Lunch delivery will begin on Tuesday, September 3rd. We ask that you carefully review Cafe Napoli's service guidelines, published below, which have been updated to reflect changes for the new school year.
You can place orders here: https://cafenapoli.myfooddays.com/
AfterCare Reminders
- AfterCare services are available to families until 6:00 pm on regular school days. If you are interested in registering your child(ren), please contact the main office. It is helpful when parents ensure that students are aware of their AfterCare schedule.
- Please remember to send your child with a healthy snack. Milk is available. We kindly ask that you refrain from packing sugary drinks.
- Parents will pick up students using the gym entrance door bell. Please remember to sign out with an AfterCare staff member.
Thank you!
Home & School Association Notes
Tuesday, September 10
HSA invites you to the back-to-school parent social at Trolley Tap House from 5:30-7:00pm. Connect with fellow parents at our casual and fun-filled Parent Social! This is a fantastic opportunity to meet and mingle with other parents in our school community. Drop by at any time that suits you—there’s no set schedule, just great conversations and new connections. Delicious food and refreshing drinks will be available for purchase. We can’t wait to see you there! Please note: adults only—this event is a chance for parents to enjoy an evening out.
Looking to meet parents and get involved in school community events? We’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help us shape our calendar, make key decisions, and possibly handle some vendor and venue coordination. Your input and time are so appreciated to help bring our community together. HSA meets virtually once/month. Please email hsa@thesaintannschool.org to sign up! All volunteers must have a current background check on file. Please email Pat Walker at the parish office for background check information–pwalker@stannwilmington.com.
Student Life Notes
Mustangs Wanted: Mass & Second Sunday Social on 9/8!
Mustangs, help us start the school year off right by attending a "Back to School" Mass on Sunday, September 8 at 10:30 am! The parish Welcoming Committee hosts a Second Sunday Social each month to connect members of the Church community and to enjoy light refreshments. On September 8, the Second Sunday Social will salute 125 years of education at St. Ann School in the Social Hall after the 10:30 am Mass, and they welcome the Mustangs to be in attendance!
How can you get involved?
- Bring your family to the 10:30 am Mass on 9/8!
- Come wearing your St. Ann uniform of school gear to show your school pride!
- Visit the Social Hall following the 10:30 am Mass to connect with the St. Ann community and enjoy light St. Ann School themed refreshments!
- Mark your calendars for all subsequent Second Sunday Socials!
Exciting Elective Opportunities for Middle School Students!
We’re thrilled to announce that middle school students will have the chance to explore a diverse array of electives this trimester! Electives will be held on Thursday afternoons from 1:50 to 2:35 pm, offering students a range of engaging options to suit their interests.
This first trimester, students can choose from a variety of exciting electives, including Service Club, Songwriting, German Language and Culture, Chinese Chess, Spanish Culture and Literature, Mustang Times (school newspaper), Python (computer coding), Praying in Color, Art, Teacher Helper and Gym. Each student will have the opportunity to select and rank their preferred electives to inform the registration process. Middle school students can expect to receive more information about the electives offerings and the registration process in the coming school days. Thank you to the SAS faculty who will moderate these electives, and to Mrs. Kuha, our new Student Services Coordinator, for overseeing the process!
We look forward to a vibrant and enriching trimester filled with exploration and learning!
Diocesan Events to Note:
CYO Joseph A. McNesby, Jr. Golf Outing (Wednesday, September 18) - The 32nd Annual CYO Joseph A. McNesby, Jr. Golf Outing will be held at Deerfield Golf Club in Newark. Proceeds support youth and athletic programs that benefit the young people within our diocese and community. More information on contributing to this event by becoming a sponsor, donor, and/or registering to golf can be found online.
Diocesan Eucharistic Congress (Saturday, October 5) – Register now for a Spiritual Journey! Join Bishop Koenig and our diocesan family on October 5, 2024, at the Ocean City Convention Center for the Eucharistic Congress, "The Eucharist: The Source and Summit." This day-long event will deepen our faith and strengthen our community through worship, reflection, and celebration. Don't miss this powerful opportunity to reconnect with the core of our Catholic identity! Register at https://www.cdow.org/EucharisticCongress/
Mark Your Calendars!
September 2: Labor Day Holiday, School Closed
September 8: Second Sunday Social Salutes St. Ann's, following 10:30 am Mass
September 10: Opening School Mass, Formal Uniforms for Middle School; Parent Social
September 17: Picture Day, Formal Uniforms for Middle School
September 19: Back to School Night, 6:30-7:30 pm
Please join us in the Social Hall for an opening presentation, followed by classroom visits
September 20: Casual Day - $1 to Support Missions
September 28 & 29: Share in the Sprit Collection at Weekend Masses - student volunteers needed!
October 5: Diocesan Eucharistic Congress
October 8: School Mass, Formal Uniforms for Middle School
October 11: T1 interim
Special Note: STAR Testing will take place during the week of September 23
School Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:30 am -3:30 pm