The Panther Prowl
Week of Feb.18th - 21st
Climb TV
Here is the latest Climb TV episode that was shared with students on 2/14
Kindness Week
Here is just a small portion of the pictures from Kindness Week!
In Focus Lesson's
With missing Monday for President's Day, we did not have an In Focus lesson.
Term 3 Summit Celebration
High School Musical Jr.
From the Library
Greek Fire 2.0 took third-place at the District Battle of the Books Competition. Congrats to Elsie Porter, Amy Farrer, Finley Campbell, Gracie Dymock, Abigail Barnett, and Kristy Jessop.
Detention Times for February
Boys and Girls Clubs
Here are the links for the Girl's and Boy's Club registration.
We need to clarify the bus stops for the Spring Lake and Santaquin bus stops! This bus will be 19C.
Lunch Menu
Question of the Week!
What is the last day to turn assignments to qualify for our Summit Celebration?
Answer by emailing to blake.mortensen@nebo.edu, the first 10 correct responses will recieve a treat!
Payson City Recreation
Yearbooks and Fee's
About Us
MNMS adheres to Nebo School District policy in regards to discrimination and/or harassment issues (Spanish version).
Website: mnms.nebo.edu
Location: 851 W. 450 S. Payson, Utah 84651
Phone: (801) 465-6040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mt-Nebo-Junior-High/285045584930180
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MtNeboJr
Instagram: https://instagram.com/mtnebomiddleschool?igshid=OGIzYTJhMTRmYQ==