Little Cedars Elementary
Home of the Wolverines - December 10th
Message from the Principals
Dear Little Cedars Families,
It has been so much fun seeing the students dress up for our Spirit Days! One more week to go! Please check below for the last week of our month of spirit!
We were so excited to welcome volunteers in our building this week! Thank you to the many who were able to help this week! We look forward to seeing many more of you in the near future! If you would like to volunteer, please check below for the requirements.
Reminder: 1/2 day early release (11:20 am) on December 17th.
Anne Nielsen and Ryan Painter
Principal and Assistant Principal
Spirit Days for December!
Little Cedars PTA Winter Event- Tonight
We are looking forward to decorating gingerbread houses and crafting with you tonight, Friday, December 10th at 7:00 PM on Zoom.
All event participants should have received an e-mail this week with details and the Zoom link, plus a brown bag of supplies that came home with your students. If you did not receive this, please e-mail You also may want to check and make sure your graham crackers made it home without getting too broken (1 or 2 broken ones won’t be a problem as there are extras in each pack). We included plenty of treats for decorating, but feel free to get creative and use whatever you want from home as well.
Mrs. Nielsen plans to join us and read a fun story. We can’t wait to see you there!
Didn't sign up but want to attend? Please e-mail in advance for the Zoom link.
We are now able to welcome back volunteers on a limited basis.
Please take the time to fill our our volunteer application:
Info is available here on your school website -
Little Cedars Volunteer Guidelines
First and foremost, thank you for your willingness to support staff and students at Little Cedars. It means so much to your children to see you making a commitment to school.
All volunteers will be required to:
*complete and pass the background application
*present a valid state COVID-19 vaccination card
*present a valid state ID card
*sign-in at the school’s front desk
*wear a proper fitting mask/ face covering
*follow the school’s COVID-19 protocols.
*wear a visitor’s badge
*stay home if you are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms
Characteristics of a great parent volunteer
Dependable, flexible, patient, positive, want to help staff and students, stay busy, be a model parent and volunteer in how you conduct yourself. We appreciate your time and energy!
Entering the building:
Anytime you want to enter our building, you must enter through the main doors at the front of school AND register at the front office.
When working with children-
You may see or hear something that concerns you. Confidentiality is a critical expectation. What you see here should be kept to yourself and shared with the teacher or principal should you be worried about their welfare.
Toy Drive
The holidays are near! If you want to help a family in need this season and bring a smile to a child’s face, please donate a new, unwrapped toy to our toy drive. The toy drive is going on now through December 17th.
Book Fair Orders
We received information from Scholastic that unfortunately some orders are still processing. Parents should get a shipping notification soon. Scholastics is sorry for the delay. You can check on your orders by calling 1/800-770-4662.
Test to Stay Program
The Snohomish School District, the Snohomish Health District and the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) recognize the importance of students remaining in school after potential exposure to COVID-19 at school but are not showing any signs or symptoms of the virus. The Snohomish School District is participating in the DOH Test to Stay Program. The program will be implemented in our schools beginning Monday, December 6.
The state’s Test to Stay Program was introduced to keep exposed students in school after showing a negative test result to the COVID-19 virus. Students who are exposed at school would be tested with parental/guardian consent using rapid antigen tests administered by trained school personnel. A negative test result would allow students to stay in school.
In order to administer the rapid antigen tests, the state has mandated an online recording mechanism through a tool called SimpleReport. As part of the testing process, parents/guardians of students must enroll in the online registration tool at this link prior to testing. Students ages 18 and older can complete the registration process on their own. This online registration must be completed in order for our schools to administer the rapid antigen testing. In completing the online registration, parents/guardians or students (if ages 18 and older) will provide consent for this type of testing. All information will be maintained by the Washington State Department for Health and is strictly confidential.
Anyone who tests positive will be sent home immediately to isolate for 10 days. Positive results will be communicated to the Washington State Department of Health and the Snohomish Health District.
Participation Guidelines - DOH Test to Stay Program:
- Parent/guardian consent and registration of student is required.
- Students may attend school but may not participate in extra or co-curricular activities. Students must remain in modified quarantine outside of school for 7 days.
- Test #1 will be performed at school following recognition of exposure, and a second test will be collected 5-7 days after last exposure.
- If a student tests positive for COVID-19 at any time, they must isolate themselves at home and follow DOH isolation guidance.
- Fully vaccinated students who meet the definition of close contact and remain asymptomatic are not required to quarantine or participate in the DOH Test to Stay Program. However, they are welcome to participate and are encouraged to get tested 3-5 days after their exposure date.
- Students exposed to COVID-19 outside of school or as household contacts are not eligible to participate in this program, per the DOH.
- Students not meeting guidelines will return to out-of-school quarantine process.
- Students meeting the above guidelines may stay in school if they show negative results and show no symptoms of the virus.
The Snohomish School District is committed to keeping our schools safe and students healthy. Please join us by registering your child today. Please direct questions to your school principal or David Greene, COVID-19 Administrator, at 360-563-7245.
Important resources:
Pre-order your yearbook!
Counselor's Corner
Greetings, families! Here we are only a week away from our Winter Break. It’s certainly been a busy, full few months of being back in a (mostly) regular school year routine. Students, staff and families have worked so hard to make this a great school year; we all deserve some relaxing and fun time off.
Of course, there are stressors associated with this time of year for many, as well. We’ve all seen lists of “tips” for dealing well with this holiday season, but a reminder can be helpful. So here goes:
Evaluate your traditions: which do you treasure and want to continue? Are there some done out of a sense of obligation, that perhaps could be “retired”? Are there new traditions you’d like to begin?
Don’t hesitate to set limits when you feel the need, or you sense your children are becoming overwhelmed. This could be on the number of commitments, amount of time devoted to certain activities, or even seeing certain people.
Pay attention to sleep, eating and exercise habits; all of these can really affect our moods and energy, of course, and they often get “out of whack” this time of year.
Carve out small moments of calm space. When my daughter was young, we used to schedule a “do-nothing day” from time to time (her idea!)
I want to also acknowledge that we have some Little Cedars’ families who do not celebrate Christmas, and for some in that situation, the sheer amount of emphasis on it in our society can be difficult. I encourage you to get creative about using this time off in the ways that are best for your family. Also, I’d love to learn more about other holiday traditions important to you; the more celebrations, the better!
Enjoy this well-deserved break, everyone!
Upcoming important dates:
- Friday, December 17, 2021 - Half-day early release at 11:20 AM
- Monday, December 20-Friday, December 31, 2021 - Winter Break (no school)
- Monday, January 17, 2022 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no school)
- Monday, January 31, 2022 - Non-Student Day (no school)
- Friday, February 18-Monday, February 21, 2022 - Mid-Winter Break (no school)
- Monday, March 28-Friday, April 1, 2022- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Friday, April 1, 2022 - Half-day early release
- Monday, April 4-Friday, April 8, 2022 - Spring Break (no school)
- Monday, May 30, 2022 - Memorial Day (no school)
- Friday, June 17, 2022 - Last Day of School (tentative pending any snow/inclement weather make-up days)
Little Cedars Elementary
Location: 7408 144th Place SE, Snohomish, WA, USA
Phone: 360-563-2900
Non-Discrimination Notice
The Snohomish School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator, Title IX Coordinator and ADA – Darryl Pernat, 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290, 360-563-7285,; Section 504 Coordinator and Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying – Shawn Stevenson, 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290, 360-563-7282,