Counseling and Career Connection
School Counseling/Career Center News April 2024
Fourth Quarter in Full Swing
Final countdowns are underway as we look toward the end of the school year. Plenty of excitement still looms on the horizon as South Windsor High School looks to finish Bobcat Strong! Please note some important topics in this issue:
- Upcoming SAT dates
- AP exam schedule
- NEACAC College Fair
- Class of 2024 Acceptances
- Scholarship Spotlight
- Grade 11 Leadership Programs
- Summer Enrichment Classes
We hope you will find helpful information on these topics and more, and always encourage you to reach out to our School Counseling department with your questions and needs!
SAT - Dates, Deadlines & Details
Grade 11 students who took the school day SAT in March can now access their scores in their College Board accounts. Please contact College Board if you have any issues with logging into your account or finding scores.
There are more test dates available for students who wish to take the test again. Note that most colleges that consider SAT scores will "superscore" the SAT results. In other words, they will use the highest combined Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math test performance from all scores submitted.
Students may still register for the upcoming May 4th test date until April 19th without a late fee or April 23rd with a late fee. Registration is also open for the June 1st SAT test. The registration deadline is May 16th and the late registration deadline (fees applied) is May 21st. Click here to sign up.
The College Board has released the following anticipated dates for tests in the 2023-2024 academic year. We will update you as official dates and deadlines are available.
August 24, 2024
- October 5, 2024
- November 2, 2024
- December 7, 2024
- March 8, 2025
- May 3, 2025
- June 7, 2025
AP Exam Schedule May 6 - May 17
Spring College Fair Offered in Worcester
For a guide to all regional fairs and complete list of colleges attending visit the NEACAC college fair site.
Congratulations Class of 2024!
- Diyar Almamoury – University of Connecticut, Quinnipiac University, University of New Haven, Roger Williams University, Hofstra University, Vermont State University, Stonehill College
- Nabila Alqadumi - University of Connecticut, Eastern Connecticut State University, Southern Connecticut State University, Quinnipiac University
- Amanda Blumenthal - Westfield State University, Keene State College, Central Connecticut State University, University of New England, Roger Williams University, Quinnipiac University
- Will Carty - University of Connecticut, Bryant University, Bentley University, Quinnipiac University, Sacred Heart University, University of Hartford
- Rosie Christophel - Syracuse University
- Madelyn Comella - Case Western Reserve University, University of Connecticut, Fairfield University, Sacred Heart University, Clark University, Salve Regina University, Eastern Connecticut State University, Central Connecticut State University, Southern Connecticut State University, University of Hartford, University of Saint Joseph
- JP Dargati - Fairfield University, College of the Holy Cross
- Raymond Darling - Stony Brook University, Simon Fraser University, University of Victoria
- Samantha Dickstein - Fairleigh Dickinson University
- Ryan Duong - Brown University, Northwestern University, Northeastern University, University of Maryland,, University of Massachusetts - Amherst, University of Connecticut, Virginia Tech, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Rochester Institute of Technology
- Ollie Durbois - Taylor University, Liberty University, Gordon College, Messiah University, University of Connecticut
- Zain Farooq - Northeastern University, University of Connecticut, University of Massachusetts - Amherst, University of Vermont, Florida Atlantic University, Eastern Connecticut State University, Bentley University, Stony Brook University
- Jake Gattuso - University of Connecticut
- Isabelle Goodrich - Boston University, University of Florida, University of Connecticut, University of Vermont, University of South Florida, University of Maine
- Isaac Gonzalez - University of Southern California, Northeastern University, Boston University, Wesleyan University, University of Connecticut, University of Massachusetts, Pennsylvania State University, Drexel University
- Ayush Jaggi - University of Connecticut, University of North Carolina, University of South Carolina, Virginia Tech, Kansas University, University of San Francisco, Central Connecticut State University, Eastern Connecticut State University, Quinnipiac University, University of Bridgeport, University of Maine, University of New Haven
- Raisa Khaled - Cornell University, Johns Hopkins University, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- Benjamin LeBlanc - Brandeis University, Boston University
- Richard Lou - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Virginia Tech, University of Connecticut, University of Pittsburgh, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Stony Brook University, Temple University
- Ella Luangpraseuth - University of Connecticut, Smith College, University of Massachusetts - Amherst, Northeastern University, University of Saint Joseph, Assumption University
- Rishabh Mohapatra - Princeton University, Brown University, Cornell University, Duke University, Georgia Tech, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, University of Michigan, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of Maryland, University of Connecticut, University of Massachusetts - Amherst, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Karthik Nair - University of Connecticut, University of Rhode Island, Purdue University, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Clarkson University, Central Connecticut State University, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Western New England University, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth
- Lohitaksh Parasa - University of Connecticut, Central Connecticut State University, University of Hartford
- Ella Parlapiano - Salem State University, Central Connecticut State University, Eastern Connecticut State University, Westfield State University
- Aryan Prem - University of Connecticut, Central Connecticut State University, Eastern Connecticut State University
- Vincent Ryder - University of Connecticut
- Advaith Satish - Cornell University, University of Pennsylvania, Brown University, Georgia Tech, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Purdue University, Northeastern University, University of Maryland, Virginia Tech, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of Massachusetts - Amherst, University of Connecticut
- Ryder Scaramella - University of Connecticut, University of New Hampshire, Eastern Connecticut State University, Central Connecticut State University
- Max Schwartzman - George Washington University
- Grace Smith - Carnegie Mellon University, University of Illinois, Purdue University, University of Connecticut, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Auburn University, University of Maine, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Serena Thaker - Central Connecticut State University, University of Hartford, University of Connecticut, Babson University, Northeastern University, George Washington University
- Roman Tyminski - Central Connecticut State University, Eastern Connecticut State University, University of Hartford, University Of Connecticut
- Aasrith Veerapaneni - University of Iowa, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Kansas State University, University of Hartford
- Caitlin Waltos - Endicott College, Eastern Connecticut State University, Merrimack College, Lasell University, Mitchell College, University of Saint Joseph
See below for directions on how to be featured in an upcoming newsletter and have post-graduation opportunities displayed on the big screen outside of the School Counseling and Career Center offices.
Accepted to one or more colleges? Enlisting with a branch of the military? Job offer for next year? We want to know!
Alpha Delta Kappa - Pi Chapter Scholarship - DUE 4/30 - Awarded to a female entering the field of education living within certain areas of Connecticut. $1,500 PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS AN EXTENSION DEADLINE FROM THE ORIGINAL DATE OF 4/15 NOTED ON THE APPLICATION.
Frank T. Simpson Scholarship - DUE 4/30 - Preference given to black/African-American males with a minimum 3.0 GPA who plan to attend a 2 or 4 year school upon graduation. $2,500
SWLL Scholarships - DUE 4/30 - Students who played baseball or softball or served as a coach or umpire in the South Windsor Little League program are considered for three scholarships that will be awarded. $1,000
South Windsor Soccer Club Scholarship - DUE 4/30 - Presented to high school seniors who have been part of the South Windsor Soccer Club. $500
Sila Foundation - DUE 4/30 - Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and be enrolling in one of the following areas of study: Business, Education, Finance, Accounting, Insurance, Marketing, Mathematics. $1,250
Richard "Dik" Days Scholarship Fund - DUE 5/1 - Essay-based scholarship program for graduating seniors. $2,000
South Windsor Administrator Association (SWAA) Resilience Award - DUE 5/2 - This scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating SWHS student who has overcome academic, social or personal challenges during their 4 years of high school. $500
Milton Fisher Scholarship for Innovation and Creativity - DUE 5/5 - Awards students who have found a distinctive solution to a problem faced by his/her family, school, community, or the world, or who have solved an artistic, scientific, or technical problem in a new or unusual way. $5,000
The Peter Ladd/Johnny Moran Memorial Scholarship - DUE 5/15 - Students must demonstrate a commitment to community service with organizations that serve children & adults with special needs, and be graduating from a high school in Connecticut. $2,500
Max Cares Foundation Scholarship - DUE 5/15 - For students seeking degrees in Culinary Arts or Hospitality oriented programs. $2,500
The Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford - DUE 5/15 - Applicant must be of the Jewish faith, and at least one parent must reside in the Greater Hartford area. Merit based, but will also strongly consider civic involvement in determining awards. $1,000-$4,000
Ancient Order of Hibernians Scholarship Contest - DUE 5/20 - Open to any high school student in Connecticut. In an essay of no more than 500 words, students describe what their culture means to them (traditions, customs, and values).
B. Davis Scholarship - DUE 5/21 - An essay-based scholarship for juniors or seniors. $1,000
OMEGA Scholarship - DUE 5/31 - This scholarship recognizes the efforts that teens are making to create multigenerational connections by creating intergenerational programs to build relationships between teens and older adults. Juniors and seniors are eligible to apply. $5,000
West Hartford Offers Summer Courses to Enrich Learning and Broaden Education
Students looking to expand or enhance their educational experience may enroll in summer classes through the West Hartford Public Schools Office of Continuing and Summer Education. Courses may either be in person at Conard High School or virtual through Google Classroom and Google Meets. Classes are offered during morning, afternoon and evening sessions.
Please note that this is a tuition-based program and South Windsor Public Schools does not offer financial assistance or transportation for students who choose to enroll. All students who take courses outside of the South Windsor school district must meet with their counselor to get pre-approval for ANY course taken to ensure that it will meet the requirements for credit.
For information regarding the courses offered, tuition fees, and to enroll, please visit the West Hartford Program of Studies site.
Part-Time Jobs
Newer job postings include:
- Kahan Kerensky Capossela Law Firm (Vernon) - part-time Administrative Assistant - data entry, copying/filing, courier trips - must have driver's license and access to own transportation!
- State of Connecticut - Camps, Lifeguards, Department of Transportation
- South Windsor Public Schools - Painting (18+) and Custodial (find listing here)
Working Papers for Minors
Minor employees between the ages of 16 and 18 must have working papers to work in Connecticut. Those papers can be obtained in the School Counseling office during regular school hours.
Please bring a promise of employment letter from your employer that clearly states the expected hours per week, hourly rate, and a detailed job description.
Find out more about employment for minors on the state's website: https://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/wgwkstnd/minors/wgwrkpap.htm
American Legion Auxiliary Laurel Girls State Open for Applications
For more information and to apply visit alalgs.org.
Connecticut Boys State Program Accepting Applications
The Boys State objectives are to develop civic leadership and an interest in government. Successful candidates have strong academic performance, excellent interpersonal skills, and demonstrated leadership.
Information can be found at ctboysstate.org.
NOTE: Please see Mr. Garrish, Mr. D'Amato or Ms. McGinn by Friday, May 17th regarding the application process, as you MUST complete your application through SWHS.
Annual Connecticut State Police Youth Week Seeking Candidates
Cadets will experience mental and physical training and a hands-on look at the field of law enforcement during an immersive week that allows students a realistic look at the demands, requirements, and activities of an officer.
Information and a link to the application are available at the CT American Legion programs link.
The Freshman Focus
Spring is in the air, but summer is around the corner! This can be a great time for students to explore options for their future. Many colleges offer summer enrichment programs that provide a preview of college life - from the academics to campus life. These may be day programs at local schools or overnight sessions that run for one or more weeks. Naviance is a great place to look for them. From the Naviance Student home screen, click on Colleges along the top, and a drop-down menu will appear. Under the Research Colleges section, there is a list of links - click on Enrichment Programs to access the database.
The Sophomore Scene
Additionally, many 10th graders may be old enough to have their first part-time job. These opportunities are very beneficial for helping them learn the responsibilities and like skills that go along with being employable - social interactions, time management, reliability, teamwork - to name a few. The Career Center features a bulletin board with any job postings that come in (also see the jobs section of the newsletter above). We hope to have even more as we get closer to summer break.
School Counseling & Career Center
The Career Center offers a variety of assistance to students and parents preparing for post-secondary opportunities. It is located in the School Counseling office and can also be accessed from the hallway outside School Counseling.
Website: https://highschool.southwindsorschools.org/departments/school_counseling
Phone: 860-648-5003