The Eagle's Nest
August 23, 2020
Happy Sunday Eagles!
We've had a great first week of school! Thank you to all of the parents who have worked hard to get students here on time and followed our procedures. The car rider line has gone quickly, we thank you for your patience as we develop routines.
Beginning on Monday, fourth and fifth grade students in Cohort A will take their iReady reading diagnostic. Students in Cohort B will take theirs on Thursday and Friday. We ask that you make sure they bring a charged laptop, get plenty of rest the night before, and eat breakfast so they are ready to do their best.
We will be practicing our first fire drill of the year this coming week. Please help us share this with your child and help them understand we practice these monthly to keep us safe. The bells can be loud, but we want them to know there's no reason to be scared when they hear it.
We have seven important reminders for you this week:
1. Our first bell rings at 7:30am and the tardy bell is at 8:00am. Kindergarten students will arrive at these times beginning this week.
2. Remote learning assignments for students can be found on all teachers' websites under Remote Learning Schedules. From there you will be able to click on the week and a calendar at a glance will load to help you know which assignments are due and when. The calendars will also contain live links for Wednesdays and other links students may need to use for instruction.
3. We will continue to serve breakfast and lunch as a hub location for students who are working remotely and to OVS families. We will be serving on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8:45-10:00am and on Wednesdays from 8:45-11:45am, at the back of the school.
4. All cars need to have the child's name tag displayed in the car on the right front dash (PM).
5. Please return bus locator forms to the bus drivers as soon as possible, this will make afternoon drop-offs run smoothly.
6. Health Screenings are due by October 31st. This is for Kindergarten students and students that have transferred to us from out of state. Students who have not returned these forms will not be allowed to come to school on November 2nd. Students can return the day the health screening is returned.
7. We will continue our policy of no early checkouts or transportation changes after 2:30pm.
Online School Payments
We are asking that all student fees be paid online. Payments are quick, simple and there is no convenience fee or surcharge.
Parents who use School Cash Online have the ability to:
- Keep track of their child's school items and activity fees.
- Stay connected by receiving email notifications of new fees.
- Check their account history.
- View and print receipts.
- Pay for school fees any time, anywhere, with a simple click.
- Easily link and access all students in a household.
- Make payments using Visa or Mastercard.
Visit to pay your students fees.
If you are unable to pay student fees, please request a waiver from your child’s teacher.
All students K-5 will pay $31.00 for school fees, including the $25.00 device fee.