Scott 6th Grade Center
June 3, 2024
Scott 6th Grade Center's Motto- "We Enter to Learn and Leave to Achieve"
Music Students Competed at Hershey Park's Trills and Thrills
Last Friday Scott and North's chorus, band and orchestras performed at the Hershey Park Trills and Thrills competition. I want to congratulate our students. All our groups earned “Excellent” ratings for their performances. It was a wonderful way to end our year of music.
Mr. Wagner and Ms. Mangiovillano were very proud of how our students represented their schools and the district while at Hershey Park. The smiles, laughter and energy the students had was heartwarming. Coatesville students presented themselves with Respect, Ownership, Courage, Kindness and Safety. Thank you to all that made the day successful. Congratulations, music students, we are very proud of your accomplishment!
Golden Ticket Prize Winners
Congratulations to our May Golden Ticket prize winners! Last Friday, ten Golden Tickets were pulled from the box in the main office. Golden Tickets are earned when students go above and beyond our expectations of Respect, Ownership, Courage, Kindness and Safety. Staff give them to students when they are really impressed. The following 10 students were given the choice of a Dunkin Donut or a sweet treat at lunch.
Congratulations to: Abel Osborn, Juliyanna Bonilla, Lucas Tavera, Mia Hand, NJ Quattlebaum, Aniya Carroll, Lia Miller, Chaeli Alston, Yumaris Cruz, and Jasmine White.
Keep up the great work! We are so proud of you
May's Student of the Month... Noah Ganesh
Congratulations to our Student of the Month for May, Noah Ganesh! We had seven students nominated this month, but it was not a question when it came time to vote. Noah was the clear winner.
Many teachers reached out to support Noah's nomination. Here is what they had to say: He is so kind and respectful. Hands Down, Noah! Noah is a fantastic kid. I'm a fan of Noah Ganesh! He's always so kind and respectful to staff and works very hard to stay on track in his different classes.
Congratulations, Noah, we are so proud of you. Keep up the great work!
Mrs. Fogg, Employee of the Month for May
Congratulations, Mrs. Fogg! Ms. Fogg joined our Scott team this year after working at Caln for many years and we are so happy she has joined us! Ms. Fogg is known for always holding her students accountable and ensuring they are working hard and engaged in lessons. She works hard to support her 4th floor colleagues and her math department colleagues doing whatever is needed to support success. Thank you, Mrs. Fogg for all that you do to help our Scott students and staff. You are a wonderful addition to our team!
We also want to congratulate our runners up: Mrs. Marchesani, Mrs. Smith, and Ms. Almarez. All three staff members were given a gift card to treat themselves at Dunkin Donuts. We have an amazing team here at Scott!
Yearbooks are Here
Yearbooks are in and will be distributed to students that purchased them. We do have a few extra! Yearbooks will be available for purchase ($25) Monday-Wednesday. Please send cash only. Yearbooks will be available while supplies last. Contact Dr. Young (youngr@casdschools.org) if you have any questions.
North Brandywine Tours
24-25' Fall Sports Registration Information
Free Sports Physical Information
Nurse's Corner
Please read the attached allergy information for guidance.
As a reminder, school does not provide routine allergy medicine or eye drops. Please check with your child's doctor and follow their advice for allergy care. If your child needs to take medication during school, please have your doctor complete the medication form and have an adult bring in the prescribed medication, including over-the-counter medication.
Also, students with outstanding physicals and immunizations for 7th grade will be receiving a "Notice of Incomplete Examination" (gold colored form) from their advisory teacher.
Any questions, please contact Ann Keenan, School Nurse
Upcoming Dates
June 3- ROCKStar Luncheon during lunches
June 4- Field Day (Rain Date June 5)
June 5- Open House at North for students who are going to North next year 6:00- 7:00
June 6- Last Student Day/ Award Ceremony/ Early Dismissal
Upcoming Community Events
Summer at the Library
Coatesville Kid Raiders Registration
Coatesville Kid Raiders Football & Cheerleading
Registration for the 2024 Fall Season opens April 5th
Online registration: www.Coatesvillekidraiders.com
Flag football & flag cheerleading Ages 5-6
Tackle football & varsity cheerleading Ages 7-13*
Practices begin over the summer and our first game is played around Labor Day, so sign up today and don't miss out on the 2024 Season!
*Child’s league age is determined by the child’s age on July 31, 2024
Football and cheerleading programs are open to all genders and abilities.
Visit our website and if you have additional questions:
FACEBOOK Coatesville Kid Raiders Official
All-Girls Flag Football Camp
Designer Boo Bag Bingo- Benefiting the Coatesville Music Programs
Contact Information
Website: https://www.casdschools.org/scott
Location: 800 Olive Street, Coatesville, PA, USA
Phone: 610 383 6946
Additional Contact Information
Mrs. Kathryn Lamothe- Principal lamothek@casdschools.org
Mr. Peter Altland- Assistant Principal altlandp@casdschools.org
Mrs. Megan Murray- Guidance Counselor murraym@casdschools.org
Ms. Ashley Russum- Principal's Secretary russuma@casdschools.org
Mrs. Sue Shumate- Assistant Principal's Secretary, and Attendance Secretary shumates@casdschools.org