Collier Elementary PreK - 6th Grade
March 2025 Newsletter
Message from Mrs. Langford, Collier Principal
March is here and Spring is in the air! We are excited about the season changing and surprised at how quickly this year is speeding by us. As we look into the last quarter of school we know our students will continue to learn and grow. We are very proud of how much they have accomplished so far this year!
March brings Spring Break and the end of the 3rd Quarter. We wish you all a restful week off!
After break we will be moving into the Arizona testing window for the AASA state tests for Grades 3rd - 6th grade. These tests are important for our students to show how much they have learned this year. To help your child feel comfortable testing we have worked hard to give them strategies and support the entire year. At home you can help your child by making sure they know that as long as they try their best they will do great, and please make sure that they eat breakfast each morning after a good night's sleep. Look for exact dates and times for testing as we get closer.
Upcoming Events
- Mar. 4th Desert Museum Presentation PreK - 4th
- Mar. 4th Tucson Symphony Orchestra Presentation
- Mar. 5th PTA Jog A Thon Fundraiser 9:00-10:00 am
- Mar. 6th Desert Museum Presentation 5th & 6th
- Mar. 7th Grading Day No School
- Mar. 10th - 14th No School Spring Break
- Mar. 18th Student Council Meeting 2:30-3:00
- Mar. 25th PTA Chick Fil A Fundraiser
- Mar. 25th SIte Council and Family Engagement Meetings 3:30pm Collier Library
- Mar. 26th No School TUSD Professional Learning Day
- Mar. 17 - Apr. 25 AASA Testing Grades 3rd - 6th, AzSci Testing Grade 5
OMA Gold News
As usual, we are very busy and working hard in OMA classes!
All classes are integrating movement and/or music into grade specific science units. Our third graders are also becoming very proficient at playing their recorders.
Last month we attended a performance by the Tucson Symphony Orchestra String Quartet, and look forward to hosting the symphony’s Wind Quintet this month.
Our kindergarten and first grade students went on a field trip to Sabino High School. We rode on a school bus, and they watched dramatic presentations of some of their favorite stories. Some of our students even got to perform on stage with the high school actors!
We are very busy working towards our final performances of the year. Here are some dates for your calendar:
Thursday, May 8, 5:30pm – K-3 performance in dance, musical theatre, recorders
Tuesday, May 13, 5:30pm – 4-6 performance – violins, band, orchestra
Friday, May 16, 1:30pm – 6th grade play
Don’t forget to ask your students what they are learning about in OMA!
~ms. wendy
PTA News
The Collier PTA is hosting the Jog-A-Thon Fundraiser March 5th at 9am.
This is a great fundraiser in which all students will participate! We will have a fun morning of walking or jogging laps, followed by popsicles for everyone! Please make sure your child is wearing shoes for moving in and comfortable clothing! While donations for the PTA are optional, we are hoping to raise funds for providing yearbooks for each student and funds to support classroom expenditures for teachers and staff! We are thankful for everyone who would consider donating funds to this great event!
We would love to have families join us to help mark laps, hand out popsicles, and support our students as they spend time together! If you have any questions you can reach out to the office or stop by!!
We are in need of PTA Board members for 2025-2026! Please contact Ms. Anderson if you are interested!! Collier PTA is vital to the success of Collier and we need you!!
Registration for 2025-2026
It's that time!! We are beginning to plan for next school year! We need all families to head to their ParentVue accounts and update registration for next year!!
Click here for TUSD Registration directions
If you have any questions please stop by or call the the office, we would love to help you out!
Site Council Family Engagement Team
We are in need of one parent to serve on our Site Council and Family Engagement Team next school year. This commitment is one time per quarter for two school years. If you are interested or have any questions please see Mrs. Osborne or Ms. Tina in the office. Thank you!!
Tucson, AZ 85749