Monday Notes
January 20th, 2025

Here is to a great week as you settle into the routine of the new semester. Just a few quick reminders to make the week go smoothly.
Voting is open! Don’t miss your chance to participate in the NAfME Southwestern Division President election. Exciting news - New Mexico has a candidate! Make your voice heard and vote for Joseph!
You should have received an email this morning with instructions on how to access the ballot. Be sure to complete the final step by clicking "submit." If you are a member and did not receive a ballot, please contact Kim Henry at kimh@nafme.org.
Fun All-State Trivia
Have you every wondered what goes on behind the scenes of the All-State Music Festival & In-Service Conference? We all know that the Executive Committee along with Kathy Espinoza, site coordinator, spends a year planning the event, but did you know that this year:
- There were 1145 volunteer spots are filled
- 92 different rooms used, not including the Frontier!
- Over 900 student participants
- over 650 educator participants
- And most importantly, countless hours of collaboration, learning, sharing, and fun!
Jazz All-State
Below are a few reminders as you make final arrangements for Jazz All-State at UNM on January 24-26, 2025:
- Tentative Schedule
- All instrumental students must bring a folding stand.
- Parking will be an issue and we do not have special arrangements for this event so please plan accordingly.
The Sunday concert will be controlled by UNM Ticketing and thus tickets will need to be purchased in advance online or through the box office. One comp ticket will be given to each student and registered educator by showing badge in front of Keller Hall - the same procedure as Concert All-State.
MPA Rubrlics
The NMMEA Board of Directors has approved revised MPA rubrics which can now be found on the website (link). This rubric is to be used this spring.
NMAA State Contests
Find important dates and links below regarding NMAA State Contest Dates.
State Choir Contest
- April 4 & 5, 2025
- Guidelines
- The registration deadline has passed. If you missed it, please contact Zac Stevenson.
State Concert Band Contest
- April 10, 11 & 12, 2025
- Guidelines
- The registration deadline has passed. If you missed it, please contact Zac Stevenson.
State Marching Band Contest
- October 25, 2025