C.I.S. Newsletter
Parents - December 2024
Character Education
November Self Control
We are excited to announce the 1st quarter classes per grade with the best attendance were Mrs. Robinson's, Mrs. Brame's, and Mrs. Huckeby's classes. They earned a pizza party!
Food Drive
Thank you so very much to all of you that donated items for the food drive that we partnered with Cameron Police Department to conduct. We are thankful for Detective Smith for his organization of the drive. Mrs. Hamilton's class had the most items donated and earned a pizza party. C.I.S. had just over 900 items donated.
Library December Newsletter
C.I.S. School Hours
Dates of tutoring for those that are involved are as follows:
December 12, 17, 19
January 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30
December 12, 17, 19
Math tutoring for second semester will depend on NWEA scores were are currently administering. We will be in touch with parents the first part of January.
Cameron R-I School District Calendar (can also be found on the website)
Rest of December and January Dates of Importance
Week of December 9 is STAR Reading Test
December 9 - 4th grade musical at CHS PAC at 6:00p.m.
December 12 - 3rd grade musical at CHS PAC at 6:00p.m.
December 12 - 5th grade musical at CHS PAC at 7:00p.m.
December 20 - Community Parternships will be at C.I.S.
December 20 - Winter parties are today
December 23 - January 6 - No School - Happy Holidays
January 7 - School resumes
January 10 - 2nd quarter grade cards will be sent home
January 20 - No School
Cameron Intermediate
Website: www.cameron.k12.mo.us
Location: 915 Park Avenue, Cameron, MO, USA
Phone: 816-882-1046
Facebook: facebook.com/cameronintermediateschool