February Newsletter
Butler Middle School
Jan. 29th - Lunar New Year
Feb. 4th - Celtics Playbook Initiative - Holliston Ma
Feb. 5th - Early Release 12:50 Dismissal
Feb. 5th - High School Fair - 1-2pm
Feb 7th - MCC Dental Visit (Grade 5)
Feb. 10th - Q2 Awards Grade 5 (1:30)
Feb. 11th - Q2 Awards Grade 6 (1:30)
Feb. 12th - Q2 Awards Grade 7 (1:30)
Feb. 12th - School Site
Feb. 13th - Q2 Awards Grade 8 (1:30)
Feb. 13th - 5th Grade Field Trip
Feb Break - 17th - 21st
Feb. 18th -21st MCAS Literacy BOOTCAMP
School reopens Feb. 24th
Feb. 25th - TRIO Field Trip
We are digital - Parent Portal is open
Parent Login - https://ma-lowell.myfollett.com/aspen/logon.do
If you don’t have your parent login information, please reach out to us. We’re here to help and will work with you to ensure you have the access you need to track your student's academic performance. We deeply value the connection between school and home and are committed to maintaining strong, seamless communication. This portal is a valuable resource that allows parents to stay closely informed about their child’s academic progress and attendance. It is a key initiative prioritized by our leadership team, aimed at enhancing parent engagement.
We firmly believe that the opening of our portal will achieve the following:
- Empower students to take ownership of their academic journey.
- Foster improved communication between parents and teachers.
- Strengthen the vital connection between the school and home, ultimately benefiting our students' education and development.
We are enthusiastic about this effort and eagerly anticipate the ongoing enhancement of our efforts to strengthen the connection between our school and your home.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to a productive and engaging school year.
MCAS Literacy Bootcamp Feb. Vacation Week
MCAS Literacy Bootcamp during the February break, running from 8:00 AM to 11:45 AM. We are looking for 50 stduents to participate. Sign up fast, first come first serve with seats available. Please note that transportation will not be provided. Here's why this opportunity is valuable for our students:
- Attendance Recovery: The program offers a chance for students to recover attendance and catch up on missed instructional time. For every 4 hours of instruction in addition to and outside of normal school hours we can excuse an unexcused absence. This is crucial for our students who are looking to increase their chances in the VOC or other private/charter school environments.
- Increased Time on Instruction: Students will benefit from extended instructional hours, contributing to a deeper understanding of the material.
- Reteaching and Confidence Boost: Participating students will have the opportunity to engage in reteaching efforts, boosting their confidence in areas where they may feel less secure.
Sign Up !! There will be a flyer posted through all school communication outlets as well as a flyer will go home with report cards.
Embracing the Rich Tapestry of Black History
As we enter the month of February, we are excited to celebrate Black History Month—a time to honor the achievements, contributions, and resilience of Black individuals throughout history. It is crucial to recognize that Black history is not a separate entity but an integral part of the tapestry that makes up the rich history of our nation.
Black History is American History
At the Butler Middle School we firmly believe that Black history is American history, and this month offers us an opportunity to delve into the narratives that often go unnoticed. Beyond the struggles of slavery, Black history encompasses a vast array of accomplishments, innovations, and cultural milestones that have shaped our nation.
Exploring Beyond Slavery
It is important to acknowledge that Black history did not begin with slavery. Black people have made significant contributions to various fields, including science, literature, arts, and politics, long before the painful chapter of slavery in our nation's past. This month, our morning announcements and curriculum will highlight the accomplishments of Black trailblazers who have left an indelible mark on the world.
Classroom Activities and Events
Throughout February, our classrooms will be buzzing with activities that foster understanding and appreciation for Black history. From interactive lessons on notable figures to engaging discussions on the importance of diversity, we aim to create an environment where students can learn, question, and celebrate the achievements of Black individuals.
Guest Speakers and Community Involvement
We are delighted to host guest speakers who will share their insights and experiences, providing our students with a broader perspective on Black history. Additionally, we encourage parents and community members to join us in commemorating this important month by sharing their own stories, traditions, and cultural perspectives.
Art and Culture Showcase
Our school will be adorned with displays showcasing the vibrant art, literature, and music. Through these exhibits, we hope to celebrate the diversity and creativity that enrich our collective heritage.
A Call to Action: Promoting Equity and Inclusion
As we celebrate Black History Month, let us also reflect on the importance of promoting sense of belonging in our school community. By embracing the lessons of the past, we can work together to create a future where all individuals are celebrated and valued.
Thank you for joining us in commemorating Black History Month at the Butler Middle School. Let us continue to learn, grow, and build a community that honors the contributions of every individual.
Mrs. Moody
Exploring the African Diaspora: A Tapestry of Shared Histories and Cultures
The African Diaspora is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that refers to the global dispersion of people of African descent. This dispersal, largely driven by historical events such as the transatlantic slave trade and subsequent migration waves, has shaped the cultural, social, and economic landscapes of diverse regions across the globe. The African Diaspora is not a monolithic experience but rather a rich tapestry of interconnected stories, struggles, and triumphs that have contributed to the rich diversity of the global human experience.
Historical Roots:
The roots of the African Diaspora can be traced back to the era of the transatlantic slave trade, a devastating period in history when millions of Africans were forcibly uprooted from their homelands and transported to the Americas, Europe, and other parts of the world. This traumatic experience forms a crucial chapter in the history of the African Diaspora, as it marked the beginning of a dispersion that would continue for centuries.
Impact on Cultures and Identities:
The African Diaspora has played a pivotal role in shaping the cultural identities of various societies. Through the forced migration of enslaved Africans, a fusion of traditions, languages, music, and culinary practices occurred, giving rise to unique and vibrant diasporic cultures. In the Americas, for example, the influence of African heritage is evident in the rich tapestry of Afro-Latin, Afro-Caribbean, and African American cultures.
The Struggle for Freedom and Equality:
The African Diaspora has also been characterized by a shared history of resistance against oppression and the fight for freedom and equality. From abolitionist movements to civil rights struggles, individuals of African descent across the globe have actively participated in campaigns for justice and human rights, leaving an indelible mark on the global quest for equality.
Unity in Diversity:
The African Diaspora, despite its diverse and varied experiences, fosters a sense of unity in diversity. The shared history of resilience, cultural exchange, and the pursuit of justice has created a global community that transcends geographical boundaries. Celebrating this unity while recognizing and respecting the diversity within the African Diaspora is essential for fostering understanding and solidarity among its members.
The African Diaspora is a testament to the strength of human spirit and resilience in the face of adversity. From its historical roots in the transatlantic slave trade to its contemporary manifestations, the African Diaspora is a living legacy that continues to shape the global narrative of culture, identity, and human rights. By acknowledging and appreciating the multifaceted nature of the African Diaspora, we contribute to a more inclusive and interconnected world.
HIgh School Fair
We will be having a high school fair on Wednesday, February 5 from 1:00 - 2:00 pm.
All middle school families are invited to attend. Additionally, students in grades 6-8 will have an opportunity to attend the fair during the school day with their teachers. Please note that February 5 is an Early Release Day ending at 12:50 pm.
The fair will offer an opportunity for families to learn more about different high school options and resources to assist students and families.
Please reach out to Mrs. Nicole Luongo, Guidance Counselor with any questions.
Basketball Season
Girls @ 4:30
Boys @ 5:30
All home games doors will open at 4:15. A guardian, NO EXCEPTIONS, must accompany all visiting students. Thank you for your support and Let's Go Bulldogs!
2/4 - STEM HOME GAME - Butler Fans show your pride - wear white
* The boys team made it to city championships, more information to come
Next : Volleyball Season Is around the corner
Good Luck to all participants and Let's Go Bulldogs!
Important Attendance Information
Student attendance will be taken daily and entered into our database system by our school clerk.
If students are sick, please call the school at 978-937-8973 for record keeping and doctor’s notes must be sent with students, emailed, or faxed to the school to excuse absences.
Dismissals should be for important/emergency reasons only.
To minimize disruptions to the end of our school day, we ask you not dismiss your child after 2:30 pm
No dismissal or pick-up changes will be made after 2:30 pm
After School Programming
Afterschool programming is here and off to a great start. We have 200+ students that participate in our programming.
A couple of friendly reminders:
- After-school programs start promptly at 3pm ( Students receive a healthy and hearty snack)
- Students are dismissed at 5pm
- Guardians who are picking up their students need to arrive promptly at 5pm
Program administrator:
Neyder Fernandez
Community School Program Manager
The Butler Middle School
(978) 937 8973 (Main office)
Principal/Parent Coffee Hour 8:30 - March 21st
FOCUS: Aspen Parent Portal Support & Catch up on the events and happenings of the Butler Middle School
Lowell Public Schools Help Desk ph. 978-674-2024 To open a HelpDesk ticket: Email: Helpdesk@lowell.k12.ma.us (Use your student email account to email this address) or Http://helpdesk.lowell.k12.ma.us (Use the same username and password that you use for your school email)
Butler Middle School
VISION-At Butler, every student thrives. We are committed to creating a vibrant learning community where each student receives rigorous, meaningful instruction, achieves measurable growth, and develops personally and academically. Our vision is for all students to leave each school year stronger, more engaged, and prepared to excel in their education and contribute positively to society.
MISSION- Our mission is to provide our students with highly-effective, standards-based instruction and enrichment experiences that reinforce our school’s core values and support efforts to close achievement gaps and accelerate growth for all students.
CORE VALUES: Take Care of Self, Each Other and Our Community (I care for myself , I care for others , I care for my school)
Email: jmoody@lowell.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.lowell.k12.ma.us/Domain/10
Location: 1140 Gorham Street, Lowell, MA, USA
Phone: 978-9378973
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lpsdbutler/