Dodge Elementary
The Dynamic Dodge News 9/13/2024

Upcoming Dates and Events 📅
A Word from our Principal
Good evening Dodge families. Hopefully this video finds you doing well. We had a beautiful first week of school and I want to say thank you to everybody for their hard work, dedication to their students and your children. It really was a beautiful week that we had here at Dodge Elementary and we are already into our second week with our teachers really focusing on being safe, being kind, and working hard, which is our behavior matrix here at Dodge Elementary.
We just want to say thank you for everyone committing to that. Thank you to the teachers and thank you to the parents and families for also teaching our students each and every day to be safe, be kind, and work hard inside of school and outside.
Our welcome back parade was this morning. It was another beautiful thing. Thank you to all the parents supporting our welcome back of our students and celebrating that we are back in school.
Our Dine and Dash is on Tuesday the 17th. The Dash starts right at 3 p. m. After the students race, we will have hot dogs provided for everyone out front. We will be cooking and having a blast together to have our kickoff party for Dodge Elementary.
Tuesday the 17th is also our positive t-shirt day. So if you have a positive t-shirt, wear it! Let's see all the positive t-shirts. There's positivity throughout being kind. It truly is amazing to see throughout our school. We want to build up your child and build up the community as much as we can.
Dodgers, with that being said, loud and proudly, Who are we?
Photo Spotlight 📸
Dodge Picture Day 🙂
Picture Day is Wednesday, October 9th
Order Code: 88247NF