Message from the Superintendent
Dear AUSD Community,
This school year is rapidly flying by. It seems like just yesterday, we were finishing up summer and welcoming students back to school. But now here we are – approaching the end of 2024 and closing in on the half-way mark of the school year!
2024 has already been filled with meaningful achievements, inspiring student successes, and countless examples of dedication and care from our staff, families, and partners. I hope you have enjoyed reading about them through this newsletter, our local papers, and on our social media platforms. Our community has accomplished so much together and I know there will be many more reasons to celebrate in 2025.
The holiday season can sometimes feel rushed and hectic, and there always seems to be “just one more thing” to do. But during this winter break, I encourage everyone to focus on taking time to connect with loved ones, recharge, and reflect on the moments that brought joy, peace, and gratitude this year.
Speaking of gratitude, I would like to express my appreciation for Mr. Bob Gin for his service as Board President for 2024, and congratulate Mrs. Kaysa Moreno, Mr. Kenneth Tang, and Dr. Marcia Wilson for their reappointment to the AUSD Board. Next week, the Board will reorganize and select new officers and the Oath of Office will also be administered to our three returning Board Members. (See invitation below for more information.) Theirs is challenging work, and as a school community, we are very fortunate to have a Board that recognizes the importance of their role.
I hope we will all enter 2025 with a renewed commitment to supporting our students’ dreams and building a brighter future together. Enjoy the last week of school before winter break, and on behalf of Alhambra Unified School District, I wish you a happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year!
Warmest Regards,
Denise R. Jaramillo, Ed.D.
On Tuesday, December 17, 2024, AUSD will officially accept the results of the November 5th General Municipal Election and reappoint Kenneth Tang, Kaysa Moreno, and Dr. Marcia Wilson to the Board of Education. Assemblymember Mike Fong will administer their Oaths of Office.
AUSD will also recognize outgoing Board President Robert L. Gin for serving as president December 2023 through December 2024. A reception will follow in the AUSD Cafe. The public is welcome to attend. You may also view the Swearing-In Ceremony (beginning at 6:00pm) via Zoom at: https://zoom.us/j/99099236655.
Featured Event: MKHS Students Take 2nd Place in Congressional App Challenge
Congratulations to the Mark Keppel High School team of Drexel Ngo (9th grade), Alina Ramos (9th grade), Evan Lau (10th grade), and Athicha Chanpradup! Their app, EYESPEAK, was awarded 2ND PLACE in Congresswoman’s Judy Chu’s Congressional App Challenge, beating 65 other competitors/teams. EyeSpeak is a fully-functioning app accessibility app that allows paralyzed individuals to navigate computer interfaces using eye tracking and speech recognition.
For Drexel and Alina, this is the third year in a row they entered...and for the third year they were a Top Finalist. All four students first entered the competition when they were middle schoolers at Brightwood School. Last year, they were separated as Evan and Athicha moved on to high school, so Drexel and Alina forged ahead as a duo. This year, the quartet reunited and they continued to dominate the competition by being named a finalist AGAIN!
On December 2nd, the district was well-represented at the ceremony as the students were joined by a huge crowd of supporters, including friends, family members, MKHS administrators, and AUSD board members and administrators to find out their final placement. Congratulations again to Drexel, Alina, Evan, and Athicha!
Staff Report Presentation Slides
Board Resolution
At Tuesday's Board of Education meeting, the Board adopted one resolution recognizing January 20th as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. You can read the full content of the resolution by downloading the attachment below.
2025-26 Dual Immersion Enrollment
Now Enrolling TK-8th Spanish and Mandarin Dual Language Immersion Students for the 2025-26 School Year. Click image to access flier.
Register by January 15, 2025. Click HERE for Online Enrollment.
Spanish Dual Language Immersion Program- https://www.fremontelementary.us/
Mandarin Dual Language Immersion Program-https://www.northrupelementary.us/
2025 Financial Aid Night
- All AUSD 12th grade families are invited.
- Presentation will be provided by expert guest(s) from the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) and an optional workshop will also be offered for hands on support to complete the financial aid application (spaces limited), if interested.
- Date: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
- Time: 5pm-7:30pm
- Location: San Gabriel High School (801 S. Ramona Street, San Gabriel, CA 91776)
- NOTE: Must bring student and their AUSD chromebook or laptop.
- RSVP: www.tinyurl.com/ausdfinaid
- Translation available in Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, & Vietnamese.
Early College Program Spring 2025 Class Schedule
Sign up today to earn free college credits!
Open to Alhambra USD High School Students
- Deadline to fill out interest list: Friday, 1/17/25 by 11:59PM
- Deadline to submit registration info/contract: Sunday, 1/19/2025 by 11:59 PM
College & Career Workshop: AUSD CTE Pathways & Labor Market Trends
- All AUSD 8th-12th grade families are invited.
- Explore post-secondary options for Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways and understand how they align with current labor market demands.
- Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
- Time: 7:00pm-8:00pm (via Zoom)
- RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/AUSDecp122 (Zoom link will be sent via email after you RSVP)
- Translation available in Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, & Vietnamese.
Student Support Services December Attendance Newsletter
Be Present, Be Connected: Together We thrive!
Our December Attendance Newsletter is filled with resources and fun activities for the winter break. Take the Family Challenge with our Winter Break Bucket List! and learn more about how to support your student during exam week! Click on the link below to access the full newsletter.
Holidays with Hazel Health
The holidays are usually a joyful time, but they can also be stressful and overwhelming for many children and teens. Hazel Health providers are available to provide virtual therapy support during this time. These sessions are FREE for any AUSD student.
Please click HERE for online therapy during winter break. Virtual therapists are available 9:00am to 7:00pm. (Please note therapists are off on December 24the & 25th, and January 1st.)
Save the Date: Family STEAM Night (February 26, 2025)
Make plans to join us at our 2nd Annual STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Resource Fair -- Open to all students in grades 3-5 and their families. Last year's inaugural event was a rousing success and we are ready to go "Full Steam Ahead" in year two!
Mark your calendar:
- Wednesday, February 26, 2025
- 5:00pm-7:00pm
- Marguerita Elementary School (1603 Marguerita Avenue in Alhambra)
Click HERE to RSVP.
Facilities Updates
Facilities Services scheduled several projects to be performed over the Thanksgiving break. Artificial turf was installed to replace the severely damaged rubber padding at Fremont Elementary. The auditorium stage at Park School was cleared and sanded down to prepare for new wax coatings. A special thanks to AUSD's Maintenance and Custodial team for their dedicated efforts to provide clean and safe facilities for our students and staff. (Click on this slidedeck to view more highlights about the Facilities Thanksgiving projects: Facilities 2024 Thanksgiving Break Projects.)
Construction Updates
Alhambra High School Bldg. "A" restrooms have been completed.
Alhambra High School Bldg. "A" Classroom modernization is substantially complete and exterior painting, new drinking fountains, and signage have been completed.
Scanlon Early Education Center project progress updates.
Wall and ceiling framing continues.
Wall and ceiling framing continues.
Above-ground plumbing has commenced.
AlhambraUSD is proud to continue our partnership with the Alhambra and Monterey Park Rotary Club for their annual Adopt-A-Family initiative. This project helps bring a little joy during this holiday season to AUSD families in need. On Thursday, December 12th, 48 families (consisting of 122 children) had the opportunity to meet Santa and take photos as they picked up their bundles of presents.
Congratulations Alhambra High School seniors Elsdon Wong, Kenneth San and Kevin San. These high-achieving seniors were matched through Questbridge for full-ride scholarships to top-tier universities. Elsdon was accepted into Swarthmore College, Kenneth was accepted into Johns Hopkins University, and Kevin was accepted into Princeton University. While attending these prestigious schools, they will not have to worry about tuition, housing, food, books, supplies, or travel expenses.
On Wednesday, November 20th the Marching Bands and Color Guards from Alhambra High School, Mark Keppel High School, and San Gabriel High School put together another outstanding Tri-City Field Show held at San Gabriel High School. It was wonderful to watch each school's competition field show, followed by several culminating numbers by all three schools together.
AUSD’s Mandarin Dual Immersion (DI) students (at Northrup School) were superstars at the Southern California Council of Chinese Schools competition, held on November 10th at Arcadia High School. They showcased their talents in five categories: Picture Essay, Chinese Brush Calligraphy, Pencil Writing, Chinese Poster Making, and Coloring (for the youngest artists).
Congratulations to Keiko Rakin, Madison Kang and Emily Huang, who were named to Judy Chu’s Congressional Youth Advisory Council (CYAC) for the 2024-2025 school year. Representing each of AUSD’s high schools, these students have already demonstrated strong leadership abilities as members of AUSD’s Student Advisory Council and will now serve as youth advisors to Congressmember Chu. Additionally, Keiko, who is AUSD’s current Student Board Member, was elected as the CYAC President.
In November, the Asian Youth Center (AYC) was presented a $20,000 grant from AT&T to support the Dream Centers at the three AUSD High Schools. The grant will support AYC’s Youth & Parent Leadership Development program at the Dream Centers, which provides academic support, college and career readiness, wellness services, leadership development, community engagement and family resources. The check was presented by AT&T at the Alhambra High School Dream Center.
The Alhambra Fire Department helped Baldwin School with its annual 8th grade Egg Drop challenge on November 21st. AFD Station 71 dropped eggs from over 50 feet to determine which student-created contraptions could keep their enclosed eggs safe. A big thank you to Captain Larry Ramirez and his crew for helping Baldwin with this great event.
San Gabriel High School’s football team returned to the CIF Championship Game for the second time in three years. On November 25th, the SGHS team, along with six other teams, attended the CIF-Southern Section football Champions Luncheon in Long Beach. You can read about the luncheon HERE. The Matadors faced Pioneer High School for the CIF-SS Division 14 Championship Game on November 30th. They came up a little short, but we are so proud of their efforts and accomplishments this season!
Highlights from AHS' Production of CLUE
(Photos by AUSD Communications Interns Justin Lim, Ricardo Padillo, & Grant Sapcharoenlert)
Highlights from Brightwood's Production of ALICE @ WONDERLAND
(Photos by AUSD Communications Interns Brayton Andrade & Grant Sapcharoenlert)
Click HERE for a list of non-district sponsored activities from our local cities and community partner organizations.
Therapicasso's "A Night in the Arts" Gala
Thank you to everyone who supported Thereapicaso's first Art Exhibit & Fundraising Gala. The event was a huge success and raised $14,275 to support programs that promote mental health wellness through the arts. You can learn more about Therapicasso (and/or make a donation) at https://www.therapicasso.org. (Photos by AUSD Communications Interns Ricardo Padillo & Grant Sapcharoenlert)
Know Your Rights Workshop
Saturday, December 14th from 11:00am-1:00pm
Alhambra Library (101 S. 1st St., Alhambra)
For more information, click HERE.
Non-Profit Partner Organizations
Alhambra Educational Foundation (AEF)
Alhambra Latino Association (ALA)
Asian American Association (AAA)
News from AEF
Adopt-A-Camper Program - PLEASE DONATE!
Our sixth graders had an AMAZING time at camp last year...several groups even got to enjoy some snow!
Please help Alhambra Unified School District and the Alhambra Educational Foundation to continue this new tradition by supporting the Adopt-A-Camper program.
Use this LINK to donate. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
News from ALA
Alhambra Latino Association Scholarship Program 2025
The Alhambra Latino Association (ALA) 2025 Scholarship Applications are now available! This scholarship is open to Alhambra USD seniors who identify as Latina/o/x and plan to enroll in post-secondary education in the fall of 2025. Winners will be selected from each AUSD high school.
AUSD seniors will have from now through March 14, 2025 to submit their application packets. Click HERE to apply.
SAVE THE DATE - Celebrating Our Cultures
News from AAA
Deadline is Coming: AAA $1,000 Scholarship!
This scholarship is open to ALL eligible Alhambra USD seniors of Asian descent. One winner will be selected from each high school. Eligibility: All seniors of Asian descent who plan to enroll in a post-secondary institution in Fall 2025 are eligible for this scholarship. There is ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT to submit your application.
Don't miss the deadline: Friday, December 20, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Apply at: https://tinyurl.com/AAA2025Scholarship
Lunar New Year Banquet - RSVP now for Early Bird Price!
Asian American Association's Lunar New Year Banquet will be held on Friday, February 21, 2025. This annual event is a fun-filled spectacular event that raises money for student scholarships. Celebrate the Year of the Snake, while supporting the students of AUSD!
Early Bird RSVPs get PRIORITY SEATING and are eligible for these Early Bird Prizes:
November Game Changers
Congratulations to our November 2024 Game Changers: Amy Walsh, Certificated Game Changer from Garfield School and Marissa Valarao, Classified Game Changer from Purchasing. Nominate a deserving certificated or classified employee to be a Game Changer HERE.
Alhambra USD Employment Opportunities
Be a part of the AUSD Team! Please click HERE for full-and part-time positions. We have competitive salaries and excellent benefits! AUSD posts all job opportunities at EdJoin.com/alhambrausd. Make sure to check back often.
(Subscribe to Receive Automatic Updates)
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- December 15: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- December 17: Board of Education Meeting: Reorganization & Reception (Agendas & Minutes)
- December 20: Secondary Pupil-Free Day (Gr. 9-12) - End of 1st Semester
- December 20: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter Emailed to Parents, Students, and Staff
- December 23-January 3: Winter Break (No School)
- January 6: School Resumes
- January 12: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- January 15: 2025 Financial Aid Night 5:00pm-7:30pm at SGHS (RSVP, Flyer)
- January 14: Fall Student Recognition & Reception 4:00pm
- January 14: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- January 17: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter Emailed to Parents, Students, and Staff Members
- January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No School)
- January 22: College & Career Workshop: AUSD CTE Pathways & Labor Market Trends via Zoom, 7:00pm (RSVP, Flyer)
- January 26: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- January 27: Pupil-Free Day
- January 27: Parent Advisory Committee 6:45pm-8:00pm (Link)
- February 2: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am
- February 4: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- February 7: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter Emailed to Parents, Students, and Staff Members
High School Athletics Calendars
Featured Event: AUSD Students Connect with Local Leaders at Rose Court Luncheon
AUSD had the honor of joining community leaders at the Alhambra Chamber of Commerce’s annual Rose Court Luncheon on Tuesday, December 3rd at Almansor Court. We appreciate the Chamber providing a table for AUSD students to join this luncheon.
Student representatives for this event were: Emma Arroyo, Leslie Chu, Emily Huang, Keiko Rakin, Angelina Yip (Student Advisory Council members), Isabella Jackson (AHS senior and 2025 Rose Court Finalist), Chelsea Yeung (Northrup 4th grader, whose artwork inspired the City of Alhambra’s Rose Parade float), and Ricardo Padillo (MKHS junior and AUSD Communications Intern). Board President Bob Gin was given the privilege of escorting Rose Princess Simone Ball during the processional entry.
Following a Q & A session with the Rose Court and a delicious lunch, attendees listened to community leaders in the Women's Business Leadership Panel, who spoke about their professional histories and how community service and activism played a role in their development as leaders.
(Photos by AUSD Communications Intern Ricardo Padillo)
AUSD in the Media
Read about AUSD in these Local Community Papers
📰 FEATURED on the AUSD website (www.ausd.us): Press Coverage
Alhambra Unified School District is often featured in local media (print and television news). Click below to access some of our favorite stories, featuring AUSD students, staff members, schools and programs!
Do you have something newsworthy to share? Click on the Publicity Request button so we can spread the word!
Please visit us on social media to keep up with the latest AUSD news. If you want our notifications/reminders to show up on your timeline, make sure to follow/like us!
About Alhambra Unified School District
Website: www.ausd.us
Address: 1515 West Mission Road, Alhambra, CA, USA
Email: AlhambraUSD@ausd.us
Phone: (626) 943-3000
Facebook: @AlhambraUSD
Instagram: @AlhambraUSD
Twitter/X: @AlhambraUSD
YouTube: @AlhambraUSD
Look for the next issue of "AUSD Connection" on December 20th!
Do you know anyone who would like stay up-to-date with AUSD news?
Alumni, retirees, family members (who are not the primary contact in PowerSchool), and local community members can receive future issues of this newsletter by clicking on the "SUBSCRIBE" button below. It's a great way to stay connected with AUSD! 💖