SRS Newsletter
South River Elementary
Website: https://www.mpsd.org/o/srs
Location: 59 Hatch Street, Marshfield, MA 02050, USA
Phone: 781-834-5030
Twitter: @srsppal
Graduation March Class of 2023 Congratulations!
Principal for a Day Raffle Winners!
Ms. Beagley our Principal and Ms. Moynihan our Vice Principal had a very busy day helping our school run smoothly today. They met with administration, welcomes parents to school events, assisted with recess and lunch duties, and visited classrooms. It was a very exciting day!
Student Council Hard at Work
First Grade STEAM Day!
Attention Third Grade Families
Your children have been doing a wonderful job learning how to play the recorder in music class this year! I have seen an incredible amount of progress in their abilities. Be it music reading, fine-motor coordination, or the tenacity to persevere through difficult challenges, these students are thriving. To celebrate their accomplishments we would like to invite you to their Recorder Concert on the morning of Monday, June 5 at 8:30am.
No special dress code is required of the third grade students. If you can attend, we will be happy to see you in the gym in June for the performance! If you cannot make it, I am sure that your child will be more than happy to repeat the performance solo at home.
Warm regards,
Mr. Larson
Follow us on Instagram @srsreadingroom
Summer Reading
Students are being challenged to read 10 books this summer! They will receive a 10 book challenge card and lanyard, which they can return during the Meet and Greet in the fall. They will also be entered into a drawing to win a $25 Amazon gift card! There will be one winner per grade level. Stay tuned for more details on our summer reading challenge!
Don't forget to visit your school library during their summer hours. Happy Reading!
Donations welcome!
If you are spring cleaning and come across clothes your child has outgrown, we would love to have them at the nurse clinic. You can send them in with your child and ask to bring them to the nurse. Ideally, I am looking for shorts, stretchy pants, and sweatpants. All children sizes needed. Elastic waistband is best.
Thank you and have a great weekend!
Julie Stiles
SRS School Nurse
Phone: 781-319-3959
Email: jstiles@mpsd.org