ELC Lion's Latest News
December 17, 2024
Paws-itively Important Dates
- December 19th: Cookies and Cocoa Daytime Winter Celebration - check with your teacher for your class time
- Winter Break: December 23rd to January 5th
- January 6th: School Resumes
- January 16th: Family Game Night at the ELC 6:00 pm
- January 22nd: PAC Meeting 5:30 at the ELC
Lion's Pride Bulletin
Click on your child's classroom for the latest newsletter!
Ms. Jamie
Ms. Franke
Ms. Mia
Ms. Annie
Ms. Mansour
Ms. Carolyn
Ms. Sharon
OT in Action
Speech Spotlight
The Nurse Kate Update
The Mobile Dentist Smiles Program will be at the ELC on January 22, 2025! Request an appointment TODAY!
Fill out the form and return in your child's folder
go to www.myschooldentist.com
Schedule your appointment TODAY!
Roary's Safety Reminders
Curbside Lane:
- When lane starts to fill, form line on west side of Keeler
- DO NOT BLOCK ANY parking lot entrances or driveways
- When Keeler is full, car line forms on south side of 93rd Street
Drop Off:
- Use either curbside lane or park-n-walk
- You can switch between these options as needed
- You do not need a car sign for drop off
Pick Up:
- Must adhere to your designated pick-up method
- Bring your nametag (park-n-walk) or car sign (curbside)
Safety Rules:
- Stay in the car line - do not exit early
- Pull up close to the car in front of you
- West exit: Left turn only
- East exit: Right turn only
Buckle Up Area:
- After buckling your child in the Buckle Up Area, drive east to exit
- Exit through the EAST EXIT only
- No U-turns allowed
Important Notes:
- Staff/visitor parking ONLY in the school lot - no drop offs
- Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month: Expect extra traffic on 93rd Street due to Christ Hospital events
- Follow staff and crossing guard directions
Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a safe environment for our students.
With frost and snow in the near future, this little trick is sure to have car signs visible and ready for the callers at dismissal time! This family added a binder clip to the sun visor and with a quick flip, the car sign will not get lost and is clear and visible on the passenger side! Thank you for this handy trick!
Please let your teacher know if you need an additional car sign.
FRC Connection Corner
Green and Red Choices
A strategy that we use in our preschool classrooms to promote positive behavior is by encouraging and focusing on Green Choices. A Green Choice helps us move forward and be our best selves and is positive. A Red Choice is an action that might stop us from learning. Below is more information about Green and Red Choices and positive phrases you can use at home!
Singing is a fun and active way to practice making green choices. Sing the song to the tune of “Mary had a Little Lamb”. If you have puppets or stuffed animals, you can use them for this song! Puppets just make it more fun! It also allows students to be someone else and some students will be more verbal if they can pretend to be someone else. Only have students practice making choices you WANT them to make! At the end of each verse, students can act out the green choice (with or without their stuffed animals or puppets).
Roar-worthy Bites
The D123 preschool program provides all items needed for snacks, which are provided by Arbor Management and are free of cost to all families. Click on the menu for the NEW interactive menu, FD MEALPLANNER, which includes nutrition information, ingredients and allergen information, accessible from any mobile device or computer.
**Click on the SNACK with the GRAPES symbol for up to date snack choices for each day!
Guests of the Pride
If you are volunteering or visiting the ELC, please use THIS LINK to complete the Visitor Aware Pre-Registration for a quick check in upon arrival.
Early Learning Center
4201 W. 93rd Street, Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453
Director: Christine Fuller - cfuller@d123.org
Website: d123.org Instagram: @d123elc
Phone: 708.423.8363 Fax: 708.869.7093
Monday through Friday
7:00 am to 5:00 pm