Welcome to the School Year

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Welcome to the School Year
Dear Westwood families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are getting ready for the first day of school Tuesday, September 3, 2024. The Westwood staff are excited to welcome students and build a community focused on kindness, meeting new friends, and engaging in learning. We’re including things here you will want and need to know as the school year begins.
Important upcoming dates and activities:
- Find your teacher (grades 5-6) and your schedule (grades 7-8) – Starting Friday, August 23 after 3 p.m.: You will be able to see teachers and schedules in the Campus Parent Portal by the end of the day Friday, August 23. See the instructions for accessing Campus Parent Portal. Students may have accessed preliminary schedules earlier. The schedules available Friday, August 23 in Campus are final schedules.
- Meet your teacher / team at school – Tuesday, August 27: We will host a Meet and Greet event for students and parents to meet teacher(s) and visit classrooms:
- Meet and Greet for grades 5-6 is 3-5 p.m. Stop in during this time to meet your teacher, and familiarize yourself with Westwood. School supplies can be dropped off during Meet and Greet or on the first day of school.
- Meet and Greet for grades 7-8 is 5-7 p.m. Stop in during this time and/or walk your schedule before the first day of school. Lockers will be provided to students on the first day of school and locker locations will be in Campus for the Meet and Greet.
Make note of Westwood hours and key contacts:
- Main office hours: 7:15 a.m.–3:45 p.m.
- School hours grades 7-8: 7:45 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
- School hours grades 5-6: 8:40 a.m.–3:15 p.m.
- Main line: 763-600-5300
- Attendance line: 763-600-5309
- Health line: 763-600-5304
Visit the Back-to-School hub at SpringLakeParkSchools.org/BackToSchool and refer to the “Back to School" email sent August 7 for your back-to-school checklist. This is where you will find school supply lists, the Educational Benefits application, information about before and after school care (Learning Ventures), iPad preparation information and more.
Bus riders
If your child rides the bus, bus information, including bus stop, pick up and drop off times is expected to be mailed to homes the week of August 19. Please plan for your student to ride the bus on the first day of school to help us work out all of our routines and eliminate as much confusion as possible.
Car riders
We are asking all families who drop students off at school to follow new drop off and pick up procedures to ensure the safety of our kids and their drivers. There is no pick up or drop off in the staff parking lot. If you need to park to drop off or pick up your child, use the visitor parking, exit your vehicle, and cross the parking area with your child.
Drop off procedures:
- Students do not enter the building until 7:20 a.m. for grades 7/8 and 8:25 a.m. for grades 5/6.
- Follow the one way arrows when entering and exiting the Westwood campus.
- Drop off at the curb side only.
- Once you stop at the curb to drop off, your child must exit the vehicle. Please, no waiting.
- Follow the one way arrows to exit the campus.
- Dismissal is at 2:30 p.m. for grades 7/8 and 3:15 p.m. for grades 5/6
- Follow the one-way arrows when entering and exiting the Westwood campus.
- There are two pick up zones.
- Pick up at the curb side only.
- When waiting in line, pull all the way forward.
- Once your child enters the vehicle on the curb side, pull out of the wait line and exit the campus following the one way arrows.
Looking to join the SLP Westwood Team? We have openings. We are currently looking for paraprofessionals in our classrooms and lunchroom. If you are interested and want more information, please call Steve Brady at 763-600-5310.
We look forward to welcoming students to school for this new year of learning together. If you have questions, comments or concerns, they are always welcome. Please reach out. We look forward to working with you throughout the year as we all support our children’s learning.
Enjoy the remainder of summer,
Tom Larson
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