Weathersfield Weekly
January 31, 2025
Friday, February 7, 2025 Early Release Day all students released at 12:00 PM
Town Challenge
SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd AT 7:00 P.M. (Snow date will be March 23th)
The Weathersfield Proctor Library will have their 11th ANNUAL TOWN CHALLENGE. Local organizations are invited to participate, and we certainly hope you’ll join in the fun. The trivia topics will cover Weathersfield History, Geography, Spelling, Current Events/Sports, Literature and Music.
As you know, in addition to this being an exciting event for the whole community, it is a fundraiser for the Weathersfield Proctor Library. We are hopeful the businesses within our community will join in with donations for this much-anticipated event.
Of course, we also encourage each team member to collect additional support (family members, neighbors and/or friends), and there will be a prize for the team that raises the most money. A few years ago, we also offered door prizes (local products) to members of our audience and will again this year. And don’t forget the coveted prize for the team that displays the most TEAM SPIRIT!
Weathersfield School is looking to put together a student team with students in grades 7 & 8. Please let us (debrichardson8097@gmail.com) know by February 3rd if your organization plans to participate. Please provide your team captain’s name and email address, and Deb Richardson will then follow up to provide you with more information. Each team may have three members, plus an alternate.
Middle Level Assembly
We are excited to inform you that all 6th-12th grade students in the Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union will be attending a field trip to Windsor High School on Monday, February 3, 2025 to hear spoken word artist Rajnii Eddins speak on the theme "The Value of Our Stories." We believe this field trip will be a valuable experience for our students to better understand and appreciate the diverse stories that make up our community. Since this field trip is within the WSESU, we only ask families to notify the office if your child will not be attending this event. If your child does not attend, they will have an alternate learning experience at Weathersfield School.
Youth Risk Behavior Survey the week of February 10th-14th Grades 6-8th
Since 1993, the Health Department and the Agency of Education have sponsored the Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). The YRBS was developed to monitor priority health risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death, disease, injury and social problems among youth. The data collected is never student specific but instead data from the whole district is compiled. This data is then shared back with leaders in the district and used to help inform interventions, school counseling lessons, and more.
PE is Outside Next Week
Please make sure that students bring mittens, boots, hats, snow pants or whatever they need to keep warm outside. PE will be participating in snow shoeing and cross country skiing.
Lunch with a Loved One
During the week of February 10th-14th you have the opportunity to select one of the days and have lunch with your loved one. We have made it flexible for families to select any day of the week to enjoy lunch. The Lunch schedule is as follows:
Grades 3-5 10:50 AM -11:20 AM
Grades K-2 11:30 AM -12:00 PM
Grades 6-8 12:10 PM - 12:40 PM
Mark your calendars now.
Brownsville Base Camp Summer 2025
Brownsville Base Camp Summer 2025 Registration opens February 1st. Base Camp Explorers is a day camp located in Brownsville for campers entering Kindergarten-6th grade. New this summer we have a two week Adventurers program geared towards campers entering 6th-9th grades. Check out our website to learn more!
Financial Assistance is available!
STAR Assessment Results will go home on Friday, February 7th.
8th Grade Families
Parents/Guardians of 8th grade student(s):
Considering Woodstock Union High School? Schedule visits to best connect you with the programs and opportunities that most interest you. Your visit would include shadowing a student with interests similar to yours along with opportunities to view programs and/or meet teachers/directors of programs that you want to learn more about. Want more information? Take a moment to read this informational letter.
Windsor High School is hosting a shadow week for your 8th grade students during the week of February 3rd. Parents and Caregivers can reach out to WHS's registrar Suzanne Ambrose to set up a day to come in during that week. Families can choose either to do a half day, or a full day.
Parents and guardians of 8th graders are invited to attend the 9th Grade Curriculum Night on Tuesday, February 4th, at 5:30 PM in the Hanover HS auditorium. This event will provide an overview of the 9th grade curriculum. Department coordinators and counselors will be present to address program details. We encourage your attendance. Please direct any inquiries to Sara Wilmot or Elizabeth Keene.
Attention all current 8th graders interested in possibly attending Springfield High School. SHS will work with Weathersfield School in order to schedule a day for interested 8th grade students to visit SHS and shadow a current 9th grade student for an entire school day. This opportunity is meant to give you some experience with SHS is to help you decide where you would like to attend high school! Breakfast and lunch are included in your visit...you are welcome to bring your own lunch, but you should know breakfast and lunch are FREE for all students. You would spend the entire day going to classes, advisory and lunch as well as getting some time in the tech center. Please let your counselor know if you are interested as we will be looking to schedule this visit day after the February break or into the beginning of March. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Jason Touchette (SHS school counselor) at 802-885-7910 or email him at jtouchette@ssdvt.org.
Community Art Project
Band Students and Ms. Towne Heading Off to Districts
A Couple of Highlights from our P.R.I.D.E. Assembly
Board Meeting
Menu for the Week of February 3 - February 7, 2025
Monday Breakfast- Cereal Lunch- Crispy Chicken with Roasted Potatoes
Tuesday Breakfast- Pancakes Lunch- Taco Bar with Local Beef
Wednesday Breakfast- Baked Oatmeal with VT Maple Syrup Lunch- Lasagna with Garlic Bread
Thursday Breakfast- French Toast Bake Lunch- Sweet and Sour Chicken with Rice
Friday Breakfast- Cinnamon Roll Lunch- Bagged Lunch
Save the Dates!
February 3rd Middle Level Field Trip to Windsor High School
February 7th Early Release Day All students dismissed at 12:00 PM
February 8th Family Dance 3-5:00 PM
February 10th-14th Lunch with a Loved One
February 11th Weathersfield School Board Meeting at 6:30 PM
February 17th-21st Winter Break No School for Students