The Eagle Express
March 14, 2024
Important Dates
Fri., Mar. 15 - NO SCHOOL (Professional Day)
***SPRING BREAK | MARCH 18-22***
Wed., Mar. 27 - Eat & Earn at Johnnie's
Thurs., Mar. 28 - Holy Thursday 4th grade Last Supper Reenactment (no mass)
Fri., Mar. 29 - NO SCHOOL - Good Friday
Sun., Mar. 31 - Easter Sunday
Mon., Apr. 1 - NO SCHOOL - Easter Monday
Wed., Apr. 3 - Eat & Earn at Ted's
Thur., Apr. 4 - School mass (8:15am)
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
A Note from Mrs. Goldsworthy
Dear CSSE Families,
All of a sudden it’s fully Spring! We’ve got more daylight in the evening, warmer temps, and Spring Break! Teachers will be in professional development tomorrow, but for your kids, the break begins now! We will return to school on Monday, March 25th.
Mrs. McCoy and Mrs. Hill have decided to stay home with their newborns. Mrs. Skiles will continue as MS Math Teacher. Mrs. Winfrey will continue as full term substitute teacher for Mrs. McCoy. Mrs. Jansen’s last day with CSSE is tomorrow. We are currently working to fill her position. We wish all these ladies the best.
PCTC News! We are beginning to receive checks for families from PCTC, but it will take some time to process. We will send out information after Spring Break to set times for families to come endorse the checks. If we have received your PCTC check, and you have a payment scheduled to come out on March 20th, Mrs. Metz has put a hold on their account so that payments do not automatically withdraw. Stay tuned for more after the break!
Faith Forward,
Mrs. Goldsworthy
CSSE Dads’ Club March Madness!
Art Camp/Artist’s Workshop
Open to incoming 3rd-5th graders. Fill out the 3rd-5th Art Camp form and turn in your fee by Saturday, June 1st to reserve your space for the week of June 3rd, while availability lasts. Cash or check written out to Kara Whitmire with memo "Art Club- [student name]" can be dropped off in the school office or you can Venmo Ms. Whitmire directly @Kara-Lane-20. Summer Camp fee is $250.
The Artist’s Workshop is open to incoming 6th-8th graders + 2024 Alumni. Fill out the Artist’s Workshop form and turn in your fee by Saturday, June 1st to reserve your space for the week of June 10th, while availability lasts. Cash or check written out to Kara Whitmire with memo "Art Club- [student name]" can be dropped off in the school office or you can Venmo Ms. Whitmire directly @Kara-Lane-20. Summer Artist's Workshop fee is $250.
News on Repeat
Purchase Your 23-24 Yearbook! - LAST CHANCE!!!! The 2023-24 yearbook is in development by our MS Yearbook Elective Class! Please complete the yearbook form for EACH COPY you wish to order by MARCH 25. Yearbooks are $25 each. Orders will be billed through your FACTS account in March/April, or cash/check due to the school office by the end of March. Yearbooks will be distributed the last week of school.
Eagle Excellence!
Congrats to the 8th grade basketball players on their win against the coaches last week! The game was often close and very exciting!
We had many entrants in our Free Throw and 3 Point Shot contests. Winners are…
2nd/3rd Free Throw Winner: Deacon Hansted
4th/5th Free Throw Winner: Tyler Mathew
MS Free Throw Winner: Joey Mathew
3 Point Contest Winner: Gehrig Lair
Have some good news to share about a student, alumni, or school family? We want to celebrate all your proud moments with you! Share your Eagle Excellence for inclusion in the EE!
PTO News
Upcoming Eat & Earns - always mention St. Eugene when you order so we get a percentage back to our school!
- Johnnie’s Charcoal Broiler (Britton and May locations) - Wed., March 28 all day
- Ted’s Cafe Escondido (Lleyton Place) - Wed., April 3rd from 5-9pm
* If you have questions about fundraisers, Eat & Earns, etc, visit the PTO site or Facebook group for more info. *
Youth Group
Spring Break Serve & Learn Opportunities - We will be serving and exploring our local communities during part of our Spring Break if you are available! Drop-offs and pick-ups daily at the Tran home for participants to have a central meet-up point for the day. Drop-offs as early as 8:00am and pick-up as late as 5pm. We will send address details once you have registered for service days.
Bring your own water bottle, bagged lunch or cash for lunch. We are still awaiting group pricing information for the afternoon events and will update participants and families. (If you need to pick up early, we can communicate a designated pick up point for your youth participant on that day).
Monday, March 18th at Bethany Children's Hospital - hospital tour, prayer walk, service project (9AM-12 PM). Lunch/Afternoon: Urban Air Moore
Tuesday, March 19th at Center of Family Love Okarche - facility tour, meet and greet the residents, service project (9AM-12 PM). Lunch: Eischen's Chicken. Afternoon: Main Event - All Access Pass ($20)- unlimited play, bowling, laser tag, 2 slices of pizza
Wednesday, March 20th at St. Ann's Retirement Home - facility tour, play games with residents and mass in chapel with them (9AM-12PM). Lunch: Chick Fil A
Afternoon Service at Epiphany: landscape and groundskeeping (1 PM- 3PM). Afternoon: TBA
Participants can earn up to 15 hours of volunteer service hours for the week!
If interested in joining and volunteering with us, please sign at the Spring Break service link. We welcome parent chaperone drivers!
Parish News
St. Eugene Welcome Committee Seeks New Volunteers - If you have a heart for helping people, consider joining the St. Eugene Welcome Committee to make our newest parishioners feel right at home. Volunteer opportunities include making a few phone calls monthly to welcome newly registered parishioners as well as attending and helping at the twice-annual Welcome Reception at the rectory. For more information or to volunteer, please call Nicole Hughes at 405-361-2359.
Advent by Candlelight seeks new coordinators - For six years now, women from the parish and school have enjoyed attending Advent by Candlelight a beautiful evening of celebration and reflection that takes place on the first Sunday of Advent. The event coordinators from the past three years are seeking a couple women or team of ladies to help lead the event this year, which will take place on Sunday, Dec. 1. Please call Nicole Hughes at 405-361-2359 with questions or if you'd like to help.
Sunday Breakfast Ministry - Help out with our Sunday Breakfast ministry!. Food items can be homemade, baked or store bought! Biscuits, breads, crackers, cookies — you name it. Please sign up to host a regular Sunday or bring an item to share. It is a wonderful opportunity for a family to volunteer together.
Subscribe to the church newsletter, the St. Eugene E-Pistle. Read notes from our priests, find out what events are going on in the church and diocese, and more!
Please Pray For...
Please pray for the healing of Jake Stone, former school parent, as he battles cancer. | Please pray for Carl Greuel, grandfather of Teddy Hattaway, who is in need of prayers for healing.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer requests, please contact Kim Hattaway at
Around the Arch
Quick Links
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067