BIRCH Friday News!
October 25th
Halloween is Next Week!!
With all the lovely warm weather, it's hard to believe that Halloween is next week! We hope that you can join us on Thursday, October 31st at 8AM for our annual Halloween Parade. Our students will assemble inside and then our Kindergarten team will lead that route outside for all to enjoy. Feel free to line our circle drive to enjoy the parade. Students are welcome to come to school in their costumes. Please remember no weapons of any kind (including toy weapons) and no masks that cover faces ( may be work backwards.) Please send your student with a change of clothes as we will be changing into regular clothes in the morning.
CONGRATULATIONS: Glois Pabon Cortes, Major Kieffer-Gomez, Benjamin Zapata, Dax Geiger, Melody Vue, Blakely Hall, Abigail Angulo, Mateo Ramirez Chavez, Coralye Scrafano, Alexander Dominguez, Hunter TeKrony, Miles Burns, Aubrey Campbell, Bodie Brown, Taylor Gurley, MariRose Perez, Yasmin Valenzuela Silva
We identified and resolved a glitch in the Infinite Campus system, which mistakenly doubled the counts of absences and tardies in the attendance letters sent to parents. Moving forward, the letters will accurately reflect the counts of absences and tardies as displayed in the Parent Portal. Thank you for your understanding.
Original Works Reminder!
Please consider supporting art at Birch by ordering your child’s artwork onto a professionally made product through Original Works.
Just go to originalworks.com and enter your student’s specialized code provided last week in Friday Folders.
If you have any questions or need your code please email Mrs. Hazzard asap!
Orders are DUE OCTOBER 30th.
Thank you Birch Families!
Drop off and Pickup
Things have been getting a little dangerous in the circle drive and
streets surrounding Birch recently, so we wanted to remind everyone
of certain safety rules to follow at both drop off and pick up. We
appreciate everyone’s efforts to keep all of our kids safe.
• Only enter the circle drive if coming from the North side of the school
(from 11th Ave). NO LEFT TURNS into the circle drive.
• When exiting the circle drive, NO RIGHT TURNS are allowed, you
MUST TURN LEFT. These first two instructions help immensely with the flow of traffic.
• The circle drive is a Drop & Go Zone. Drivers CANNOT leave their
vehicles in the circle drive. Students must be ready to exit quickly.
• Students must exit the car from the passenger side (the side nearest
the sidewalk/school building). There is a high risk of being hit by a car from the other side.
• Park on the right side of the loop, drive through on the left.
•DO NOT park in yellow zones! You run the risk of being ticketed by law enforcement.
• If parking on Birch St/walking, etc, please use the crosswalks. Do not
dart across the circle drive in between cars. There have been multiple
close calls between drivers & pedestrians recently.
Thanks again for taking the steps to keep our school as safe as possible!
Please use designated doors to enter and exit in the morning and afternoon!!
Just wanted to clarify that Students should be entering through their own doors every morning and exiting every afternoon. The front door is for 3rd Grade only, unless you are late. It gets very chaotic with all students coming through the front door. Wednesday mornings, students should not be waiting in our vestibule. Pick up and Drop off should be the same door. Thank you very much!
Just a quick reminder: dogs are not allowed on campus. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our school environment safe and comfortable for all.
- Dental Clinic-Monday, October 28th @ Birch
- Halloween Parade-Thursday, October 31st @8:00am Outside in the Circle Drive
- School Picture ReTake Day-Friday, November 1st
- Kinder Showcase-Friday, November 1st (1pm-1:50pm)
- Veteran's Day-NO SCHOOL-Monday, November 11th
- Dinner Night Out @ 5280 BURGER BAR-Tuesday, November 12th
- 1ST Grade Field Trip-Denver Center for the Performing Arts-Thursday, November 14th (9:15am-1:15pm)
- Coffee with the Counselor & Principal-Friday, November 15th @ 8am
- Birch Open Enrollment Talk & Tour-Friday, November 15th (10am-11am)
- Skate City Night-Monday, November 18th (5pm-7pm)
- PTO Meeting-Tuesday, November 19th @ 6pm
- 1ST Grade Showcase-Friday, November 22nd (8:55am-9:45am)
- Fall Conference Exchange Days NO SCHOOL-Monday & Tuesday November 25th and 26th
- NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Break-Wednesday-Friday, November 27th-29th
Birch Elementary
Counselor-Emily Tweten
Office Manager-Kristy Shanks
Registrar-Mary O'Brien
Health Assistant-Carol Bristow
Website: https://bie.bvsd.org/
Location: 1035 Birch Street, Broomfield, CO, USA
Phone: 720-561-8800